
Long Vest Free Pattern

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The magnificent vest with a collar of a shawl will conquer hearts of many knitters.

Size: XS/S (XL)

You will need

750 (900) G yarn color Flax (100% merino wool, 110 m/50g);
Spokes № 4.5.

Elastic Band 2 x 2: Alternately 2 persons. N., 2 P.;

Facial surface: Faces. P. – Persons. P., N. P.-N. P.;

Openwork pattern: Number of Loops multiple 14 + 2 chrome. Knit according to scheme 1, which contains only persons. P., in P. Loops knit on the figure, knitting scum Start with chrome. P. and loops before rapport, repeat rapport, finishing loops after rapport and chrome. P. Repeat 1 time from the 1st to the 30th, then repeat from the 3rd to the 30th p.

Spit A (width 6 p.): Knit on the Scheme 2, which contains only persons. P., in P. Loops knit on the figure. Repeat from 1st to 8th p.

Spit B (Width 6 p.): Knit as braid A, but according to the scheme 3. Repeat from 1st to 8th p.

Density of knitting

Elastic Band 2 x 2:24 p. and 26 P. = 10 x 10 cm;

Openwork pattern: 20.5 p. and 26 P. = 10 x 10 cm;

Spit A and B: 6 p. = 2.5 cm wide.


Dial 116 (148) p. and knit 6 cm elastic Band 2 x 2, starting and ending 2 persons. Then to knit an openwork pattern, thus evenly to reduce in 1-M p. From a Gum 2 (6) p., we shall receive on Spokes 114 (142) p. After 14 (13 sm) from a gum reduce for pritalvanija on both parties on 1 p. and alternately in each 4th and 6th р. 10 x 1 P. , = 92 (120) p. Through 41 (37) cm from the gum add on both sides of 1 p. and in each 8th p. 2 x 1 p., = 98 (126) p., including the added loops in the pattern. After 50 (46) cm from the gum close to the armholes on both sides of 4 p., in each 2nd P. 2 x 2 and 3 x 1 p. and the next 4th p. 1 x 1 p., = 74 (102) p. 70 cm from the gum close to the shoulder bevel on both sides 5 (7) P. and in each 2nd P. 3 x 5 (8) p. At the same time with the 1st decrease of the shoulder to close for the neck cut average 22 (28) p. and both sides to finish separately. For rounding close from the inner edge in each 2nd p. 1 x 4 and 1 x 2 p. Finish the work through 72.5 cm from the gum.

Left Shelf

Dial 64 (78) p. and knit as follows: Chrome. P., 44 (58) p. Gum 2 x 2, starting with 2 persons. (N.) and finishing 2 Izh., 6 p. Spit A, 12 p. Gum 2 x 2, starting with 2. and ending with 2 persons., Chrome. After 6 SM from the beginning of work to start to knit the first 45 (59) p. openwork pattern, thus in 1-th p. Evenly to reduce 2 p., = 62 (76) p. Execute on the right side of the pritalisation, as on a backrest. After 47 cm from the beginning of the work add for the collar of the shawl between the 5th and 4th p. From the end to the crown of the stretch 2 p. (= 1 persons. and 1 persons. Cross.). In the future knit these both loops of faces. And from the previous stretch to add in each 2nd P. 2 x 1, 1 x 2, 12 x 1 P., in each 4th p. 4 x 1 P. and in each 6th p. 6 x 1 P., including the added loops on the pattern in the gum. After 50 cm from the beginning of the work to the inner expansion of the collar both loops up to the spit together. And after the spit to add from the stretch 1 scrape. Including it by a pattern in an elastic band. These reduce and add repeat another 7 (10) times in each 8th (6th) p. Run on the right side of the ARMU and bevel shoulder as on the backrest. For the remaining 50 (53) of the P. Tie another 13 (15) cm by the patterned Rubber Band 2 x 2 and then these loops to postpone.

Right Shelf

Knit symmetrically left and with oblique B.


Dial 52 (64) p. and tie between the edge 18 cm elastic Band 2 x 2, starting and ending with 2 faces. Then to knit openwork pattern, thus to start between Kromovyi with 4 (3) p. Before Raport, to repeat 3 (4) times raport and to finish first 4 (3) p. After Raport. Simultaneously from a gum to add for Skosov a hand from both parties in each 6th p. 11 х (alternately in each 4 and 6-th p. 13 х) 1 P. = 74, 5 (90) p., including the added loops in a pattern. After 26 cm from the gum close for the okata sleeves on both sides 2 (3) p., in each 2nd p. 1 x 2 and 5 (4) x 1 P., in each 4th p. 2 x 1 P. and in each 2nd p. 3 x 1 , 4 x 2 and 1 (2) x 3 p. After 41 cm from the gum close the remaining 24 (34) p.


Perform shoulder seams;  Sew the postponed loops of a collar with a knitted seam and sew a collar to a cut of a neck of a backrest, slightly having put a collar. Fit the sleeves, carry out side seams and seams of sleeves.

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