
White Booties Free Pattern

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Look how gentle they are...
The beginning of the top, 41 hinges, I think, is enough, but, of course, depends on the thickness of yarn and spokes, and the size of the foot.
To touch 20 loops facial, scum, 1 persons.-This is the central loop, scum, 20 persons. 
All the odd rows of knit purl.
3-row: 20 persons., scum, 1 persons, scum, 1 persons., scum, 1 persons., scum, 20 persons.
In the following purl rows of scum after and before 20 persons. Knit purl behind the back walls, and the scum before and after the central loop knit the usual reverse to get a hole.
5-row: 20 persons., Scum, 2 persons., scum, 1 persons., scum, 2 persons., scum, 20 persons.
7-row: 20 persons., scum, 3 persons., scum, 1 persons., scum, 3 persons., scum, 20 persons.
9-row: 20 persons., Scum, 4 persons., scum, 1 persons., scum, 4 persons., Scum, 20 persons.
So add to the desired length of the mouse.
Continue to touch the Platelkoj 6 rows without additions.
The sole is knit as follows, knit only the middle 9-10 making the bottom of the two sides as the heel until the spokes will not remain 9-10 loops.
Further to raise loops from Bokovushkas and again to knit 9-10 loops making a decrease as at a heel-this back half slippers. Kill all loops at the side of the end of the remaining on the spokes 9-10 loops.
Well and make a beautiful embroidery ribbons.


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