

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Dimensions: Description given for size S (M, L, XL, XXL). The dimensions of the finished product are shown on the pattern.

For work you will need: 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) skeins of yarn (100% wool, 128 m / 50 g); straight or circular (80 cm) 5 mm knitting needles, an auxiliary needle and an additional needle for closing the loops, a knitting needle, markers and holders for the loops.

Sample Knitting Density (Before Blocking):

18 p. And 25.5 p. = 10 cm face;

25 p. And 25.5 p. = 10 cm aran pattern.

Final knitting density (after blocking):

17.5 p. And 25.5 p. = 10 cm face;

22 p. And 25.5 p. = 10 cm in aran pattern;

7 p. Slats according to the scheme A = 3 cm (width);

21 p. Slats according to the scheme B = 9 cm (width).

Description of knitting cardigan knitting

Right side of the front.

Dial 59 (65, 71, 75, 85) n. And knit with an elastic band:

Track. R. (IS): 2 out., * 1 persons., 1 out .; repeat from * to the last 3 p., 1 person., 2 born.

Track. R. (BOS): 2 persons., * 1 out. 1 persons .; repeat from * to the last 3 p., 1 out., 2 persons.

Repeat the last 2 rows and tie 5 cm, finish in the purl row.

Planck of Aran (for the right side starts from the gate).

1st installation p. (BOS): 2 persons., * 2 ex., 3 persons., 2 ex., 1 persons., 3 ex., 13 persons., 3 ex., 1 persons .; repeat from * once more, [2 out., 3 persons., 2 out.] 0 (1, 1, 1, 1) times, [1 person., 3 out., 13 persons, 2 out.] 0 (0, 0, 0, 1) times, 0 (0, 1, 1, 0) persons, 0 (0, 3, 3, 0) int, 1 (0, 2, 6, 1) persons.

2nd installation p. (IC): all the loops knit by pattern.

Only for size S:

Track. R. (BOS): 2 persons., * 7 items under scheme A, 21 under scheme B; repeat from * once more, 1 person.

Only for sizes - (M, L, XL, -):

Track. R. (BOS): 2 persons., * 7 p. Under scheme A, 21 p. Under scheme B; repeat from * 1 more time, then 7 items under scheme A, then - (0, 1, 1, -) persons., - (0, 3, 3, -) wear., - (0, 2, 6, -) persons.

Only for XXL size:

Track. R. (BOS): 2 persons., * 7 p. Under scheme A, 21 p. Under scheme B; repeat from * once more, then 7 items under scheme A, then knit from 1 to 19 points under scheme B again, 1 person.

For all sizes:

Continue the work as established and link 70 (73, 76, 79, 82) cm from the beginning of the pattern of Aran or 182 (190, 198, 206, 216) rows of the pattern. Transfer the hinges to the holder. Cut the thread, leaving a long section.

To designate a further set of loops for the sleeves and the back, mark the end of the 80th row (from the beginning of the aran pattern) and then the end of the 42 (44, 46, 48, 50) -th p. after the first mark. The remaining 60 (66, 72, 78, 86) rows after the 2nd mark are for the back.

Left side of the front.

Dial 59 (65, 71, 75, 85) n. And knit with a rubber band as for the right side.

Planck of Aran.

1st installation p. (BOS): 1 (0, 2, 6, 1) persons., 0 (0, 3, 3, 0) int., 0 (0, 1, 1, 0) persons. [2 ext., 13 persons. ., 3 out., 1 persons.] 0 (0, 0, 0, 1) times, [2 out., 3 persons., 2 out.] 0 (1, 1, 1, 1) times, * 1 persons ., 3 out., 13 persons., 3 out., 1 person., 2 out., 3 person., 2 person .; repeat from * once more, 2 persons.

2nd installation p. (IC): all the loops knit by pattern.

Only for size S:

Track. R. (BOS): 1 person., * 21 p. Under scheme B, 7 p. Under scheme A; repeat from * once more, 2 persons.

Only for sizes - (M, L, XL, -):

Next R. (BOS): - (0, 2, 6, -) persons., - (0, 3, 3, -) izn., - (0, 1, 1, -) persons., 7 p. According to scheme A, * 21 items according to the scheme B, 7 points according to the scheme A; repeat from * once more, 2 persons.

Only for size XXL:

Track. R. (BOS): 1 person., C 3 to 21 loops according to scheme B, 7 p. According to scheme A, * 21 p. According to scheme B, 7 p. According to scheme A; repeat from * once more, 2 persons.

For all sizes:

Continue work and tie the same number of rows as for the right side. Mark the beginning of the same rows with markers for a further set of loops for the sleeves and for the back.

The union of the right and left side.

Holding the knitting needles of both sides parallel with the inside of the sides, close all the loops with the third needle.


From the front side, lift and knit with the front 85 (93, 101, 111, 119) sections between the markers for the remaining 120 (132, 144, 158, 172) rows of both sides in front.

Track. R. (IC): knit purl.

Next, knit straight facial (face. In the Republic of Latvia, wear. In IR) 47 (47.5, 48, 48.5, 50) cm or 122 (124, 126, 128, 130) rows. Mark markers on both sides with 42 (44, 46, 48, 50) th p. from lifting loops to mark the armhole (for the further set of loops for the sleeves). Continue with 1x1 rubber band and tie 5 cm. Close the hinges according to the pattern.

Right sleeve.

Hinges for sleeves rise between the markers of the right side of the front and back.

From the front side, starting about the marker on the right side of the back, lift and knit with the front 30 (31, 32, 33, 35) n. Up to the marker of the right front side, lift 1 connecting face. p. and then raise and knit 30 (31, 32, 33, 35) p. down the right front between markers = 61 (63, 65, 67, 71) p.

Next, knit straight facial 30 cm or 80 rows from lifting loops. Continue with 1x1 rubber band and tie 5 cm. Close the hinges according to the pattern. Cut the thread leaving a long length (for stitching).

Left sleeve.

Knit as a right sleeve, but raise the loop from the left side of the front and ending with the back.


Wash the product in warm water. Squeeze between towels. Spread out on exactly the surface, aligning all sides on the pattern. Let the product dry.

Run the side seams and the seams of the sleeves with a mattress seam. Hide on the seamy side of all the threads. Lightly steam seams.

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