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The stripes of a beautiful floral pattern against the background of the front surface of the jumper look especially impressive.


36/38 (40/42)


Yarn (100% cotton; 165 m / 50 g) - 400 (450) g ​​cream; Knitting needles № 2,5 and 3; circular needles No. 3 40 cm long

Openwork pattern
Knit 31 items according to the above scheme. The diagram shows only the front rows. In the purl rows of the loop knit on the pattern, nakida - purl. In height, repeat from the 1st to the 12th row.

Fucking gaze

Facial rows - purl loops, purl rows - facial loops. 
In the circular rows to loop all the loops.

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops. 
In the circular rows of all loops knit facial.

29 p. X 38 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the front surface; 
openwork pattern - 31 p. = 10 cm (all samples are made on the spokes number 3).


On the spokes №2,5 dial 134 (146) p., Starting with the inside. rows, knit for the bottom bar 3 p. back purl. 

Then go to the spokes number 3 and continue the work, distributing the loops of the patterns as follows: Krom., 14 (20) p. smoothing, 31 p. openwork pattern, 87 (93) p. persons. smooth 

Through 35.5 (34) cm = 134 (130) p. from the lower plank close on both sides for the armholes, first by 5 (6) p., then in each 2nd p. 1 time for 3 p., 1 time for 2 p. And 4 (6) times for 1 p. = 106 (112) p. 

After 15 (16.5) cm = 58 (62) p. from the beginning of armhole to perform on both sides shoulder bevels: from the side of the openwork pattern in each 2nd p. close 3 times 9 (10) points and 1 time 8 points, on the side of the front surface, close in each 2nd p. 4 times by 8 points (1 time 8 points and 3 times by 9 points). In the next persons. a number to close the remaining 39 p. for the neck.

Knit symmetrically back, while the loop after the lower bar distribute as follows: chrome., 87 (93) n. Persons. smooth surface, 31 p. openwork pattern, 14 (20) p. persons. smooth Armholes to perform, as in the back. 

Through 12 cm = 46 p. from the beginning of the armhole to make a deeper neck make marks: from the right working edge attach a marker through 32 (35) paragraph, from the left - through 35 (38) paragraph above the openwork pattern. Of the remaining 39 p. Close the middle 19 p. And first finish the left side. 

To round the neck close from the inside edge in each 2nd p. 1 time 3 p., 1 time 2 p. And 5 times 1 p. Shoulder bevels, as on the back. 

The second side finish symmetrically.

On the spokes №2,5 dial 69 (75) n. And, starting with the inside. rows, knit for the bottom bar 3 p. back purl. 

Then go to the spokes number 3 and continue the work, distributing the loops of the patterns as follows: Krom., 18 (21) p. smoothing, 31 p. openwork pattern, 18 (21) p. persons. smooth 

Through 14 (12) p. from the plank add on both sides for bevels, first by 1 p., then in each 14 (12th) p. another 10 (11) times 1 p. = 91 (99) p. On the added loops, knit with the front satin stitch. 

Through 41 (40) cm = 156 (152) p. from the plank close on both sides for okat by 5 (6) p., then in each 2nd p. 1 time for 3 p., 1 time for 2 p., 5 (6) times for 1 p., In each 4th p. 4 times 1 p., Then again in every 2nd p. 5 (6) times for 1 p., 1 time for 2 p. And 1 time for 3 (4) p. On the remaining 33 pp knit for shoulder strap / shoulder yoke another 11 (12) cm with an openwork pattern. 

Then from the left edge close for the neck 1 time 8 sts and then in each 2nd p. 1 more time 6 points and 1 time 2 points. For the remaining 17 points, continue the openwork pattern. 

After 7 cm from the last loop decrease temporarily leave.

Knit symmetrically to the left sleeve.

Open loop of the sleeves knit knit seam. Sew down sleeves with a yoke to the front and back. Run side seams and sleeve seams. 

Along the edge of the neckline, dial the circular needles 94 (98) p. And knit in a circle 2 p. purl, then close the loop, as with the front knitting. 

Photo: magazine «Verena» №2 / 2017

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