
Crochet Bat Shawl Free Pattern

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The triangular shawl is connected by spokes. In order that the shawl did not slip off the shoulders and it did not have to, constantly, correct designer suggested shawl-poncho. The triangular ends of the shawl begin and end with openwork tracks, which, subsequently, are sewn on Desired length.

This model starts with a small knitted tab and grows outward from the center of the neck edge as you could work a traditional triangular handkerchief. Initially the garment is worked flat (round trip) and then the two ribs are then joined to work on the tour, and finally the same two ribs are separated again to work the apartment (back and forth).

Placement of beads: beads are placed on RS strings, using a very narrow steel knitting hook. In order to place the ball on the seam, insert the hook through the hole into the ball slip bead on the hook shaft. Slide the stitch from the left needle and onto the hook, insert the ball down with the hook and on the seam. Slide the stitch back to the left needle and knit it.

Placing the beads on also reduce: place the ball before the start of the reduction.

CCC: Place the ball on the 1st on the left needle
K2tog: Place the ball on the 2nd on the left needle
S2kpo: Place the ball on the 2nd on the left needle


Pay tab
With a short needle is superimposed on 2 loops. Knitted 10 lines

The following line [WS]: K2, pick up and knit 5 loops in the platridges along the part of the tab; Pick up and knit 2 loops in a cast on the edge. 9 p. 

Row 1 [RS]: K2, year, K2, year, evening, K1, evening, year, K2, year, K2. 13th c. 

Row 2 [WS]: K2, p K last 2 loops, K2. 

Row 3 [RS]: K2, year, to the first center markers, year, CM, K1, cm, UO, K 2 loops through, year, K2. 4 loops increases. 

Line 4 [WS]: K2, p K last 2 loops, K2.

Repeat series 3-4 more than 36 times, up to 161 STS.

Round 1, tuning round: KFB, K1, year, to the first mark of the center, year, CM, K1, cm, year, to the 2nd loops to the end, yo, evenings. This is the new beginning of the round. Don't turn work. With the 2 loops remaining on the left hand needle, slide the work from the opposite edge to the end of the left tip of the needle to join the work on the tour. 5 loops increases. 

Stage 2: R1, P2tog, (this is the last UL of one edge and the first of the other edge purled together), the R2, K by the end of the round. The 1st has decreased. 

Round 3: K4, yo, knit First center marker, year, CM, K1, cm, yo, knit to end of round markers, year (up to markers). 

Round 4: P4, to the end of the round. 

Repeat rounds 3-4 15 more times. 229

On chart A 
Round 1: K4, year, work chart A to the first center of th markers (working pattern repeat 4 times), year, CM, K1, cm, year, work diagrams a until the end of the round, year. 4 loops increases. 
Round 2: P4, work graphics A to the first center markers (working pattern repeat 4 times), K1, work schedule a until the end of the round. 
Working as a set before Chart A is not complete. 273 the STS.

Chart B
At this point you resume work flat. Change to the side of longer needles if necessary. 

Row 1 [RS]: K4, year, work scheme B to the first marker, (working pattern repeat 5 times), year, CM, K1, cm, year, work Chart B until the end of the round, year, remove the marker, K2. Turn on the work to start working flat. 4 loops increases. 

Row 2 [WS]: K2, work scheme B to the first center mark, p1, work diagram B to the last two loops, K2. 

Row 3 [RS]: K2, UO, work scheme B to the first center mark, year, CM, K1, cm, year, work scheme B to last 2, StS years, K2. 4 loops increases. 

Line 4 [WS]: K2, work scheme B to the first center mark, p1, work diagram B to the last two loops, K2. 

Working as a set before Chart B is not complete. 321 the STS.

Diagram C 
Row 1 [RS]: K2, UO, work schedule C to the first center markers (working pattern repeat 6 times), year, CM, K1, cm, year, work schedule C to the last 2, StS years, K2. 4 loops increases. 

Row 2 [WS]: K2, work graph C to the first center markers, p1, work graph C to the last 2 loops, K2. 

Work as a set before Chart C is complete. 345

Chart D 
Row 1 [RS]: K2, UO, work scheme D to the first central marker (working pattern repeat 6 times), year, CM, K1, cm, year, work chart D to last 2, StS years, K2. 4 loops increases. 

Row 2 [WS]: K2, Work Scheme D to the first center markers, p1, work diagram D to the last two loops, K2. 

Working as a set before Chart D is not complete. 373

Scheme E 
Row 1 [RS]: K2, UO, work diagram E to the first central marker (working pattern repeat 8 times), year, CM, K1, cm, year, work scheme E to last 2, StS years, K2. 4 loops increases. 

Row 2 [WS]: K2, work Diagram E to make the first center marker, p1, working diagram E to the last 2 loops, K2. 

Work as a set before Chart E is complete. 401 the STS.

Bind from loosely as follows: K1; * K1, slip on 2 loops back on the left spokes and knit them together TBL; No rep from * to 1st REM; Cut the thread and drag the final go to ensure.

Weave at the ends and block by pressing from the bottom edge of the point as shown in the figure. Leave the upper corner (the opening of the neck) unfastened-Simply smooth flat.

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