
How to easily calculate loops before knitting

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What is the best way to calculate the number of loops before knitting, in order not to get too small or too big thing? How to dial the correct number of loops and knit immediately the right size, and not to dissolve and not bandage afterwards. Such a question, I am sure, asked every needlewoman, especially a novice needlewoman. 

I found for myself a way to calculate the loops, which I use now when knitting not only hats, but also when knitting sweaters, jumpers ... And I can say that this method did not let me down even once! True, never. I find gaining loops and yes! I knit the right size at once! 

This is what I am doing now: 

1. I knit a small sample (10x10 or even less). 

2. Next, I calculate how many loops there are in 1cm, and then, for example, 5 cm. 

3. Based on the received numbers, I use the proportion to calculate how many loops I need to dial, for example, for 55 cm width. .

4. Further, I also count how many loops are also contained in 1 cm and 5 cm. But not only do I measure a sample with a ruler, but I stretch it a little, exactly as the finished product will be worn. After all, the cap should still be a little tight head. We wear a sweater freely, but a slight tension of the threads is still the same when we put the thing on. 

I note that it is important not to overdo it, do not need to strongly stretch the thing! I always imagine how the threads of the product will be stretched when the product is put on the person. 

5. Now, proceeding from the new values ​​obtained, again using proportions, I count how many loops you need to dial, for example, to work with a width of 55 cm. Again, I have 2 values.

6. And then I consider the arithmetic average value between the 4 values ​​obtained. 
(110 + 99 + 83 + 77): 4 = 92 p. 

7. I adjust the resulting number a little: for example, 92 p. + 2 edge. 

This is the way I use it. Probably, it may seem too cumbersome, too much to consider. But I can say that he never let me down. I spend no more than 10 minutes, certainly, on calculations, but I knit it right away, without any offensive, and, by the way, more time-consuming alterations. 


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