
How to knit a ball crochet

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1 row: dial 2 air loops, closes the ring. In this ring provyazyvaem 6 columns without nakida. 

2 row: be sure to mark with a contrast thread the beginning of the row! Knit in each column of the previous row 2 columns without nakida. It turns out 12 columns. 

3 row: we knit 2 columns without single crochet in one column of the previous row, then 1 column without single crochet in 1 column of the previous row. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 18 columns. 

4 row: increase, 2 columns without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 24 columns. 

5 row: increase, 3 columns without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 30 columns. 

6 row: increase, 4 columns without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 36 columns. 

7-12 rows: 6 rows knit evenly, without increments.

13 row: decrease, 4 columns without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 30 columns. 

14 row: decrease, 3 columns without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 24 columns. 

15 row: decrease, 2 columns without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 18 columns. 

16 row: decrease, 1 column without nakida. From repeat 6 times. It turns out 12 columns. 

17 row: 6 down. It turns out 6 columns. 

Pull the resulting hole with a needle. 

Here comes a smooth ball!  

And I’ll open a little secret: According to this scheme, you can knit balls of any size, you just need to make 6 increments in each row evenly, then knit evenly, then in each row you can evenly reduce 6 times.

And count the number of rows that need to knit exactly, so that the ball turned round is very easy! It is necessary to divide the number of bars in the last row with increments by 6! It turns out the number of even rows. 

For example: in our example in the last row with increments we got 36 columns. Divide by 6, it turns out 6 rows exactly. And if you knit a bigger ball, suppose there are 60 columns in the last row with increments. We divide by 6, we get 10 rows that need to be knit exactly! 


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