
Booties knitting blackberry

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Booties knitting blackberry. Rimma's work 

Booties "Blackberry". Yarn Semenovskaya "Souffle". Spokes 3.0 mm. 

Description of bootees:
Dial 37 loops and knit garter stitch. 
1 row - all persons. 
2nd row - cr, 1 person, nak, 16 person, nak, 1 person, nak, 16 person, nak, 1 person, cr. 3 row and all odd rows - persons. 
4 row - cr, 2 persons, nak, 16 persons, nak, 3 persons, nak, 16 persons, nak, 2 persons, cr. 
6 row - cr, 3 persons, NAC, 16 persons, NAC, 5 persons, NAC, 16 persons, NAC, 3 persons, cr. 
8 row - cr, 4 persons, NAC, 16 persons, NAC, 7 persons, NAC, 16 persons, NAC, 4 persons, cr. 
9, 10, 11 rows - 53 persons. This is the sole.

Next, the “edge” of the booties are knitted with a thread of a different color:
1 row - 53 persons. 
2nd row - 53 out. 
3 row - 53 persons. 
4 row - 53 out. 
5 row - 53 persons. 
6 row - 53 out. 
7 row - we join a edging, bend it in half (we remove the loop from the left knitting needle with the right knitting needle, seize the loop on the wrong side and knit the two loops for 1 person., Etc.) The needles have 53 loops.

Then on the wrong side 1 row of persons. loop, then 6 rows garter viscous, 3 persons. in the center, in even rows of 3 in the center, in the 7th row in the center, swap the 1st and 3rd loops, 2nd in the center and tie their faces. Next on the face knitting 9 row: 21 front, 2 times 2 wm. facial, 3 persons, 2 times 2 wm. persons., 21 persons. On the wrong side, all the loops are facial, except for 3 central ones, to be interchanged through a row across the face. So knit until 37 loops remain on the needles.

On the front side of the thread with a different color, knit 37 loops with facial loops. at the end add 1 loop from the broach to get an even number of loops. On the wrong side knit with a rubber band 1 * 1 1 row. Next, knit the cuff on the picture. Face side: 1 row: all worn out. loops. 2nd row: cr, (out of 1, knit 3, 3 together ip.), Repeat in brackets to the end of the row, cr. 3 row: all worn out. loops. 4th row: cr, (3 together, out of 1, knit 3), repeat in brackets to the end of the row, cr. Then repeat the pattern from row 1 to row 4 3 times. By persons. side 1 row purl loops. Next, 7 rows of stockings.

Bootie assembly:
Close the loop. Bend and sew. Sew a bootie. Tie a string of 120 vozd. loops. Shoot string. Sole length 11 cm. 


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