
Bear Pandigton Free Pattern

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We need: 
- yarn brown, red, blue, a little black; 
- hook; 
- filler; 
- a pair of peepholes; 
- 3 buttons; 
- needle and scissors. 
- nakida column N - increase 
Y - subtraction of airspace 
- air loop 
PSSN - half 
column with nakida 
CCH - nakida column SS2N - column with 2 nakida 
Bears Paddington amigurumi 
Bear Paddington amigurumi
Brown yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurumi (6) 
2: 6П (12) 
3: (1СБН, 1П) - 6 times (18) 
4: (2СБН, 1П) - 6 times (24) 
5: (3СБН, 1П) - 6 times (30) 
6: (4SBN, 1P) - 6 times (36) 
7: (5SBN, 1P) - 6 times (42) 
8: (6SBN, 1P) - 6 times (48)
9-17: 48СБН (48) 
18: (6СБН, 1У) - 6 times (42) 
19-22: 42СБН (42) 
23: (5СБН, 1У) - 6 times (36) 
24-27: 36СБН (36) 
28: (4СБН, 1У) - 6 times (30) 
29-31: 30СБН (30) 
32: (3СБН, 1У) - 6 times (24) 
33-34: 24СБН (24) 
35: (2СБН, 1У) - 6 times (18) 
36: 18СБН (18) 
Finish knitting, fill the torso. Do not close the hole. 
Brown yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurum (6) 
2: 6П (12) 
3: (3СБН, 1П) - 3 times (15) 
4: (4СБН, 1П) - 3 times (18) 
5: (5СБН, 1П) - 3 times (21) 
6: (6SBN, 1P) - 3 times (24) 
7: 24SBN (24) 
8: (3SBN, 1P) - 6 times (30) 
9: (4SBN, 1P) - 6 times (36)
10: (5СБН, 1П) - 6 times (42) 
11: (6СБН, 1П) - 6 times (48) 
12: 48СБН (48) 
13: (7СБН, 1П) - 6 times (54) 
14-16: 54СБН (54) 
17: (7СБН, 1У) - 6 times (48) 
18: 48СБН (48) 
19: (6СБН, 1У) - 6 times (42) 
20: 42СБН (42) 
21: (5СБН, 1У) - 6 times (36) 
22: 36СБН (36) 
23: (4СБН, 1У) - 6 times (30) 
24: 30СБН (30) 
25: (3СБН, 1У) - 6 times (24) 
26: (2СБН, 1У) - 6 times (18) 
27: (1СБН, 1У) - 6 times (12) 
Fill the head. 
28: 6U (6) 
Finish knitting, close the hole with a needle. 
Embroider the nose, attach the eyes. 
Brown yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurumi (6)
2: 6P (12) 
3: (1P, 1СБН) - 2 times, 1 PSSN and 1CCN in one loop, 1CCN and 1CC2H in one loop, 1CC2H and 1CCN in one loop, 1CCN and 1PSN in one loop, (1СБН, 1П) - 2 times (20) 
Finish knitting, leaving the thread for sewing. Sew your ears to your head. 
Brown yarn. 
Chain of 10VP. 
1: starting from the second loop from the hook, 8СБН, 4СБН in the last loop of the chain, continue knitting around the chain, 7СБН, 3СБН in the last loop of the chain (22) 
2: 9СБН, 2П, 9СБН, 2П (26) 
3-4: 26СБН ( 26) 
5: 7СБН, 4У, 11СБН (22) 
6: 7СБН, 2У, 11СБН (20) 
7-13: 20СБН (20) 
14: (8СБН, 1У) - 2 times (18) 
15-16: 18СБН (18 ) 
Finish knitting, fill the part. Sew legs to body. 
Brown yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurumi (6) 
2: 6П (12) 
3-7: 12СБН (12) 
8: (1П, 3СБН) - 3 times (15) 
9-23: 15СБН (15) 
24: (В, 3СБН ) - 3 times (12) 
25: (1U, 2SBN) - 3 times (9) 
Finish knitting, leaving the thread for sewing. Fill the part. Sew your hands to your body. 
Red yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurum (6) 
2: 6П (12) 
3: (1СБН, 1П) - 6 times (18) 
4: (2СБН, 1П) - 6 times (24) 
5: (3СБН, 1П) - 6 times (30) 
6: (4SBN, 1P) - 6 times (36) 
7: (5SBN, 1P) - 6 times (42) 
8: 42SBN for the back wall of the loop (42) 
9: 42SBN (42) 
10: (1P , 13СБН) - 3 times (45)
11: (1P, 14SBN) - 3 times (48) 
12-13: 48SBN (48) 
14: (1P, 15SBN) - 3 times (51) 
15: (1P, 16SBN) - 3 times (54) 
16: ( 1P, 8SBN) - 6 times (60) 
17: (1P, 9SBN) - 6 times (66) 
18: (1P, 10SBN) - 6 times (72) 
19: (1P, 11SBN) - 6 times (78) 
20 : (1P, 12SBN) - 6 times (84) 
21: (1P, 13SBN) - 6 times (90) 
22: 90SBN (90) 
Finish knitting, hide the thread. 
Blue yarn Also take a larger hook than the one you used to knit Paddington amigurumi . 
Dial a chain of 81VP. 
1: starting from the second from the hook of the 2SBN loop, (skip 1 loop, 2SBN) - to the end of the row, turn (54) 
2-8: 1VP, 54SBN, turn (54)
9: 1VP, (9SBN, 1U) - 2 times, 10SBN, (1U, 9SBN) - 2 times, turn (50) 
10-16: 1VP, 50SBN, turn (50) 
17: 1VP, (8SBN, 1U) - 2 times, 10SBN, (1U, 8SBN) - 2 times (46) 
18-22: 1VP, 46SBN, turn (46) 
23: 1VP, (7SBN, 1U) - 2 times, 10SBN, (1U, 7SBN) - 2 times (42) 
24: 1VP, 42SBN, turn (42) 
Holes for the sleeves. 
25-30: 1VP, 8SBN, turn (8) 
Finish knitting. 
Then skip 6 loops, insert the hook into the next loop and tie 
25: 1VP, 1СБН to the same loop, 13СБН, turn (14) 
26-30: 1ВП, 14СБН, turn (14) 
Finish knitting. 
Pass 6 loops, insert the hook into the next loop and tie 
25: 1VP, 1СБН to the same loop, 7СБН, turn (8)
26-30: 1ВП, 8СБН, turn (8) 
DO NOT finish knitting. 
31: 1VP, 8SBN, 4VP, 14SBN, 4VP, 8SBN, turn (38) 
32-33: 1VP, 38SBN (38) 
34: 1VP, 10SBN, (1P, 2SBN) - 6 times, 1P, 9SBN, turn (45 ) 
35-60: 1ВП, 45СБН, turn (45) 
Finish knitting. 
Fold the hood in half and sew. 
Chain of 30VP. 
1: starting from the second from the hook of the 2SBN loop, (skip one loop, 2SBN) - to the end of the row, turn (20) 
2-16: 1VP, 20SBN, turn (20) 
Finish knitting. 
Sew sleeves into the holes. 
Sew three buttons and make loops of VP chains of the desired length.


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