
Orange Amigurumi

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Yellow thread: 
1 p. 6 loops in the spacecraft. 
2 p. 6 increments. 
3 p. (1 Arb., 1 approx.) × 6 + 1 Arb. 
4 p. (2 Arb., 1 approx.) × 6 + 1 Arb. 
5 r. (3 Arb., 1 approx.) × 6 + 1 Arb. 
6 p. (4 sat., 1 ap.) × 6 + 1 sat. 
The next row of white thread: 
7 p. (5 sat., 1 ap.) × 6 + 1 sat. 
We do not cut the white thread, embroider the partitions later. 
Again, go to the yellow: 
8 p. (6 Sat., 1 app.) × 6 + 1 ss. 
We embroider the partitions with white through the center. 
In order for our orange to not look like a ball, you need to make a "slice" hard. To do this, we circle the resulting circle on the cardboard. 
Knit on. Go to the "crust") 
9 p. 48 Sat for the back half. 
10-13 p. 48 Sat 
Cut and paste the cardboard circle.
We stuff a toy with filler in the process. 
14 p. (6 sb., 1 decrease) × 6 
15 p. (5 BN, 1 decrease) × 6 
16 p. (4 sbn., 1 decrease) × 6 
17 p. (3 sbn., 1 decrease) × 6 
18 p. (2 sb., 1 decrease) × 6 
19 p. (1 sb., 1 decrease) × 6 
20 p. We make reductions in a row until we close the hole. Tighten and close the thread completely. 
At will it is possible to add with a leaf of 1-3 pieces. 🍃 
10 in. 
Starting from the 2nd loop from the hook 8 ss. 
Expand knitting. And knit for half-loops: 
1 Cb 
1 Psn 
1 ssn 
1 tbsp. with 2 nak. 
1 ssn 
1 psn 
1 sbn 
1 ss 
1 Bp 
Transition to the other side 
1 ss 
1 Sat
1 Psn 
1 ssn 
1 tbsp. from 2 to 
1 ssn 
1 psn 
1 ss 
We cut the thread, leaving a long tail, sew a leaf.


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