
Description of knitting a snowman from

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I have a yarn YarnArt Jeans, hook 2mm. 
⠀ The snowman is 6 cm tall. ⠀ Legend. KA - amigurumi ring vp - air loop ss - connecting column sbn - column without nakida psn - half column with nakidom ssn - column with nakida pr - increase kill - decrease We knit in a spiral. ⠀ Body and head Knit with white yarn. 1. 6sbn in SV (6) 2. 6pr (12) 3. (pr, sbn) * 6 (18)

4. (2sbn, pr) * 2; knotting the leg: 3vp, 2psn in the 3rd loop from the hook; 2sbn, pr, 2sbn; second leg: 3vp, 2psn to 3rd loop from hook; pr, (2sbn, pr) * 2 (24) 
5. We knit behind the back walls of the loops: 24sbn (24) 
6-10 rows. 24sbn (5 rows) (24) 
11. (4sbn, ub) * 4 (20) 
12. (3sbn, ub) * 4 (16) 
13. (2sbn, ub) * 4 (12) 
14. 12sbn (12) 
Here the head begins. 
15. We knit for the front half-loops: (pr, sbn) * 6 (18) 
16. (pr, 2sbn) * 6 (24) 
17-20 rows. 24sbn (4 rows) (24) 
21. (2sbn, ub) * 6 (18) 
22. (Ubn, ub) * 6 (12) 
23. 6ub (6) 
Spout (orange) 
Gather 4vp and knit starting from 2 st from the hook loop: ss, 2sbn 
You can separately tie the spout and then sew.
I knitted a spout at once on a snowman, attaching an orange thread, so that the spout would be curved upwards. 
All rows knit in the rear half loops. 
Begin to knit yarn red. 
1. 5sbn in SC (5) 
2. 5pr (10) 
3. (pr, sbn) * 5 (15) 
4. (2sbn, pr) * 5 (20) 
5. (pr, 3sbn) * 5 (25) 
6. (2sbn, pr, 2sbn) * 5 (30) 
Change the color to white. 
7. 30sbn (30) 
Change the color to red. 
8. 30sbn (30) 
Change the color to white. 
7. 30sbn, ss (30) 
Scarf (red) 
51vp, knit 50sbn along the chain, starting with the second from the hook loop. 
Make eyes, embroider a smile and pens. 
Snowman is ready!))


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