
Amigurumi Dragon Free Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

PRS-Column without a throw

Arr-2 columns without throwing in one loop

UB-2 columns without a throw, tied together

Note: The beginning of each series is better to mark the marker (then come in handy)))


1.2VP, 6STBN in the second EAP, Lock in the ring

2. arr * 6 = 12

3. (arr, 1SBN) * 6 = 18

4. (arr, 2 prs) * 6 = 24

5. (arr, 3 prs) * 6 = 30

6. (arr, 4 prs) * 6 = 36

7. (arr, 5 prs) * 6 = 42

8. (ARR, 6 prs) * 6 = 48

9-15. Straight (PRS in each PRS of the previous row)

16. (UB, 6SBN) * 5. After the last, fifth, decreases knitting PRS to the end of a row (all ranks decreases golovushki and a torso knit so if it stands this badge * 5)

17. (UB, 5SBN) * 5

18. (UB, 4SBN) * 5

19. (UB, 3SBN) * 5

20. (UB, 2SBN) * 5

21. In all columns with Ubavkami now Provjazhem on 2SBN, other knit usually: PRS in each PRS of the previous row

22-24. Directly

25. (UB, 6SBN) * 6

26. (UB, 5SBN) * 6

27. (UB, 4SBN) * 6

28. (UB, 3SBN) * 6

29. (UB, 2SBN) * 6

30. (UB, 1SBN) * 6

Leave the thread about 20 cm long.


1.2VP, 6STBN in the second EAP, Lock in the ring

2. arr * 6 = 12

3. (arr, 1SBN) * 6 = 18

4. (arr, 2 prs) * 6 = 24

5. (arr, 3 prs) * 6 = 30

6. (arr, 4 prs) * 6 = 36

7. (arr, 5 prs) * 6 = 42

8. (arr, 6 ptbs) * 6 = 48

9. (arr, 7 ptbs) * 6 = 54

10. (arr, 8 ptbs) * 6 = 60
11-12. Directly

13. (UB, 6SBN) * 5. After the last, fifth, decreases knitting PRS to the end of a row (all ranks decreases golovushki and a torso knit so if it stands this badge * 5)

14. Directly

15. (UB, 5SBN) * 5

16. Directly

17. (UB, 4SBN) * 5

18. Directly

19. (UB, 3SBN) * 5

20. Directly

21. (UB, 2SBN) * 5

22-25. Directly

26. There were two decreases in this series: at the very beginning of the series and in the middle

27-31. Right

32.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

33-37. Directly

38.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

39-40. Straight.

Leave the thread about 20 cm long.


1.2VP, 6STBN in the second EAP, Lock in the ring

2. arr * 6 = 12

3. (arr, 1SBN) * 6 = 18

4. (arr, 2 prs) * 6 = 24

5. (arr, 3 prs) * 6 = 30

6. (arr, 4 prs) * 6 = 36

7.36 PRs behind the back wall of the hinge

8.36 PRS for both hinge walls

9.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

10-11. Directly

12.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

13-15. Directly

16.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

17-18. Directly

19.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

20-21. Directly

22.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

23-24. Directly

25.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

26-27. Directly

28.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

29. Directly

30.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

31. Directly

32.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

33-34. Directly

35.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

36-37. Directly
38.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

39. Directly

40.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

41. Directly

42.2 decreases: At the very beginning of the series and in the middle

43-44. Directly

Leave a thread about 20 cm long


1.2VP, 6STBN in the second EAP, Lock in the ring

2. arr * 6 = 12

3. (arr, 1SBN) * 6 = 18

4-5. Directly

6.7SBN, UB, 7 PRS, UB

7-8. Decreases strictly above the ubavkami of the previous row

The result should be 10 PRS.

9-16. Directly

17. UB, PRS to the end of the series

Leave a thread about 20 cm long


1.2VP, 6STBN in the second EAP, Lock in the ring

2. arr * 6 = 12

3. (arr, 1SBN) * 6 = 18

4. (arr, 2 prs) * 6 = 24

5. (arr, 3 prs) * 6 = 30

6-7. Directly

8.13 PRS, UB, 13 PRS, UB

9-15. Decreases strictly above the ubavkami of the previous row

There must be 12 PRS.

16-21. Directly

22. UB, PRS to the end of the series

Leave a thread about 20 cm long

The ears knit as the heart desires))

We make utjazhki on the muzzle, we decorate it.

Wire frame Insert, handles-legs-head sew. and all)))

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