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A huge number of the most diverse chickens are already connected, but I suggest we still dream up on this subject and create just such a funny toy that disguises itself as a flower. It is done very simply, so this option is suitable even for very beginners in knitting.  

Use any yarn of the same thickness of suitable colors (yellow, green, orange, color for the pot and for the flower). In this example, the pastel version is knitted from Anabel yarn from Alpina, the patterns are brighter - from Katia Amigurumi yarn, both versions are crocheted with 2.5 mm. Another eyes (I have 8 mm) and a filler for toys. 

VP - air loop; 
SBN - single crochet; 
ssn - double crochet; 
CC2N - column with two naquids; 
pssn - polabolik with 1 nakida; 
ss - connecting column or polubic; 
x n - repeat n times.


1 p. - 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2p. - 6 pr (12) 
3p. - (pr, 1 sbn) x 6 (18) 
4p. - (pr, 2 sbn) x 6 (24) 
5p. - (pr, 3 sbn) x 6 (30) 
6p. - (pr, 4 sbn) x 6 (36) 
7p. - (pr, 5 sbn) x 6 (42) 
8-15 p. - 42 sat 
16r. - (ass, 5 sbn) x 6 (36) 
17p. - (ass, 4 sbn) x 6 (30) 
18r. - (ass, 3 sbn) x 6 (24) 
19р. - (killed, 2 sbn) x 6 (18) 
Fill the ends of the threads and tightly fill with filler.


1 p. - 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2p. - 6 pr (12) 
3p. - (pr, 1 sbn) x 6 (18) 
4p. - (pr, 2 sbn) x 6 (24) 
5p. - (pr, 3 sbn) x 6 (30) 
6-11 p. - 30 sat. (30) 
12p. - (ass, 3 sbn) x 6 (24) 
13p. - (killed, 2 sbn) x 6 (18) 
Finish with a connecting stub and leave the long end of the thread. Sew it torso to the head, pre-stuffed with filler. If desired, you can knit the body and head in one piece, but I like it more when there is an amigurumi ring on both sides. 

Wings (2 parts)

1 p. - 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2p. - 6 pr (12) 
3p. - (pr, 1 sbn) x 6 (18) 
Complete the connecting stub and leave the long end of the thread. Fold the part in half and sew around the edge to make a semicircle. Make another exact same part.


1 p. - 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2p. - (pr, 1 sbn) x 3 (9) 
3p. - 9 sat (9) 
Complete the connecting stub and leave the long end of the thread. You can add a little filler.

Paws (2 parts)

1 p. - 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2p. - 6 pr (12) 
Complete the connecting stub and leave the long end of the thread. 
Make another exact same part.

Sew the remaining long ends of the thread parts to the body, and the beak - to the head. Add eyes.


1 p. - type a chain of 39 vp, at the end close the ring with ss 
2p. - 39 Sat 
3p. - (sbn, skip 1 sbn of the previous row and tie 5 ssn out of 1 loop, again skip 1 sbn of the previous row) x 10 
Finish with a connecting stub and thread the ends of the threads.

2 version of the flower

1 p. - type a chain of 39 vp, at the end close the ring with ss 
2p. - 39 Sat 
3p. - (4 in, next to 3 cs2n from 1 loop, again 4 in, cc to the next loop, sbn, sbn) x 10 
Finish with a connecting stub and thread the ends of the threads. 


1 p. - 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2p. - 6 pr (12) 
3p. - (pr, 1 sbn) x 6 (18) 
4p. - (pr, 2 sbn) x 6 (24) 
5p. - (pr, 3 sbn) x 6 (30) 
6p. - (pr, 4 sbn) x 6 (36) 
7p. - 36 sbn for the rear wall of the loop (36) 
8p. - (pr, 11 sbn) x 3 (39) 
9-12 p. - 39 sat. (39) 
13r. - 39 sbn for the front wall of the loop (39) 
14R. - 39 sat. (39) 
Finish with a connecting stub and thread the ends of the threads. You can further strengthen the bottom of the circle of cardboard.


We will knit for the remaining rear walls of the 13th row.

Attach the green thread to any back wall and knit the following sequence:

5 vp, to the second loop from the ss hook, then next to sbn, to the next loop of psn, then ssn, at the end we make ss to the third half-loop (i.e. skip 2 half-loops). Then immediately 5 VP and all repeat. There should be 13 triangles in total.

That's all! Chicken is ready to play :)

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