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Children's Yarn Novelty (hook 2) and Velor from Yarnart for the bag (hook 3). 
Eyes of half beads 5-6mm. 
Beads, snowflakes. Filler. Carabinchik. Ears. 1p - we type 2v.p and knit in the first loop 2sbn, vp, turn (2) 2p - pr, 1sbn, vp, turn (3) 3p - pr, 2sbn, vp, turn (4) 4 -5 (2p) - 4sbn, vp (4) We tie the eyelet to sbn, in the corner of the ear we knit 3sbn. Head. 1p - 6sbn per (6) 2p - 6pr (12) 3p - (1sbn, pr) * 6p (18) 4p - (2sbn, pr) * 6p (24) 5-8 (4p) - 24sbn (24) 9p - 5sbn, we tie in the first eyelet 4sbn, 6sbn, we tie in the second eyelet, 5sbn (24) 10p - (2sbn, kill) * 6r (18)

11r - (1sbn, ub) * 6r (12) 
12r - 6ub 

1р - 5сбн (5) 
2р - 5пр (10) 
3р - 10cc for the front wall hinges (10) 

We collect flail. from 7v.p and begin to knit from the second loop from the hook 1sbn, 2v.p. - 1b in the second loop from the hook, then knit on a chain 5b. 

The pouch. 
From Velor from Yarnart. 
1p - we type 8 in. P, we start to knit from the second loop from the hook pr, 5sbn, pr from 3 sbn to the last loop of the chain, then knit on the other side of the chain 6sbn. (16) 
2-8 (7р) - 16сбн (16) 
9р - white yarn 16cc for the front wall. 
For the cord, we pick up the flail from the v.p of the length you need (a children's novelty)


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