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To knit out this motif, you will need threads of 4 close tones and a bourdon thread composed of 3 threads of the 
primary color — milky. 

1. Knit a basic milky color on the threads of 32 SBN. Turn the knitting 
clockwise and continue the work as follows: 3 SBN, semi-dry, 24 C1H, semi-yellow, 3 SNS. 
Enter the hook behind the back half. 

2. Turn knitting and perform 1 row of RLS, introducing the hook for the back half-loop. Knit the last 2 rows 
without using bourdon threads. 

3. Having laid the thread of the bourdon along the row, knit: 20 sc on the previous row and another 12 sc on the bourdon threads.

4. The next row forms arches: 1 sc, 2 ip, semi-articulate, 2 ip, * 1С1Н, 2 ip * (** repeat 5 times), 2 ip, sem., 
2 ip , 1 sc 

5. Repeat the previous row, but catching the posts behind the resulting arches. 

6. Stretch the Bourdon threads along the previous row and knit a row of RLS, making 2 RLS in each arch. 

7. Tie on the previous row of 20 scs, stretching the threads of the bourdon and then only on the bourdon of 28 scons. 

8. Having counted 14 sc, connect the ring with 1 sc. 

9. On the threads of Bourdon and on the loops of the previous row, knit: 3 SBN, half-full, then C1H, finish half-half, 
and 3 SBN. Enter the hook behind the back half. 

10. Repeat the algorithm for tying the 2nd and 1st lobes.

11. Beige thread dial on the resulting loops of petals and knit them to sc, reducing in each row the 
number of extreme loops. 

12. When there are 3 loops left, attach the Bourdon threads. Tie them 20 sc. Enclose them in a ring 
using 1 sc and continue knitting along the bourdon, making 45 sc. 

13. Invert knitting clockwise and knit * 5 scs, 1 pico * - repeat this until the end of the row. 

14. Finish knitting by hiding the ends of the Bourdon threads. 

15. Type 17 stitches along the edge of the knitting with a beige thread with chain stitch. 

16. Without interrupting knitting type 9 VP and knit like this: skipping the first loop, 1 sc, half-empty, 2 C1H, 4 C2H. 

17. Thus, follow along the chain of 6 petals.

18. According to the 2 nd extreme petals of a flower, knit 1 row in “stride step” with a thread of a contrasting color. 
Perform 3 "lush columns" from 10-12 windings along the central lobe.

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