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Description (master class) crochet dolls Swimsuit Pineapple for Barbie 

Today I publish my description of crochet dolls - swimsuit Pineapple for a Barbie doll, 
just soon the swimming season :)
A lot of photos in the previous post, there you can see a side view, lacing behind. 

yarn Canarias YarnArt (100% Cotton Weight: 20 g, the length of yarn on a reel: 203 m) or other similar, 
hook 0.85 mm 
2 small beads 

Density knitting 

knitting density of each person can be different, so please Tie a small sample, 
for example 16 tbsp. x 7 rows. To make sure the outfit fits the doll, compare your 
knitting density with the one below. You may need to use another hook. 

16 Art. with nak. = 2.5 cm 
7 rows = 2.5 cm 

The main part of the 

shell is 2 tbsp. with NAC., 1 ce, 2 tbsp. with nak.

Row 1: dial 59 VP, Art. without nak. in the 2nd paragraph of the hook, art. without nak. in each section to the end of the row, turn. (58 items without label.) 
Row 2: 6 vp (counted as the 1st st. with the nak. and ar. of 3 v. p.), skip the first 4 p. p., 2 vp, prop. 3 p., Art. with nak. in the next Section 2 - 2 times, prop. 2 p., 2 para. Art., Art. with nak. in the next p., prop. 2 p., 1 ce, (2 items with nak., 2 ce, 2 items with nak.) - next. p., prop. 2 p., 1 para. Art. with nak. in the next Section 2 - 2 times, prop. 2 p., 2 para. Art., Art. with nak. in the next p., prop. 3 p., 2 vp, shell in the trail. p., 3 vp, prop. 4 p., Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 3: 6 ce, ​​prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in the next ar. from 2 ce, (2 ce, art. with nak. in ar. of 3 ce., 1 para. of item, art. with nak. in ar. from 2 ce.) - 2 times, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 1 cep, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 items. prop. ar. from 1 ce, (art. with nak. in ar. from 2 ce, 1 e.g., art. with nak. in ar. from 3 ce, 2 ce) - 2 times, art. with nak. in ar. from 2 ce, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 4: 6 ce, ​​prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. 2 are. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 1 ce, art. with nak. in ar. from 2 paras., 1 paras. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 3 ce, prop. ar. of 3 vp, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in ar. of 1 cep, 1 cep, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in ar. from 1 ce, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 1 ce, art. with nak. in ar. from 2 paras., 1 paras. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 2 ce, prop. 2 are. from 2 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 v., prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 5: 6 vp, prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 1 ce, art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 3 ce, prop. ar. of 3. par., * (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in ar. from 1 vp * - repeat between * 3 times, 3 vp, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 1 ce, art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 6: 6 VP, Prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 vp , * (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in ar. from 1 point, 3 point * - repeat between * 3 times, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in ar. from 1 ce, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 7: 6 ce, ​​prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. previous row, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 parasitians, (2 items with a nak., 1 ce, 2 items with a nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, 9 items. with nak. in a shell, 3 VP, (2 items with a nak., 1 VP, 2 items with a nak.) - in a trace. shell, 3 vp, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 2 vp, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 8: 6 vp, prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. With a bill in the next paragraph, 1 CE) - 8 times, Art. with nak. in the next p., 3 vp, prop. ar. from 3 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 2 vp, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next n., turn.
Row 9: 6 VP, prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. without the Tak. In ar. from 1 VP, 3 VP) - 8 times, prop. ar. from 3 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 2 vp, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. 3 VP, Art. with nak. in the next p., 10 vp, connect with polust. without nak. in the 3rd section of the chain of 6 vp, do not rotate.

Row 10: 6 ce, ​​prop. ar. from 3 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 2 ce, prop. ar. from 2 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. without the Tak. In ar. From 3 VP, 3 VP) - 7 times, prop. ar. from 3 ce, (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in art. with nak. before series, 2 vp, prop. ar. from 2 ce., (2 items with nak., 1 ce, 2 items with nak.) - in a shell, 3 ce, prop. ar. from 3 para. Art. with nak. in the next p., art. with nak. in the next 9 p., 2 tbsp. with nak. in the next p., connect with polust. without nak. in the 3rd section of the chain of 6 vp, 3 semi. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 2 VP, half-time. without nak. in the shell, turn.

Row 11: (3 vp, vl. With nak., 1 vp, 2 tbsp. With nak.) - in shell, 3 vp, prop. 2 n., (Art. Without nak. In the next n., 3 vp, prop. Next n.) - 8 times, (2 v. To nak., 1 e.g., 2 art. with nak.) - in a shell, 1 ce, turn. 
Row 12: (polust. Without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With nak., 1 Para. 2, 2 item. With Nak.) - in a shell, 3 para., Prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. Without the mark. In the Ar. From 3 VP, 3 VP.) - 7 times (2 items with the mark, 1 point, 2 items. with nak.) - in a shell, 1 ce, turn. 
Row 13: (half-nack without nak., 3 paras. Na, art. With arcs., 1 para. Para., 2 tablespoons with nac.) - into a shell, 3 para. Na, prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. Without the NAC. In ar. From 3 VP, 3 V.P.) - 6 times, (2 Art. With NAC, 1 U.P., 2 Art. with nak.) - in a shell, 1 ce, turn.
Row 14: (polust. Without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With nak., 1 Para. 2, 2 item. With Nac.) - in a shell, 2 para, prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. Without the NAC. In ar. From 3 VP, 3 VP) - 4 times, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 2 CE, (2 tablespoons with a nak., 1 VP, 2 tablespoons with a NK.) - into a shell, 1 VP, turn. 
Row 15: (half-nack without nak., 3 paras. Na, art. With arcs., 1 para. Para., 2 tablespoons with nac.) - into the shell, 1 para. Region, prop. ar. from 2 paras., (Art. without the designation. In ar. from 3 paras., 3 paras. na) - 3 times, art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation. 
Row 16: (half-nack without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With Stamp., 1 para. Item, 2 Stage. With nack.) - into the shell, 1 Para. Sec., Prop. ar. from 1 ce, (art. without the mark, in ar. from 3 ce, 3 ce) ​​- 2 times, art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation.
Row 17: (half-empty without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With nak., 1 Para. 2, 2 item. With Nac.) - into the shell, 1 para, prop. ar. from 1 VP, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 paras., 3 paras. Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation. 
Row 18: (half-empty without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With nak., 1 Para. 2, 2 item. With Nac.) - into the shell, 1 para, prop. ar. from 1 VP, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation. 
Row 19: (half-empty without nak., 3 para. Item, art. With nak., 1 ce, 2 stage. With nak.) - into a shell, (2 art. With nak, 1 century. p., 2 items. with nak.) - in a trace. seashell. Cut the thread, fasten the 

front half of the panties

Row 11: Attach the thread with half a help. without nak. in the 2nd shell of the 10th row of the main part, (3 vp, vp. with nak., 1 vp, 2 tbsp. with nak.) - in this shell, 3 vp, prop . ar. from 3 VP, (Art. without the Tak. In ar. from 3 VP, 3 VP) - 6 times, prop. ar. from 3 VP, (2 items with a nak., 1 VP, 2 items with a nak.) - in a shell, 1 VP, turn. 
Row 12: (polust. Without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With nak., 1 Para. 2, 2 item. With Nak.) - in a shell, 3 para., Prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. Without a mark. In the Army. From 3 VP, 3 VP) - 5 times (2 items with a mark, 1 point, 2 items. with nak.) - in a shell, 1 ce, turn. 
Row 13: (polust. Without nak., 3 paras. Na, art. With arcs., 1 para. Nap., 2 tablespoons with nac.) - into a shell, 2 paras., Prop. ar. from 3 VP, (Art. without the NAC. in ar. from 3 CE, 3 CE) - 3 times, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 2 CE, (2 tablespoons with a nak., 1 VP, 2 tablespoons with a NK.) - into a shell, 1 VP, turn.
Row 14: (half-empty without nak., 3 paras. Na, art. With arcs., 1 para. Para., 2 tablespoons with nac.) - into a shell, 1 para, prop. ar. from 2 VP, (Art. Without the NAC. In ar. From 3 VP, 3 VP) - 2 times, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation. 
Row 15: (half-nack without nak., 3 paras. Na, art. With arcs., 1 para. Para., 2 tablespoons with nac.) - into the shell, 1 para. Region, prop. ar. from 1 VP, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 paras., 3 paras. Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation. 
Row 16: (half-nack without nak., 3 para. Item, Art. With Stamp., 1 para. Item, 2 Stage. With nack.) - into the shell, 1 Para. Sec., Prop. ar. from 1 VP, Art. without nak. in ar. from 3 VP, 1 CE, (2 Art. With NAC., 1 CE., 2 Art. With NAC.) - into the shell, 1 ce, rotation.
Row 17: (half-nack without nak., 3 para. Na, art. With nak., 1 para. Para, 2 art. With nak.) - into a shell, (2 arb. With nak, 1 v. p., 2 items. with nak.) - in a trace. seashell. Fold the two halves of the swimsuit face down and sew them using art. without nak. 

The upper part of the swimsuit (cups)

Row 1: Holding the main part facing you, attach the thread using art. without nak. in the 12th paragraph, Art. without nak. in the next 7 p., Knit with a common top trail. Art. without nak. and art. with nak. skipping 2 paragraphs (see photo of techniques on the next page), 7 tbsp. with nak. in the same paragraph as the previous article. with nak., knit with a common vertex of Art. with nak. in the same paragraph and art. without nak. skipping 2 p., Art. without nak. in the next 5 p., Knit with a common top trail. Art. without nak. and art. with nak. skipping 2 p., 7 tbsp. with nak. in the same paragraph as the previous article. with nak., knit with a common vertex of Art. with nak. in the same paragraph and art. without nak. skipping 2 p., Art. without nak. in the next 8 p., Turn.
Row 2: half. without nak. in the next 5 p., Knit with a common top trail. Art. without nak. and art. with nak. skipping 2 p., (2 items with nak. in the next n., art. with nak. in the next n.) - 3 times, 2 items. with nak. in the next p., knit with a common top trail. Art. with nak. Art. without nak. prop. 2 p. And Art. with nak. prop. 2 n., (2 items with nak. In the next n., Art. With nak. In the next n.) - 3 times, 2 items. with nak. in the next p., knit with a common top trail. Art. with nak. and art. without nak. skipping 2 p., polust. without nak. in the next 3 n., Turn. 
Row 3: prop. 3 p., Art. with nak. in the next p. (st. with nak. in the next n., 2 items. with nak. in the next n.) - 5 times, knit with the common vertex 3 trail Art. with nak., (2 items with nak. in the next. p., Art. with the nak. in the next. p.) - 5 times, Art. with nak. in the next p., prop. 3 n., Half. without nak. in the next 2 n., Turn.
Row 4: prop. 2 n., (Art. With nak. In the next n., Prop. Next n., 1 sub.) - 7 times ) - 2 times, Art. with nak. in the next p., (1 ce, prop. next p., art. with post in the next p.) - 7 times, prop. 2 n., Half. without nak. in the next n. Cut the thread. 

Holding the swimsuit facing you, attach the thread using art. without nak. in the 1st CE main part, 
link arches of 3 v. on the upper edge of the swimsuit (Art. Without nak., prop. next p., 3 vp). 

Outline - type 300 VP, lace up a swimsuit as shown in the photo, thread the beads on the ends of the 
string and tie the knots. 

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