

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

The toys, tied by the hands of the mother, will not be loved gifts for the baby. A dinosaur, a pencil, a bone and a backpack are crocheted from cotton yarn.

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Size : 40 cm tall and 45 cm with tail and paws

You will need:

 linha Camila Coats Corrente yarn (100% mercerized cotton, 500m):
- 1 red hank;

- 1 hank of yellow color;

- 1 hank of seawater color;

- 1 hank of orange color;

- 3 skeins of blue color;

- A bit of black and white;

Hook 3 mm;
Filler for pillows;
2 small black buttons for eyes
1 big button for backpack
Abbreviations used:

V. p. - air loop;

SBN - single crochet

Knitting description
Knit in 2 threads!

Torso:  crochet with blue thread to tie a chain of 4 c. n., close it into the ring conn. st. and knit according to pattern 1 from the 1st to the 4th p.  

5-12 p.: Every 10 RLS knit 2 RLS in one p.

13-15th b.: Every 15 RLS knit 2 RLS in one p.

16-35th r.: Sc

36th b.: Subtract 1 sc every 15 sc

37-45th r.: Sc

46th b.: Subtract 1 sc every 15 sc

47-55th r.: Sc

56th b.: Subtract 1 sc every 15 sc

57-65th r.: Sc

66th b.: Subtract 1 sc every 15 sc

Body stuffed with filler.

Head:  crochet with a blue thread to tie a chain of 4 c. n., close it into the ring conn. st. and knit according to scheme 2 from the 1st to the 4th p.  

5-9th b.: Every 5 RLS knit 2 RLS in one p.

10-14th p.: Every 10 RLS, knit 2 RLS in one p.

15-20th p.: Sc

Tie 2 parts, connect, fill with filler and sew to the body.

Tail : crochet with blue thread to tie a chain of 27 c. n. and knit, making a subtraction, as shown in diagram 3 from the 1st to the 64th p. Tie 2 pieces together, clutching the top edge, as shown in the photo , fill with filler and sew to the body.   

Muzzle : crochet with blue thread to tie a chain of 4 c. n., close it into the ring conn. st. and knit according to pattern 4 from the 1st to the 4th p.  

5-8th b.: Every 5 RLS knit 2 RLS in one p.

9th-25th b.: Sc

25th b.: Subtract 1 sc every 5 sc

Mordochka fill with filler and sew to the head.

Eyes : crochet white thread to tie a chain of 9 in. n and knit according to pattern 5 from the 1st to the 6th p. Tie 2 pieces, sew from both sides to the head, embroider eyelashes with black thread and sew a black button for the pupil.  

A red thread to embroider the mouth, as shown in the photo . 

Teeth : crochet white thread to tie a chain of 6 in. n. and knit according to scheme 6 from the 1st to the 4th p. Tie 4 parts and sew to your mouth.  

Nostrils:  crochet with orange thread to tie a 4-in. Chain. n., close it into the ring conn. st. and knit 1 p. under the scheme 7 . Tie 2 parts and sew to face. 

Legs (hind legs) : crochet to tie a chain of 4 in. n., close it into the ring conn. st. and knit according to pattern 8 from the 1st to the 3rd p.  

4-8th b.: Every 5 RLS knit 2 RLS in one p.

9-22nd p.: Sc

23rd river: reduce 1 sc every 5 sc

24-25th river: sc

1-8th p. knit orange thread, 9-25th p. - thread color of sea water.

Tie 2 parts, fill with filler and sew the front part to the body.

Hands (front paws) : crochet with a yellow thread to tie a chain from the 16th century. n. and knit according to scheme 9  from the 1st to the 24th. Link 4 parts, connect them together, fill with filler and sew to the head on both sides of the body, embroider with a blue thread to form fingers.

Details : crochet tie a chain of 11 in. n and knit according to  pattern 10  from the 1st to the 10th p. Tie 2 pieces of red and 4 pieces of yellow, orange and seawater. Connect them together, fill with filler. Sew 4 parts to the head, 1 to the body and 2 to the tail, as shown in the photo . 

Spots (on the trunk):  crochet with orange thread to tie a chain of 8 c. n. and knit according to scheme 11  from the 1st to the 6th p. Tie 4 pieces, sew 1 on each side and 2 on the front of the body and embroider with red thread, as shown in the photo . 

Pencil : for the base, crochet with orange thread to tie a chain of 4 c. p., close it into a ring and knit under the  scheme 12  from the 1st to the 3rd p. Then go to the knitting thread seawater color scheme 13 from the 1st to the 36th p. In this case, from the 30th to the 32nd p. knit white thread, and from the 33rd to the 36th p. - black. Tie 2 parts, sew the edges and fill with filler.  

Bone:  crochet white thread to tie a chain of 8 c. n. and knit according to scheme 14 from the 1st to the 28th p. Each bone edge is knit separately. Link 2 parts, sew and fill with filler.  

Backpack:  for the back crochet a red thread to tie a chain of 28 in. p. and knit under the  scheme 15  from the 1st to the 16th p. For the front of the knit from the 1st to the 9th p. For the sides and the base crochet a red thread to tie a chain of 8 into. n. and knit according to pattern 16 from the 1st to the 31st p. Sew the sides and base from the front and back of the backpack. For handles crochet a red thread to tie a chain of 10 in. n and knit according to pattern 17 from the 1st to the 23rd p. Link 2 parts and attach them to the 1st and 9th p. the back of the scheme 15. Sew a button to the front of the backpack.   

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