

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Description of knitting is more suitable for those who knit well on the eye) 

Immediately make a reservation about the design: 
- I always prepare my eyes in advance - I paint the black beads that I have with black nail polish. 
- design of the ears, muzzle and legs (lower): cut out the details of the original skin. Glued with glue. And then for a decor "sewed" with threads. 
- Nose - cut from natural suede. Glued. 
- A heart - material: a velvet, threads - silk. 
- Heart filler and teddy bears are synthetic 

winterizer .. 1 hank of yarn (100g - 60 m) left on the bear, the hook was used either 4, or 4.5. 

Getting to knitting: 

1 row - the second loop from the hook - 6 sbn 
2 - 6 increases 
3 - 1 sbn + prib - 6 times = 18 
4 - 2 sbn + prib - 6 times = 24 
5 - 3 sbn + prib - 6 times = 30 
6 - 4 sbn + prib - 6 times = 36 
7 - 36 sbn 
8 - 36 sbn 
9 - 4 sbn + decrease - 6 times = 30 
10 - 3 sbn + kill - 6 times = 24 
11-13 (or up to 12 rows - look at the situation) - 24 cbn 
14 - 2 cbn + kill - 6 times = 18 
15 - 1 cbd + kill - 6 times = 12 
16 - 6 decrease (close the hole) 
Make the attachments at the face (see photo Bears - utyazhki in order to be convenient to glue the muzzle)

Body (additions and gains are made similarly to the head, therefore hereinafter I write only the number of loops in a row): 

1 - 6 UBN 
2 - 12 UBN (approx) 
3 - 18 UbN (1sbn + appr) 
4 - 24 appr (2 sen + appr ) 
5-7 - 24 sbn 
8 - 18 sbn (2 sbn + ub) 
9 - 18 sbn 
10 - 12 sbn (1 sbn + ud) 
11 - 12 sbn 
12 - 6 subtracts = 6 sbn 

Paws upper: 
Into the second loop from hook 6 sbn. Next, knit in rows of 6 sbn to the desired length of the legs. 

Lower feet: a 
chain of 6 VP. In the second loop from the hook 2 sbn. Next, knit in each loop on 1 sbn. In the last loop increase. turn over and until the end of a row of 1 sbn.
Further increase. Then again we knit on 1 kn to the end, but at the turn of two loops on the increase (only 2 gains). Again to the end on the other side of the stbn. Then knit the row unchanged (i.e. 1 loop in each loop). 
In order for the leg to have a shape in the following rows on one side (where we did the gain), do the downs: in the first row two downs, and in the next row over a make to make a 1 take. Then simply knit in straight rows up to the desired length of the legs. 

the second from the hook loop 6 sbn. Do not close the row. 

the second from the hook loop 6 sbn. Second row - 6 increments. The third row: 2 sbn + slack - 4 times = 9 sbn.

Collect the bear. If you want to make a torso on the body under the navel and insert a heart into it (or sew). Glue all Circuits, decorate with decorative stitches. Sew eyes. 

You can sew a heart, you can link it) This is optional). There are lots of knitted hearts patterns on the Internet) 

That's all)) The bear knitted quickly ...) It is a pleasure to knit from such threads if you "feel" knitting) 


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