
Crochet Baby Vest Free Pattern

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Simple and practical vest for toddlers decorated with relief pattern, which is very easy to perform removing loops with a stretch of thread on the front of the product.

Suitable for both girls and boys.

150 grams of yarn thickness of about 331 m in 140 (100% acrylic Bernat softee Baby),
Circular and hosiery Spokes № 4,
2 Hinge Holders,
Five buttons.
Size: from 0 to 6 months. The instructions in parentheses are given to obtain a larger size.
Note. The additions are made by knitting from one loop of two: First the loop is knit behind the front wall of the loop, then behind the back wall of the same loop.
For boys it is possible not to knit a decorative row on a bottom of a jacket and sleeves, having left only furnish from a platelky binding.

Type 60 pet.
Ranks 1-2: persons.
Row 3: (Faces. Row): Row with button hole
For boys: 2 persons., scum, 2 persons together., persons. To the end of the series;
For girls: persons. Up to the last 4 pet., 1 persons., scum, 2 together persons., 1 persons.
Ranks 4-5: persons.
Series 6: (N. Number) 4 persons. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
Number 7: Persons.
Number of 8:4 persons., N. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
A number of 9:4 persons., * tie out one loop two, Two faces., * Repeat between the asterisks until the end of the series, Finish 4 faces. (78 Pet)
Number 10: (N. Row) 6 persons., remove 2 loops as when knitting A., thread at work, * 2 persons., remove 2 loops also * Repeat to end of row, finish 6 persons.
Row 11: Persons.
Row 12: (N. Range) knitting as rank 10
A number of 13:4 persons., * tie out one loop two, three faces. *, repeat to the end of the series, Finish 5 persons. (96 Pet)
Number of 14:4 persons., N. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
Number 15: Persons.
Number of 16:4 persons., N. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
A number of 17:5 persons. * Tie two, four faces from one loop. * Repeat to end of row, finish 5 persons. (114 Pet)
Number 18: (N. Row) 6 persons., remove 2 loops as when knitting A., thread at work, * 2 persons., remove 2 loops also * Repeat to end of row, finish 6 persons.
Row 19: Persons.
Range 20: (N. Range) knitting as range 18
A number of 21:6 persons., * tie out one loop two, five faces., * Repeat to the end of the series, Finish 5 persons. (132 pet)
Number of 22:4 persons., N. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
Row 23: Knit Facial, make 2nd button hole as in 3rd row. To execute further holes for buttons in each 10-th scar of a platelki (i.e. 20-th row) (for the larger size to execute the 2nd hole in 27 row, further in each 12 scar (24 row)).
Number of 24:4 persons., N. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
Row 25: * 6 persons., tie from one loop two * repeating to the end of a row, 6 persons. (150 pet)
A number of 26:6 persons., take off 2 loops as when knitting, thread at work, * 2 persons., remove 2 loops also * Repeat to end of row, finish 6 faces.
Number 27: Persons. To the end of the series (larger size: 2nd button hole in this row)
Rank 28: (N. Range) knitting as range 26
Number 29: Persons. To the end of the series (for larger size perform another row with the additions: * 7 persons., tie from one loop two * Repeat to the end of the series, finish 6 persons.)
Knit further faces. By a stitch, carrying out laths from a platelky binding, another 2 (6) rows.
Distribute markers: (n. Row) knit faces. 26 (30) PET, place a marker; 26 (27) persons., place a marker, 46 (54) persons., place a marker, 26 (27) persons., place a marker, knit faces. Remaining 26 (30) Pet. — (150) (168) pet. Just.
Number of increments: * persons. Up to 2 pet. Before the marker, tie from one loop two, one faces., to retag the marker, to tie two * from one loop; Repeat between asterisks 3 times. (8 pet added)
Trail. Number: 4 persons., N. Up to the last 4 pet., 4 persons.
Repeat these two rows for another 4 (5) times. (190) (216) Pet, sleeve loops to be transferred to temporary holders in the last row (N. Row).
Count the scars. It's time to do the 3rd hole!
Trail. Row (persons. Row) * Knit faces. Up to 2 pet. Before the marker, tie from one loop two, 1 faces., remove the marker, Dial 4 pet. For a armhole, to remove a marker, to tie from one loop two *; Knit faces. To the end of the series, repeat again between the asterisks. (130) (150) pet.
Knit further faces. By a stitch, carrying out laths from a platelky binding and holes for buttons.
Run 2 decorative rows (like rows 10 and 11) for girls. (For boys, only the straps of the scarf are to be executed.) Continue to knit faces. The stitch, then tie the bar out of the handkerchief as it is on the neck by completing the last button hole.
Sleeves: Translate loops sleeves and 4 extra pet. On the hosiery spokes. Knit in a circle for 4 cm. Shorter than the desired length.
In the last row evenly execute Ubavki so that remained 36 loops.
Trail. Range: * 2 N., remove 2 loops, thread before work, repeat from *
Trail. Range: all facial.
Repeat the last two rows.
(For boys do not perform decorative series, knit instead of a number of facial loops.)
Two rows of facial.
Reduce the 4 pet. In the trail. Row. (32 pet)
Further to knit a handkerchief (1 row-izn., 1 row-facial) as many rows as in the neck. Free to close loops, Purls.
Repeat for the 2nd sleeve.
Sew buttons; Hide the ends of the thread.

Source : © September 19, 2009 Carole Barenys

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