

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Types of creativity:  Knitting> Knitting on knitting needles
Complexity:  mean
Working hours:  2 days
This is the master class of my overalls Ovechka. The overalls are 
very light, soft, warm and with a minimum number of stitches. It's very 
light in performance! 

1. For overalls for the baby 0-6 months we will need: knitting needles No. 3, 
knitting needles No. 4, yarn white boucle, yarn white smooth and yarn pink smooth 
for finishing. 

3. Next, we pass to the spokes No. 4 and the yarn of the boucle we knit 42 rows (about 17 cm) with garter stitch 
(front rows - facial loops, purl strings - 
purl loops).

4. The first trousers are ready, the second knit is similar to the first. Next, we connect both 
legs to one spoke in the following way: on the right knitting needle we sew the   
first leg, we make a set of 3 loops (for a free step), we sew the 
second leg. It turned out one canvas of 95 loops.

5. Next, we knit 54 rows (about 22 cm) of the canvas to the armor of the overalls. 

6. We knit the sleeves according to the principle of panties: we sew 36 loops of white 
smooth yarn and knit with an elastic band 2X2 on the knitting needles No. 3 , about 5 cm. We pass to knitting needles No. 4 and 
knit a string of 32-row hosiery (about 13 cm). The result was a sleeve 
with a total length of 17cm. Similarly we knit the second sleeve.

7. Next, go to the ring spokes and connect the sleeves with overalls 
as follows: the overalls of the overalls are divided into 4 parts (1 part - right 
shelf, 2 and 3 parts - backrest, 4 part - left shelf). We knit the first part of the 
overalls (right shelf), then the sleeve, then 2 and 3 pieces of overalls 
(back), sleeve, 4 piece of overalls (left shelf). For clarity, I 
showed a photo on four straight spokes, but it is more convenient to knit this part of the 
overalls on the ring spokes

8. Now we designate the lines of raglan. We will have 4 lines. In 
each facial row, we impose 3 loops along the front, at the beginning and at the end of each sleeve. 
We knit until 70 loops are left on the spoke, then in the purl 
strip we evenly reduce to 50 loops and we knit 32 rows (approximately 16 cm) of the 
hood. Further, the hood loops are divided into 3 parts (right, middle and left) 
and we knit only the middle part of the hood as follows: in each facial 
row we sew the last loop of the right hood with the first loop of the 
middle part of the hood and the last loop of the middle part of the hood with the first 
loop of the left part hood. The remaining 18 loops are closed on the spoke.  

 9. Next, we collect on knitting needles No. 3 white smooth yarn 250 loops and knit 5-6 
rows of elastic band 2X2 plank of overalls. Close the loops, 
sew the plate from the pant leg through the hood to the pant leg. We sew on buttons, 
we make embroidery on the muzzle of a lamb on the hood, we sew the eye-pushers, ears, 
decorate the overalls with bows. The overalls are ready!

Rather, put it on your baby, and happy New Year!

2. Knitting starts from the bottom (with panties). We knit the first part of the panties. 
We type on knitting needles No. 3 a white smooth yarn of 46 loops and knit with an elastic band 2x2 

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