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  This year my dad turned 60 years old and in honor of him I came up with a new bear cub, which I will not only show you, but I will also tell you how to tie it. The only thing that because of the lack of time did not, it's detailed photos. Therefore there will be no MK, but a description. At once I will say also that I was inspired by the Honey Bear of Marina Borisova, whose toys I really like. And now photos of the bear cub Michael:
Since in the soul we are all children, even if we are 60, then the bear has a toy:

How to connect this, I told HERE .

And now, under the cut, a description of how I tied a bear cub.

   I knitted yarn "Angora" and "Iris", hook number 1,15. Bear cub is about 11.5 cm tall.

Legend :

vp - the air loop.

sb-column without a crochet.


ss. - connection column.

prib.-an increase (that is, in one loop we knit 2 sb).

ub.-Decrease (that is, we knit 2 loops together with sbn)

mon.-semicolumn with a crochet.

In brackets I indicate the number of loops, which should be obtained at the end of the row. So more clearly.

Teddy Bear Head:

1 row - from 2 in the knit 6 sbn (6).

2- in each loop-2sbn (12).

3 1 sb, ap. (18).

4- 2 sb, ap. (24).

5- 3 sb, prib. (thirty).

6 - 4 sb, prib. (36).

7- all 36 cbn. (36).

8- 5 c.o., arr. (42).

9-14 rows - all 42 cf. (42).

15 row-reduction: 5 sc, sl. 2- We knit together (36).

16 row, all 36 c. (36).

17- 4 sb, ub. (thirty).

18- all 30 сбн. (thirty).

19- 3 sb, ub. (24).

20- 2 сбн, уб. (18).

21- 1 sb, ub. (12).

22- all in pairs until the end.


1. Dial 5 cents and knit in a circle all sbn, only on two edges we knit 3 sb in one loop. An oval of the ear will be created.

2. In the next. row the same, but at the edges 3 loops knit 2 sb (do increments), and then 4 loops of 2 sb. So up to the necessary size (only 3-4 rows, as you like). Finish in the middle of the ear. Oval fold in half and sew ear to head.


   We knit a chain of 6in and, starting from the 2nd loop, we knit along the circle:

1. 4ббн, 4 сбн в оду loop, 3сбн, 3 сбн in one loop (14).

 2. Prib, 3 sbn, 4 times the increase, 3 sb, 3 times the increase. (22 сбн).

3-5 rows - 22 sc.

6 row - 7sbn, 2 times the reduction. (18).

7- 7 сбн, уб. (16). Leave the thread to sew and slightly fill the muzzle with a sintepon. (The same principle as that of the Bear cub, Aliosha, see the photo TAM , if that).


   We knit with a contrasting color iris thread:

1. From 2in we knit 6cn.

2. In each loop we knit 2 sb. (12)

3. We knit the loops in pairs, subtracting up to 6 loops. Close, without stuffing, leave a long thread for sewing and "dividing the thread of the face in half." The same thread can "embroider" the crook of the bear cub. We hide the ends under the muzzle, where we will close it later, sewing the lower lip of the bear.

Lower sponge:

   We collect 4 sbn and knit in a circle of only 2 rows: starting from the second from the hook loop, we knit all the sb, only at the ends of the chain in one loop we knit 3 sb.


1. out of 2 we knit 6 sbn (6).

2. We knit 2 cb in each loop. (12).

3. 1 sb, in the device (18).

4. 2 sb, prib- (24).

5. 3 sb, ap- (30).

6. 4 sb, prib- (36).

7. 5 sb, prib- (42).

8-12 rows, all 42 sc.

13 row-reduction: 5 sb, together 2 sb. (36).

14- 4 sb, yb- (30).

15- 17 rows, all 30 cms.

18 - Decrease: 3bn, 2 sb together - (24).

19- all 24 сбн.

20- 2 sb, ub- (18).

21 - 18.

22 - 1 sb, yb - (12). To fill.

23 ranks and until the end, 1 sb, 2 sb together, until the hole closes.

Foot feet:

1. A chain of 6 vol. We knit in a circle from the 2nd loop from the hook: 4sbn, into the extreme loop-3sbn, and turn on the other side: 4sb, at the extreme-3sbn (14sbn).

2-3 rows. Now every time in the last three loops we make increments, and the rest of the loops are tying up the sb, as is. (20 sb and 26 cbn).

4 ryad- On the one hand, first we add the increments to the extreme 3 loops, and on the other hand, the 5 extreme ones. (= 34cbn).

   Having made these five increases, mark the end of the row with a pin, without actually tying it, it will be a new mark. There, where 5 increments will be the fingers of the bear, and where the 3-heel.

5-8 rows - further 4 rows knit all 34 sb in a circle. We insert the insole of dense cardboard or plastic. It is possible and after the 9th row to do it.

We build up the paw with discounts: the heel we knit, and on the fingers-the decreases: ub., 10 fb, 2 sb together, again 2 sb together, 10 sb, 4 times (ie 4 times 2 sb together) - ( 27bn).

10 row-ub., 19 sb, (ub., 1sbn) * 2 times. (24).

11 row-ub., 18 sbn, 1 ss, 2 together polustolbika with a crochet, 1ss. (22cb). Filling

12 row-ss, ub., 16 sb, ub., Ub.- go to sl. row to make a reduction. (19 ).

13-15 rows-we make a new mark and knit 19bn.

16 row-ub., 17 sbn (18 cms).

17- 1 sb, ub (12 cbn). Fill the presser foot.

18 series and to the end: 1 сбн, уб. , until the hole is closed.

Front paw pens:

1. From the 2nd step we knit 6 c. (6).

2. In each loop we knit 2 sb. (12).

3. 1 сбн, приб (18).

4. 2 sb, prib (24).

5-6 rows - all 24 sc.

7 row-ub., Ub., The rest are all loops-18 sb. (22).

8- (1сбн, уб.) * 2 times, the whole ост 14сбн. (20).

9- (3сбн, уб) * 4 times (16).

10-16 cf.

11 - 3 sb, 2 times the decrease, the rest - 7 cbn. (14).

12- 14 сбн. To fill.

13- 5 sb, ub., Ostensht. (13).

14-16 rows - 13 sc. Donate.

17 row and to the end-1 sb, ub., Until the hole is closed.


1. From the 2 nd knit 6bn.

2. In each loop-2 sbn. (12).

3. 1 sc., Arr. (18).

4-5 rows - 18 sc.

6 row-reduction: 1 sb, ub (12). To fill.

7 row, all in pairs close.

      It remains now only to collect all the details, sew, dooform. All nice knitting and wonderful cubs! Show your creations, it's very interesting, what you got from them :)

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