
Mermaid Tail Blanket Pattern (Video Tutorial)

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Tying a plaid "mermaid tail" is not that hard. In recent years, developed several methods of knitting, and crochet, and spokes. Crochet is more interesting, especially if you use the instruction from Bernat. Even not too experienced Needlewomans with success will be able to tie a cute mermaid plaid under her guidance. + You can see a detailed video-master class.

How to tie a children's plaid "tail mermaid" crochet?
Plaid has depth attachment 114 ½ cm + decorative tail, circumference at the top-length 117 cm.

Fit plaid made of polyester, it consists of yarn thread Bernat Blanket brights (300 g/201 m). She's fat, I have to take the hook 8 mm.
Yarn consumption will be 4 reel, the color is selected № 12009 on the inner palette-Surf Varg. Yarn has multicolor thread, you can choose green-blue gamma, you can-pink-purple, you can yellow-brown. In any case, the plaid will be warm, cheerful and practical.

Video Here :

The test for density will be made of 7 plst/s1n (Polustolbikov with 1 crochets) and 6 rows = 10 x 10 cm

Description of the work
Knit plaid will be rows (rd), distinguish LS-front side and wrong.
One plst/s1n tantamount two EAP-air loops at the beginning of the series.

Connect the chain of 82 EAP.
BFF. RD (HP): 1 Plst/s1n Knitting in the 3rd EAP from the hook; Then knit on 1 plst/s1n in each EAP = 80 pt (loops).
BFF. RD: (IP): 2 EAP; Then knit on 1 plst/s1n in each PT to the end of Rd.
This last row all the time repeat up to 61 SM, finish in IR-iznanochnom row.

From this place we begin to narrow the plaid towards the tail.
1st Rd (HP): 2 VP; * Knit on 1 plst/s1n in BFF. 8 pt; Knit together 2 plst/s1n *; Repeat *-* by rd to end = 72 Pt.
2nd rd: (IP): 2 EAP; Then knit on 1 plst/s1n in each PT to the end of Rd.
4 more rows are made as 2nd.
BFF. RD: 2 VP; * Knit on 1 plst/s1n in BFF. 7 pt; Knit together 2 plst/s1n *; Repeat *-* by rd to end = 64 Pt.
5 more rows are made as 2nd.
BFF. RD: 2 VP; * Knit on 1 plst/s1n in BFF. 6 pt; Knit together 2 plst/s1n *; Repeat *-* by rd to end = 56 Pt.
5 more rows are made as 2nd.
BFF. RD: 2 VP; * Knit on 1 plst/s1n in BFF. 5 pt; Knit together 2 plst/s1n *; Repeat *-* by rd to end = 48 Pt.
5 more rows are made as 2nd.
BFF. RD: 2 VP; * Knit on 1 plst/s1n in BFF. 4 pt; Knit together 2 plst/s1n *; Repeat *-* by rd to the end = 40 pt.
5 more rows are made as 2nd.

This is all, finishing with the working part of the Plaid. We carry out two seams-vertical back and bottom.

Tail, 2 details
Connect the chain of 38 EAP.
1st Rd (HP):
— 1 plst/s1n Knit in the 4th EAP from the hook, it is equivalent to two plst/s1n;
-Further knit on 1 plst/s1n in each EAP = 36 pt (loops).
2nd rd (IP):
-2 EAP, it is equivalent to one plst/s1n;
-* Knitting 1 plst/s1n, inserting a hook in the PT of the previous row and capturing PT with IP for a stretching (this is shown in Figure 3) *;
-Repeat *-* up to the last three plst/s1n;
-Turn, leaving out of work untied Fri series.

3rd rd:
-2 EAP, it is equivalent to one plst/s1n;
-* Knit 1 Plst/s1n, entering the hook in the PT of the previous row and capturing PT with IP for a draw (as in Figure 3) *;
-Repeat *-* to the end of the series.
Now it is necessary to perform the 2nd and 3rd rows in the same order until the PT quantity becomes 21.
This part of the tail is finished.

Short sides of a tail sew to a plaid along its bottom edge.
Connect the connecting PT to the upper right corner of the tail; We will make 1 VP and connect 20 ct/bn (bars without a throw) along the top line of the tail.
Sew tail (top line) with the working part of the plaid (with the bottom line).

Source :

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