
Knitting Cat Free Pattern

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We need: Hook № 1.5, blue mohair, white acrylic, wool for felting white and pink, needle for felting, filler (i fajbertek), plastic eyes (you can use beads or blind eyes of plastic).


VP-Air Loop

St. Bn. – Column without a throw

We start to knit from the head.

1rjad: 2 v. P, in the 2nd loop from a hook knit 6 art. Bn. 6

2rjad: 2 St. Bn. In each loop (12)

3rjad: Art. bn., in the next loop 2 St. Bn. – 6 times (18)

4rjad: 2st. Bn., in the trail. Loop 2 St. Bn. – 6 times (24)

5rjad: 3st. Bn., in the trail. Loop 2 St. Bn. – 6 times (30)

6rjad: 4 St. Bn., in the trail Loop 2 St. BN – 6 times (36)

7rjad: 5 St. Bn., in the trail Loop 2 St. BN – 6 times (42)

8rjad: 6 St. Bn., in the trail Loop 2 St. BN – 6 times (48)

9rjad: 7 St. Bn., in the trail Loop 2 St. BN – 6 times (54)

10-13 Series: Art. bn in a circle (54)

14rjad: 8 St. Bn., in the trail Loop 2 St. BN – 6 times (60)

15-17 Series: Art. bn in a circle (60)

18rjad: 9 St. Bn., in the trail Loop 2 St. BN – 6 times (60)

19rjad: Art. Bn. Round (66)

Dale Knit Torso

20-22 Series: Art. bn in a circle (66)

23rjad: 9 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (60)

24-25 series: St. Bn. In a circle. 60

26rjad: 8 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (54)

28rjad: 7 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (48)

29rjad: 6 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (42)

30rjad: 5 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (36)

31rjad: 4 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (30)

32 series: 3st. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (24)

Hammering tight enough

33 Series: 2 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (18)

34 Series: 1 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (12)

35 Series: Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (6)

Next knit handles (2 parts)

1rjad: 2 VP, 2-loop from hook knit 6 art. Bn. 6

2rjad: 2 St. Bn. In each loop (12)

3rjad: Art. bn., in the next loop 2 St. Bn. – 6 times (18)

4rjad: St. Bn. Round Robin (18)

5rjad: 1 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – 6 times (12)

6-12 series: St. Bn in a circle (12)

Hammering handle

13rjad: 2 St. Bn together-6 times.

Now knit legs (2 parts)

1rjad: A chain of 7 EAP. In the 2nd loop from the hook knit 3st. bn. Further 4st. Bn, we repeat from the back of the chain 3 St. Bn. In one loop, 4 art. Bn. 14

2rjad: (2 St. Bn. In the following 3 loops, 4 ct. bn) Repeat 2 times (20)

4-5 Series: Knit in the circle of art. Bn. 20

6rjad: Knit 2 loops together 3 times, further 14 St. Bn. 17

7rjad: Knit 2 loops, further 15 Ct. bn. 16

8-13 series: St. Bn in a circle (16)

14rjad: 1 St. Bn., 2 St. Bn. Together. -5 times, 1 St. Bn. 10

Beat the leg tightly enough, but not stretching loops.

15rjad: 2 St. Bn together – 5 times. 5

Knit Ponytail

1rjad: 2 VP, 2-loop from hook knit 6 art. Bn. 6

2rjad: 2 St. Bn. In each loop (12)

3rjad: Art. bn., in the next loop 2 St. Bn. – 6 times (18)

4-5 series: St. Bn. Round Robin (18)

6rjad: 4 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – repeat 3 times (15)

7rjad: St. Bn. Round Robin (15)

8rjad: 3 St. Bn., Knit 2 St. Bn together – repeat 3 times (12)

9-16 series: St. Bn. Round Robin (12)

We leave a long thread for sewing.

The tail is hammered.

Knit ears (2 parts)

1rjad: 2 VP, 2-loop from hook Knit 3 art. Bn. 3

2rjad: 2 St. Bn. In each loop (6)

3rjad: Art. bn., in the next loop 2 St. Bn. -3 times (9)

4rjad: 2 art. bn., in the next loop 2 St. Bn. -3 times (12)

5rjad: Art. bn., in the next loop 2 St. Bn. – 6 times (18)

We leave a long thread for sewing.

As a result, we should have the following

Now take the usual velcro, more precisely that its part on which there are hooks and carefully nachesyvaem all details across loops. Our cat should become evenly fluffy.

We begin to assemble, for this we need the following tools: Strong cotton thread, long needle with a large ear and pliers.

First of all transplanted paws-handles. Clings the thread over several hinges of the foot and extend through the needle through the torso. This process can be quite complicated, so help yourself with pliers.

Similarly clings the second foot and extend the needle in the same place through the entire torso

The same way to attach the legs

Then sew the ears and tail

It was time to design the muzzle. For this small lump of white wool privalivaem to the head of our cat.  Then take a little pink wool and form on the muzzle spout.

Dalet durable cotton thread utjagivaem place for future eyes.

Before to glue eyes toning eye, ears and draw a stripy to our cat. I use oil art pencils for this, but can come up with the usual color, or makeup shadows.

Left to stick the eyes and embroider the moustache. Our cat is ready

Knitted scarf from white acrylic facial loops. All women who are expecting a child, already have children or are only going to become a mother, invite to visit the Forum moms. All useful information about women's consultations, maternity hospitals, doctors, dairy kitchens and kindergartens will be provided to you by the Motherhood website. Registration at the forum will allow you to communicate with other moms, ask questions about childbirth and pregnancy, share and discuss topics that concern you.

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