
Crochet Toy Mouse Free Pattern

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Materials: Approximately 50-60 gr pink threads, 20gr White, a couple of meters black and a little green for the eyes. Hook № 2. The height of the mouse is 19 cm. Thread-"kartopu-Crystal", 480m/100gr.
VP-Air Loop.
PRS – A column without a throw.
PRSs-Column with Crochets.
Arr. -To bind 2 PRS in one loop.
Ub. -Tie 2 PRs together.
SS-Connecting column.

At the end of each paired row to bind one PRS in order that the beginning of the series is not "slipped". This loop doesn't count.
1 row-9VP, PRs in the second from the hook, 6 PRS, 3 PRS in the extreme loop, further-on the other side of the chain-6 prs, arr. = 18p.
2 row-arr., 6 PRs, (arr.) -3 times 6 PRS, (arr.) -2 times + 1SBN = 24p.
3 row-Arr, 7SBN, (arr, 1sbn.) -2 times, arr, 7 PRs, (ARR, 1 PRs.) -2 times, = 30p.
4 Row-Arr, 8 PRs, (ARR, 2 PRs.) -2 times, arr, 8 PRs, (ARR, 2 STB.) -2 times + 1SBN = 36p.
5 Row-Arr, 9 PRs, (arr, 3 prs.)-2 times, arr, 9 PRs, (arr, 3 prs.)-2 times = 42 p.
6 row-Arr, 10 PRs, (arr, 4 PRS.) -2 times, arr, 10 PRs, (arr, 4 PRS.) -2 times + 1SBN = 48 p.
7 Row-Arr, 11 PRs, (ARR, 5 PRS.) -2 times, arr, 11 PRs, (ARR, 5 PRS.) -2 times = 54 p.
8 Row-Arr, 12 PRs, (arr, 6 PRs.) -2 times, arr, 12 PRs, (arr, 6 PRs.) -2 times + 1SBN = 62d.
9 Row-Arr, 13 PRs, (arr, 7 PRs.) -2 times, arr, 13 PRs, (arr, 7 PRs.) -2 times = 66 p.
10 row-Arr, 14 PRs, (arr, 8 PRs.) -2 times, arr, 14 PRs, (arr, 8 PRs.) -2 times + 1SBN = 72 p.
11-14 Series-72 PRs.
At the end of the 14 series + 1 PRs to align the series.
15 row-Arr, 15 PRs, (arr, 9 PRS.) -2 times, arr, 15 PRs, (arr, 9 PRS.) -2 times = 78 p.
16-20 Series-78 PRS.
At the end of the 20 series + 2SBN to align the series.
21 Row-UB, 15 PRS, (UB, 9 PRS.) -2 times, UB, 15 PRS, (UB, 9 PRS.) -2 times = 72 p.
22-23 Series-72 PRS. In the 22nd row + 1SBN.
24 row-UB, 14 PRS, (UB, 8 PRS.) -2 times, UB, 14 PRS, (UB, 8 PRS.) -2 times + 1SBN = 66 p.
25 Row-66 PRS.
26 row-UB, 13 PRS, (UB, 7 PRS.) -2 times, UB, 13 PRS, (UB, 7 PRS.) -2 times + 1SBN = 62d.
27 Row-60 PRS.
28 Row-UB, 12 PRS, (UB, 6 PRS.) -2 times, UB, 12 PRS, (UB, 6 PRS.) -2 times + 1SBN = 54 p.
29 row-54 PRS.
30 row-UB, 11 PRS, (UB, 5 PRS.) -2 times, UB, 11 PRS, (UB, 5 PRS.) -2 times + 1SBN = 48 p.
31 row-48 PRS.
32 Series-UB, 10 PRS, (UB, 4 PRS.) -2 times, UB, 10 PRS, (UB, 4 PRS.) -2 times + 1SBN = 42 p.
33 series-42 PRS. 

1 row-dial 11 air loops. PRS the second from the hook, 8SBN, 3SBN in an extreme loop, 8 PRs on the other side of the chain, 2 PRS in the last loop.
2 Row-Arr, 8 PRS, (ARR)-3 times, 8 PRS, (ARR)-2 times + 1p = 28p.
3 row-Arr, 9SBN, (arr, 1 prs)-2 times, arr, 9 PRs, (arr, 1 prs)-2 times = 34p.
4 Row-Arr, 10SBN, (arr, 2 PRS)-2 times, arr, 10SBN, (arr, 2 PRS)-2 times + 1p = 40p.
5 row-Arr, 11 PRs, (arr, 3 prs.)-2 times, arr, 11 PRs, (arr, 3 prs.)-2 times = 46 p.
6 row-Arr, 12 PRs, (arr, 4 prs.)-2 times, arr, 12 PRs, (arr, 4 prs.)-2 times + 1p = 52 P.
7 Row-Arr, 13 PRs, (ARR, 5 prs.)-2 times, arr, 13 PRs, (ARR, 5 prs.)-2 times = 58 p.
8 Row-Arr, 14 PRs, (arr, 6 prs.)-2 times, arr, 14 PRs, (arr, 6 prs.)-2 times + 1p = 64 p.
9 Row-Arr, 15 PRs, (arr, 7 PRs.)-2 times, arr, 15 PRs, (arr, 7 PRs.)-2 times = 70p.
10 row-Arr, 16 PRs, (ARR, 8 prs.)-2 times, arr, 16 PRs, (ARR, 8 prs.)-2 times + 1p = 76 p.
11 row-8 PRS, arr, 37 PRS, arr, 29 prs = 78 p.
12-23 Series-PRs. During this time the start of the series is significantly sehalo and to return it to the place knit additional 4 loops.
24 row-UB, 16 PRS, (UB, 8SBN)-2 times, UB, 16 PRS, (UB, 8SBN)-2 times = 72 p.
25 Row-72 PRS.
26 Row-UB, 15 PRS, (UB, 7SBN)-2 times, UB, 15 PRS, (UB, 7SBN)-2 times + 1p = 66 p.
27 Row-66 PRS.
28 Row-UB, 14 PRS, (UB, 6SBN)-2 times, UB, 14 PRS, (UB, 6SBN)-2 times + 1p = 62d.
29 row-60 PRS.
30 row-UB, 13 PRS, (UB, 5SBN)-2 times, UB, 13 PRS, (UB, 5SBN)-2 times + 1p = 54 p.
31 row-54 PRS.
32 Series-UB, 12 PRS, (UB, 4SBN)-2 times, UB, 12 PRS, (UB, 4SBN)-2 times + 1p = 48 p.
33 series-48 PRS.
34 Series-UB, 11 PRS, (UB, 3SBN)-2 times, UB, 11 PRS, (UB, 3SBN)-2 times + 1p = 42 p.
35-36 rows-42 PRS.
Fit tightly both parts and sew. Only it is necessary to watch that the set row of a chain on a head and a trunk went parallel, otherwise in the ready toy the head will be rotated side.

It is necessary to tie 4 details-2 white and 2 colour. They will be almost round with one flat side.
1 Row-2 VP 6 St B/n 2 n from the hook.
2 row-(ARR)-6 times = 12p.
3 Row-(1SBN, arr)-6 times = 18p.
4 Row-(2SBN, arr)-6 times = 24p.
5 row-(3SBN, arr)-6 times = 30p.
6 row-(4SBN, arr)-6 times = 36 p.
7 Row-(5SBN, arr)-6 times = 42 p.
8 Row-(6SBN, arr)-6 times = 48 p.
9 row-3SBN, arr, (7SBN, arr)-5 times, 4 PRS = 54 p.
10 row-, 1PSSN, (2ssn in one loop, 8SSN)-5 times, 1SSN and 1pssn in one loop = 53 p. (This series we do not dovjazyvaem to the end).
11 Row-(9SBN, arr)-6 times, arr = 68p.
Then add two parts together, white and colored, face outward, combining flat areas, and tie in a circle PRs. On a flat plot knit so: 2SBN, 1 to skip-a cloth then a little contracts, forming as though plate. 

So, let's go.
Let's start with the black thread.
1 row-2VP, 6SBN in the second from the hook = 6p.
2 row-(ARR)-6 times = 12p.
3 Row-(1SBN, arr)-6 times = 18p.
4 Row-18SBN.
5 Series-(1SBN, UB)-6 times = 12p.
6 row-(UB))-6 times = 6p.
We move on to the white thread.
7 row-(ARR)-6 times = 12p.
8 Row-(2SBN, arr)-4 times = 16p.
9 Row-(3SBN, arr)-4 times = 20p.
10 Row-(4SBN, arr)-4 times = 24p.
11 Row-(5SBN, arr)-4 times = 28p.
12 Row-(6SBN, arr)-4 times = 32 p.
13 Row-(7SBN, arr)-4 times = 36 p.
14 Row-(8SBN, arr)-4 times = 40p.15 row-(9SBN, arr)-4 times = 44 p.
16 Row-(9SBN, UB)-4 times = 40p.
17 Row-(8SBN, UB)-4 times = 36 p.
Now knitting with white color-
Right cheek.
1 row-5VP, PRs in the second from a hook, 2SBN, 3SBN in the last loop. Further knit on the other side of the chain-2SBN, arr. = 10p.
2 row-Arr, 2SBN, (arr)-3 times, 2SBN, (arr)-2 times + 1p = 16p.
3 row-Arr, 3SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-2 times, arr, 3SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-2 times = plastic.
4 Row-Arr, 5SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-2 times, arr, 6SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-2 times, 1SBN = 28p.
5 row-1SBN, arr, 6SBN (arr, 2SBN)-2 times, arr, 7SBN, (arr, 2SBN)-2 times = 34p.
6 row-1SBN, arr, 7SBN (arr, 3SBN)-2 times, arr, 8SBN, (arr, 3SBN)-2 times + 1p = 40p.
7 row-1SBN, arr, 8SBN (arr, 4SBN)-2 times, arr, 9SBN, (arr, 4SBN)-2 times = 46p.
8 row-1SBN, arr, 9SBN (arr, 5SBN)-2 times, arr, 10SBN, arr, 5SBN, arr, 7SBN, VP, turn knitting = 52 p.
9 row-6SBN, UB, VP, turn.
10 row-UB, 5SBN, VP, turn.
11 row-4SBN, UB, fix and break the thread.
Left cheek.
The ranks of the 1-7 knit as for the right cheek.
8 row-1SBN, arr, 9SBN (arr, 5SBN)-2 times, arr, 10SBN, arr, 5SBN, arr, 5SBN. Fasten and break the thread.

9 row-Attach the NIT to the ninth loop on a line of 9SBN, 8SBN, VP, Twist Knitting.
10 row-6SBN, UB, VP, turn.
11 row-UB, 5SBN, VP, turn.
12 Rjab-4SBN, UB, fix the thread.
To fold both cheeks with face sides inside, to sew or to tie on a narrow party that it is so:

At first sew cheeks, not strongly them stretching, that then a spout it was possible to close a void. Cheeks too should be filled with a filler. then sew the spout. Even before the sewing is good to fill with black Pypochku: O, the rest-as the sewing.

Belly-white color.
1 row-2VP, 6SBN the second from the hook.
2 row-(ARR)-6 times = 12p.
3 Row-(1SBN, arr)-6 times = 18p.
4 Row-(2SBN, arr)-6 times = 24p.
5 row-(3SBN, arr)-6 times = 30p.
6 row-(4SBN, arr)-6 times = 36 p.
7 Row-(5SBN, arr)-6 times = 42 p.
8 Row-(6SBN, arr)-6 times = 48 p.
9 Row-(7SBN, arr)-6 times = 54 p.
10 Row-(8SBN, arr)-6 times = 62d.
11 Row-(9SBN, arr)-6 times = 66 p.
12 Row-(10SBN, arr)-6 times = 72 p.
13 Row-(11SBN, arr)-6 times = 78 p.
It will be a pronounced hexagon. Make sure that the flat part passed under the neck, touching the cheeks. Then there will be a flat lane. My belly was not stuffed-my torso was too much packed.

Hands-the main color.
1 Row-Dial 9 VP, PRS second from the hook, 6SBN, 3 PRs in the last loop, then knit on the other side of the chain-6SBN, arr. = 18p.
2 row-Arr, 6SBN, (arr)-3 times, 6SBN, arr, 1sbn = 23p.
3 Row-8SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-3 times, 8SBN, arr = 27p.
4 Row-11SBN, (arr)-2 RAZA12SBN, (arr)-2 times = 31p.
5 Row-14SBN, (arr)-2 times, 15SBN + 1p = 33p.
6 row-15SBN, (arr)-2 times, 16SBN + 1SBN = 35p.
7 Row-16SBN, (arr)-2 times, 17SBN + 1p = 37p.
8 Row-17SBN, (arr)-2 times, 18SBN = 39 p.
9 Row-39 PRS.
10 row-UB, 15SBN, UB, UB, 16SBN, UB = 35p.
11rjad-15SBN, UB, UB, 16SBN + 1p = 33 p.
12-13 Series-33 PRS
14 Row-15SBN, UB, UB, 14SBN + 1p = 31p.
15 row-31p.
16 series + 1p = 31p.
17 Row-14SBN, UB, UB, 13SBN = 29p.
18 row-13SBN, UB, 13SBN, arr = 29p.
19 Row-14SBN, UB, 13SBN + 1p = 28p.
20 row-13SBN, ub, 13SBN = 27p.
21 row-13SBN, UB, 12SBN + 1p = 26p.
22 row-12SBN, ub, 12SBN = 25b.
23 Row-12SBN, ub, 11SBN = 24p.
24 row-10SBN, UB, 7SBN, 1сс, 1VP, work turn.
25 row-1p miss, 6SBN, UB, 6SBN, 1сс, 1VP, work turn.
26 row-1p Skip, 5SBN, UB, 14SBN, SS in SS 25 series.
A flat hand should be obtained. It is necessary to fill it quite a little, that the form so kept, but at the same time it was not empty.

Left leg.
We start with white color.
1 row-2VP, 6SBN the second from the hook.
2 row-(ARR)-6 times = 12p.
3 Row-(1SBN, arr)-6 times = 18p.
4 Row-(2SBN, arr)-6 times = 24p.
5 row-(3SBN, arr)-6 times = 30p.
6 row-(4SBN, arr)-6 times = 36 p.
7 Row-(5SBN, arr)-6 times = 42 p.
8 Row-(6SBN, arr)-6 times = 48 p.
9 row-for the back wedges-48 PRS
10 row-48 PRS.
11 row-16SBN, UB, 5SBN, UB, 5SBN, ub, 16SBN = 45p.
12 row-16SBN, UB, 3SBN, UB, 3SBN, ub, 17SBN = 42 p.
13 row-16SBN, UB, 2SBN, UB, 2SBN, UB, 16SBN = 39 p.
14 Row-16SBN, UB, 1SBN, UB, 1SBN, ub, 15SBN = 36 p.
15 row-15SBN, UB, UB, UB, 15SBN = 33 p.
16-18 rows-33 p
19 Row-25SBN, VP, turn knitting.
20 row-1p Skip, 23SBN, VP, turn knitting.
21 row-1p Skip, 20SBN, UB,, VP turn knitting.
22 row-1p Skip, 18SBN, UB, VP, turn knitting.
23 Row-2p Skip, 15SBN, UB, VP, turn knitting.
24 row-2p Skip, 12SBN, UB, VP, turn knitting.
25 row-1p Skip, 10SBN, UB, VP, turn knitting.
26 row-2p Skip, 7SBN, UB, VP, turn knitting.
27 Row-1p Skip, 5SBN, UB, VP, turn knitting.
28 row-1p Skip, 3SBN, UB,, VP turn knitting.
29 row-1p Skip, 1SBN, UB, SS.
Right leg.
1-18 rows-like in the first leg.
19 RJAD5SBN, VP, turn knitting.
Further repeat the ranks 20-29 as in the first leg.
The legs are like a little rotated in the sides. If you want them to "look" smoothly, then in the 19th row to tie not 25, and 22SBN on the left leg. On the right-5SBN.
1 row-26VP.
2 row-25SBN, 1VP, turn work.
3 row-12SBN, 13PSSN, 1VP, turn work.
4 Row-13pssn, 12SBN, 1VP, turn work.
5 Row-25SBN.
Sew the tail along, a wide part to sew to the body. Who wants-you can beat the tail, but do it in the course of stitching-then it will be very difficult.

1 row-Black color-4VP, PRS in the second from the hook, 1SBN, 3 PRs in the last loop, then knit on the other side of the chain-1SBN, arr. = 6p.
2 row-Arr, 1SBN, (arr)-3 times, 1SBN, (arr)-2 times = 14p.
3 row-green color-arr, 2SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-3 times, 1SBN, (arr, 1SBN)-2 times = 20p.
4 Row-Arr, 3SBN, (arr, 2SBN)-3 times, 1SBN, (arr, 2SBN)-2 times = 26.
5 row-knit black color-26SBN.


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