Click For Crochet Abbreviations List
1p: 2 in. in the second half of the 6th c.
2p: pr * 6 (12 cbn)
3p: (sb, pr) * 6 (18 cbn)
4p: (2 sc, pr) * 6 (24 cbn)
5p: (3 sc, pr) * 6 (30 сбн)
6p: (4 sb, pr) * 6 (36 cbn) 7p
: (5 sb, pr) * 6 (42 cps)
8p: (6 sc, pr) * 6 (48 sb)
9p: (7 cbn, pr) * 6 (54 сбн)
10р: (8 сбн, пр) * 6 (60 сбн)
11-20р: 10 rows without changes
21р: (уб, 8 сбн) * 6 (54 сбн)
22р: (уб, 7 сбн) * 6 (48 сбн)
23р: (уб, 6 сбн) * 6 (42 сбн)
24р: (уб, 5 сбн) * 6 (36 сбн)
25р: (уб, 4 сбн) * 6 (30 сбн)
26р: (уб, 3 сбн) * 6 (24 сбн) - to fill
27р: (уб, 2 сбн) * 6 (18 сбн)
28р: (уб, сбн) * 6 (12 сбн) - still to fill with
29р: уб * 6 ( 6 sb)
Loop the hinges and hide in the head.
Handles 2 pieces:
1p: 2 in. in the second 6 sb
2p: pr * 6 (12 sb)
3p: (sb, pr) * 6 (18 cbn)
4-8p: 5 rows unchanged
9p: (ub, sb) * 6 (12 sb) 10p
: (ub, 4 sb) * 2 (10 sb) - only fill this part of the handle
11-30p: 20 rows unchanged
Connect both sides of the sb, leave the thread for sewing.
Ears 2 pcs, knit with turning rows:
1 p: 2 in. in the second half of the fifth century, 1 century. We expand
2p: 5 * pr, 1 in. etc. unfold
3 p: (1 sb, pr) * 5 Change the thread to black, 1 in. etc. unfold
4 p: 15 sb, thread secure
Dial 6 in. n.
1p .: 4 sc, 3 to 1, on the other side 3 sc, etc. (12 sc)
2p .: pr 3 sc, etc. * 3, 3 sc, etc. * 2 (18 sc)
3p .: pr 4 sb, (1 sbn, pr) * 3, 3 sbn, (1 sbn, pr) * 2 (24 sbn)
4p .: pr, 5 sb, (2 sb, pr) * 3, 3 cf., (2 sb, pr) * 2 (30 sb)
5p-7p .: 3 rows unchanged (30 sb)
Leave the sewing thread. Do not forget to fill it))
Eyes 2 pcs, black yarn:
1p: 2 in. n. in the 2 nd 6 sb The
thread is fixed and hidden. Glare to embroider with white thread. Sew in place))
Spout embroidered black thread. Make strips.
Everything, our comfort is ready)) Thanks for attention and green arrows)))