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So, we need a hook nº3 and cotton yarn
Collect 8 air loops and cover them in a ring
1 row: 2 STSN, 2 VP, 2 STSN repeat 8 times. Change the color
2 series: 1СБН, 3 ВП, 1 СБН in the arch пред.ряда.Повторить 8 раз
3 row: 1SBN, 1VP, 3 STSN, 1VP, 1 SBN. Repeat 8 times, change the color
4 ranks: 1 RLS in the arch of 1 row, 5 VP, 1 RN. Repeat 8 times
5 series: 1СБН, 1ВП, 4 СТСН, 1ВП, 1 СБН. Repeat 8 times, change color
6 row: 1 SBN in the RLS of the previous series, 6 VP, 1SBN Repeat 8 times
7 series: 1SBN, 1 VP, 5TSSN, 1VP, 1 SBN. Repeat 8 times. Change the color
8 series: 1 sc in the previous row, 7 VP, 1 SBN. Repeat 8 times