
Amigurumi Dress Tutorial

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Types of Creativity: dolls and toys, teddy bears
Knitting, crochet
Complexity: Below average
Working time: 6 hours

Jumpsuit on a pet or a doll growing 22-25 cm


Yarn-100 GR-250 m
Hosiery Spokes and circular № 3

Knitting density 21p * 30 p = 10cm * 10 cm

We recruit 44 p 
Even rows knit on the figure
1st row: 1 KR + 10 L + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 4 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 10 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 4 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 10 L. + 1 kr

3rd row: 1 kr + 1 L + 2p together facial + 1nid + 8 persons + 1 Nak + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 6 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 12 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 6 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 11 L. + 1 kr

5th row: 1 kr + 12 L + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 8 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 14 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 8 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 12 L. + 1 kr

7th row: 1 kr + 13l + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 10 Persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 16 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 10 Persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 13 L. + 1 kr

9th row: 1 kr + 14 L + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 12 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 18 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 12 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 14 L. + 1 kr

11th row: 1 kr + 15 L + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 14 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 20 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 Nak. + 14 persons + 1 NAC + 1 persons + 1 NAC + 15 L. + 1 kr

13th row: 1 kr + 15 L + (20 p sleeves to remove the auxiliary thread) + dial 2 p + 20 persons + (20 p sleeves to remove the auxiliary thread) + dial 2 p. + 15 L. + 1 kr.

15th row: 1kr + 54 L + 1 kr.

17th row: 1kr + 15 persons + 1 scale + 2 persons + 1 scum + 20 persons + 1 scale + 2 persons + 1 scale + 15 persons + 1 Chrome

19th row: 1kr + 58 L + 1 KR

21-25 The series is knit straight.

27th Row: Evenly throw all loops on four little spokes.  15 Loops on Spokes 
Bring together the 1st loop with the first spokes and the 12th loop with the fourth spokes. 
Bring together the 2nd loop with the first spokes and the 13th loop with the fourth spokes. 
Bring the third loop together with the first spokes and the 14th loop with the fourth spokes. 
Bring together the 4th loop with the first spokes and the 15th loop with the fourth spokes.

Knitting to close in a circle (all on spokes of 56 loops).

28-40 The P is knit straight. 

Then we need to split the knitting into 2 parts for the pants.  To do this, close 
4 Middle loops front and 4 middle back loops.

We will have 24 p for the leg of the rod, we get them separately on 8 rows.  Close the hinges, sew the step stitch.

On hosiery spokes transfer loops of sleeves, put 18 rows and close loops (last 4 Radya It is possible to pass a pattern of a rubber band, or other suitable, in your opinion)

We type on circular spokes the neck loop-44 n
1st row-1 Chrome + 1 scale + (6 persons + 1 scale) 7 times + 1 Chrome

So that the hood we have in the shape of a cap.  We define the average loop of a cloth and in each second row we are proyazit as follows-1 scale + the average loop + 1 scum.

At an altitude of 8 cm close the hinges and sew the hood. 

Sewing the Punpon to the hood and the button to the shelf.  Decorate at your discretion.

Source : https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3105818/post337477250/

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