
Crochet Toy Dog Tutorial

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The girls, to whom I promised the description, I photographed the process of knitting the dog, but since I did not like the dog very much, it does not look like normal yarn, did not want to show. Now, on request, I show the main principle, I think you will get beautiful dogs.

Here is my, dolmatinets

I'm starting to knit from my head. The principle of knitting, like that of a bear, is only a part - the muzzle is longer.

1 row: tie 2 in., 6 stems into the second loop. (6)
2nd row: 2 sts in each st in a circle. (12)
3rd row: (1 stb, 2 stb in the next st.) 6 times (18)

4 series: (2 stbn, 2 stb in the next st.) 6 times (24) Photo # 1,

then we knit a few rows without additions Photo number 2, I determine how many rows to tie in the finished dog Photo # 3


Photo # 2

Picture №3

Photo №1

Now it's enough, it's such a detail

Next, we knit this: 6 stbn, 12 st.n., 6 stbn (24)

6 stbn, 2 stb in each connection. article, 6 stbn (36)

Looks like that:

we knit in a circle the received 36stbn, approximately 7 rows (depending on what thickness of thread)

3stab, 2star together, 7 times (28) 1star (29)


3stab, 2star together, 5 times (20) 4star (24)


2 stems, 2 stems together, and so on, stuffing the head with a sintepon, finishing, tying together 2 bb.

The head is ready

I hope, it is understandable. If that, ask. Tomorrow I will continue.

Next, we knit a body, it turns out that such a detail

and paws at the same time.

We start knitting the body the same way as the head, we knit to about 30-36 stbb, then several rows of 36 stbb (7-9 rows), then start to reduce (3stb, 2 stb together), so to the end. Excuse, that all approximately, knitted that from a head, without schemes, already precisely I do not remember how many columns were.

Next paws: we start with 2x air. loops, 6 stb. in 2 loops., 2 stems in each st. in a circle (12stbn), add evenly 3bn (15 stb) knit in a circle to the desired height of the legs.


Ears: 4voz. loops, 2 rows - 2 stb in the first and last loop, 2, 3 loops of 1 stb. and so on, then tie the whole eye with the eye. In the photo, it seems that you can see how the ear is connected.

then we collect everything together

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