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Today we have knitting patterns quite often found in the Irish lace of a multi-tiered rose. Still it is called an Irish or three-dimensional rose. If you master the knitting principle of this element, then you can freely invent different variations without schemes.

You can make different centers, the number of petals, each tier of the flower can be knitted in different colors, use all kinds of straps. The petals can also be knitted in different ways. All this will give individuality to this motive.

But first of all, you will need a scheme. I wish you success!

To knead 5 bp, connect in a ring, tie a ring 8 tbsp. without a crochet

in each loop of the previous row, bind 2 tbsp each. with a crochet - it turns 16 st. with a crochet

* 5 cp in the next. 2 loops of the previous row - 2 tbsp. without a crochet *

so we knit to the end of the row

Each petal we bind - 1 tbsp. without a crochet, 5 tbsp. with a cushion, 1 tbsp. without a crochet, we sew a half-loop between the petals

that's what we get

we knit the next tier of petals - * 7 vp, we make a relief column, grabbing a column of the previous row at work *

so do to the end of the series.

this is the view from the wrong side

Now we tie each shackle as follows - * 1 st. without a crochet, 7 tbsp. with a cushion, 1 tbsp. without a crochet * in the column between the petals we make 1 semisheet


two tiers are ready

in the same way we knit arches for the 3 tier, only the chain consists of 10 bp already, this is a view from the inside

We knit under each shank - * 1 tbsp. without nakida, 10 pp, 1 tbsp. without a crochet *

We bind the petals - * 1 semicolumn, 1 stp *

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