
Knitted horse amigurumi crochet

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his crocheted horse is very nice and beautiful. Knit it is not difficult, and most importantly not for long. This horse is a toy - amigurumi. In themselves, amigurumi are little cute crocheted toys that are popular all over the world. Children play excellently, and their mothers are calm, that their children play quality toys, because they have tied these toys themselves. Well, and looking at this horse, I can say with certainty that she will certainly like your baby, because she is so cute !!!

To produce a knitted toy you will need a yarn of four shades: blue, silent gray, white and black, a hook over the thickness of the yarn, a sintepon, two black buttons, a needle and a thread, scissors. All yarn should be the same thickness.

The horse consists of separately connected parts, which then need to be sewn. The figure below shows the pattern of knitting of the head, trunk, ear, paw, and also the neck of the horse:

All elements are knitted in a circle. Ears, trunk, tail, neck knit with blue yarn. When knitting the first 3 rows of knitting yarn gray yarn, and the remaining blue. The first 8th row when knitting the head is knitted white yarn, the rest - blue. It is necessary to connect two ears and four paws, all the other elements one by one. The tail consists of a chain of extensions, at the end of which there is a brush.

When all the elements are connected, we fill them with a sintepon, except for the ears and tail. Now we sew them. We sew the neck, paws and tail to the body. To the neck we sew the head, and to the head - the ears. We sew black buttons in the eye area. We embroider a black yarn with a nose, and also a mouth. From white yarn we make mane.

The crocheted horse is ready.

As a New Year's souvenirs, according to the above scheme, the craftsman Koroleva Irina associated a whole herd of horses:

The eyes of the horses are purchased, and for bangs, manes and tail Irina used yarn "grass". Thank her very much for the provided photos.

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