
Amigurumi Flower Toy Pattern

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To check the translation, the yarn was used Children's novelty (pehorock) 50 g / 200 m, the growth was 8 cm.
For a spout, it's best to use a thinner yarn or replace it with a pompomchik.
A good base for puppets and other animals.

KA - amigurumi ring
VP - air loop
RLS - column without crochet
SS - connecting post
Prib - increase (from 1 RLS to knit 2 RLS)
Ub - reduction (from 2 RLS to knit 1 RTS)

HANDLES 2 children 1p - 6 sb in KA 2-7p for 6 sbn (6 rows) LEGS 2 children 1p - in ka 8 sbn 2-5r for 8 sbn (4 rows) 6p - combine knitting, i.e. dial the chain 4v.p., tie the first tab 8 sb, along the chain 4 sb, then on the second foot 8 sb, along the chain 4 bp, put the marker. Total 24 сбн

Next we follow the marker 7-9p for 24 sbn (3 rows) 10p - (4 sb, yb) * 4 = 20 sb 11p - 20 12p - (3 sb, yb) * 4 = 16

13p - Get your hands on it. First check the marker, roughly, it should be on the side, not reaching 1 sb. If the marker is in the center of the body, then tie the required number of sb !!! As a result of testing it is verified - it is necessary to tie up 3 sb.
We knit 1sbn on the carcass + 6 sbn on the arm, then 8 sb on the carcass, then 6 sbn on the 2nd hand and the remaining 7 sb on the body, put the marker. Altogether: 16 sb on the body +12 sb of the handle = 28 sb (1 sb on the carcass, so that the deductions on the handle later symmetrically lie).
You can try to tie the body + hand + body + hand, so that the 4ub at 14m were on the body (there is just 8 cms)

14р - 4уб, 2 сбн, уб, 2 сбн, 4уб, 2 сбн, уб, 2 сбн = 18 сбн 15р - (1 сбн, уб) * 6 = 12 сбн 15 "А" р !!!! one can add 1 row of 12 sbn-neck 16p-pri * 12 = 24 sb 17p - (3 sb, prib) * 6 = 30 sb 18p - (4 cbn, prib) * 6 = 36 sbn 19p - (5 sb, prib ) * 6 = 42 sbn 20-27r (8 rows) for 42 cbn 28p - (5 cbn, уб) * 6 = 36 сбн 29р - (4 сбн, уб) * 6 = 30 сбн 30р - (3 сбн, уб) * 6 = 24 сбн 31р - (2 сбн, уб) * 6 = 18 сбн 32р - (1 сбн, уб) * 6 = 12 сбн 33р - уб * 6, There is no description in the description, but you can add if you can not steal it neatly with a needle of twelve.

LEPESTOCCHE 7 children. 1p - 6 sb in KA 2p - prib * 6 = 12 sb 3p - (1 sb, prib) * 6 = 18 sbn 4-5p - 18 sbn (2 rows) 6p - (4 cb, yb) * 3 = 15 cbn 7р - 15 сбн, here the thread is cut off at 6 petals, and in the 7th petal not cut, continue to knit 8р - folded in half and tied for both walls 6-7 сбн, then for each petal, having united in a circle. NOTE: the number of rows of the petal can be increased if it seems small.

NOSIC yarn is better in 2 times thinner to take, otherwise a large spout is obtained. or embroider, pompomchik, and so on) 1p - 6 sb in KA 2p - prib * 6 = 12 sb 3p-12 sb

Ears 2 children 1p - 6 sb in KA 2p - prib * 6 = 12 sb 3p - fold in half to tie 6 sbn

Sew, ears, spout and petals, eyes. Embroider mouth, crooks.

ATTENTION! in the photo, look at the ears! They are sewn on the fold, the last row is the outer edge of the eyelet.
NOTE! Very good basis for pups and other animals! You can take note.

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