
Pullover with rhombus free pattern

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pullover Size: 38/40 

You will need: 400 g of blue yarn Club (50% hlopha, 50% poliayarila, 125 m / 50 g); straight and circular needles No. 3.5. 

Pattern with rhombuses 1: knit according to a scheme which shows only persons. R. in out. R. knit loops according to the pattern, nakida - izn., in double nakida of the 1st nakid knit izn., 2 and nakid - izn. cross 

Start with 1 chrome. knit 1 time loop to the middle, then symmetrically tie the loop from the middle, finish 1 chrome. 

Run 1 time from 1st to 170 and p. 

Pattern with rhombus 2: the number of loops is a multiple of 16 + 4 + 2 chrome. 

Knit as a pattern with rhombus 1, but start with 1 chrome. and 2 points before rapport, repeat 3 times loops of rapport, finish 2 points after rapport and 1 chrome. 

With additions and additions, the number of nakida should correspond to the number of loops knitted together and vice versa. 

Repeat from 1st to 28th p. 

Knitting density: 21 p. And 32 p. - 10 x 10 cm. 

Back: with a cross-shaped dial, dial 100 points and knit with a diamond pattern 1. 
Through 39.5 cm = 126 p. from the edge of the dial to perform on both sides of the subtract for raglan bevels. 
Through 53 cm = 170 p. from the typesetting edge, the remaining 42 n close. 

Before: knit like a back, but for a V-shaped notch through 35 cm = 112 p. from the typesetting edge (see Strepku A in the diagram) to mismatch the 113th p. 4 p. to the middle and knit the strap in the following way: for knitting, knit 2 p. together persons., for a lace edge, make 1 nakid and knit 2 p. together, knit 1 chrome from the transverse yarn.
Finish both sides separately. 
First tie the left half. 
For the bevel of the notch, perform another 13 decrease in each 2nd p. 
Openwork to perform until the end of the work. 
Through 53 cm = 170 p. from the typesetting edge the remaining 8 p. close. 
The right half is connected symmetrically, with 113 p. knit 1 chrome from the transverse thread, for the open edge, perform 1 broach (1 p. remove as face., 1 person and pull it through the removed loop) and make 1 nakid. for reductions, perform 1 broach. 

Sleeves: dial 54 points with a cross set and knit with a diamond 2 pattern. 

After 8.5 cm = 28 r, add 1 point for bevels on both sides of the sleeve, then in each 20 m p 3 x 1 paragraph and in each 10 m p. 3 x 1 p., Including the added loops in the pattern = 68 p.

Through 39.5 cm * 126 p. from the typesetting edge, perform raglan bevels on both sides, as on the back. 

Through 53 cm = 170 p. from the typesetting edge the remaining 10 n close. 

Pullover assembly: perform raglan seams, side seams and sleeve seams. 

For the slit neckline, starting and ending in the middle of the front, dial 167 p. Into circular needles and knit in circular rows with a rubber band, while in the middle of the front knit 1 person. (= average loop). 

To give shape in every 2nd p. 5 times remove the middle and previous loops as faces., 1 faces. and stretch it through the hinges taken. 

After 3 cm from the beginning of the strap loop close on the picture.

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