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Stock reel Italian Biagioli Modesto. White colour. Ingredients: 20% cashmere, 30% silk, 50% merino. Knitted in 10 additions of a thread, knitted with hosiery N 1.25 - an elastic band and in 15 addition with hosiery knitting needles N 2 - a hat itself.


 in height it turned out 20 cm. Rapport of a pattern in height 21 a row. Gum, too, 20 rows and on slower 20 rows. 


Knit rectangle simple. On the 2x2 gum dial 192 loops and knit in a circle. Report - 16 loops. Divide into 12 sections of 16 loops. On the sides of the area with an elastic band 2x2 and in the middle and rear 5 areas for the pattern.

Alternate on 16 loops. Then, closer to the crown, make the decreases closer to the center. The loops on top close and sew tightly.

Pattern of pattern on 4 and 5 lanes: 


MATERIALS : Bobbin stock Italian yarn Biagioli Modesto. White colour. Ingredients: 20% cashmere, 30% silk, 50% merino. Knitted in 10 additions of thread, knitting with hosiery N 1.25 - elastic and in 15 addition with hosiering spokes N 2 - cap

DIMENSIONS : in height it turned out 20 cm. Pattern repeat in the height of 21 rows. Gum is also 20 rows. And to reduce the 20 rows.

DESCRIPTION : Knitted from the head. The rectangle is simple. On the 2x2 gum scored 192 loops. Knitted in a circle. Report - 16 loops. Divided into 12 sections with 16 loops. On the sides of the pitch rubber band 2x2. And in the middle and back 5 areas for the pattern. The pattern of the braid was taken from the Internet and was slightly modified by me so that it would not be so tight. Alternated on 16 loops. Then, closer to the crown, made the downs closer to the center. Loops on top closed and sewed tightly. That's probably all ..

The basis used a pattern of convex braid, but remade it under 16 loops. And the overlaps slightly changed.

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