
Coaster Leaf Free Pattern

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Autumn Leaves "crochet

The size of coasters is about 10x11cm.
I used the X/b thread Miss from Alize (280m/50g), Hook № 1.5.
If you want to get a larger cup holder, use thicker threads and a hook.

Knit according to the scheme as follows:
1 row: Knit chain of 12 VP, lock them in the ring.

2 row: 3 v P lifting, 17 St. S/N in the ring. Finish a series of connecting loops in the third VP Rise.

3 row: 3 VP Lifting, 3v. P., 1st. S/N in the first century S/N of the previous row;

(1st. S/N of the previous row, skip; 1st. S/N, 3v. P., 1st. S/N) * In the next St. S/N of the previous row. Repeat () * Until the end of the series. Finish a series of connecting loops in the third VP Rise. There should be 9 "shells".

4 row: 1pp. In Arch, 3 VP Lifting, 1st. S/N, 3 VP, 2 St. c/N in the first arch of the previous row; (2 c/N, 3 VP, 2 St. C/N) in each arch to the end of the series. . Finish a series of connecting loops. There should be 9 "shells". Cut the thread.

I do not break the thread, because I do not like to mess with tails. I tighten a knot and attach a thread to that place where it is necessary to continue knitting, having left a free segment of a thread which will be hidden at obvyazivanii our leaf.

5th row: Let's skip One "shell". Attach the thread to the second St. C/N of the 2nd "shell". Knitting 3 v. P. Lifting, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N in Arch, 1 St. c/N in the following arch of the previous row; (Skip 2 c/N of the previous row, 1st. c/N In the next century S/N of the previous row, 2 St. S/N, 3 VP, 2 St. c/N In the Arch, 1 St. S/N in the next to the Arch of St. C/N of the previous row) *. Repeat () * 6 times. There should be 7 shells. Cut the thread.

6 row: Turn knitting. Let's skip one "shell". Attach the thread to the second St. C/N of the next "shell". Knit 3 v P lifting, 1st. S/N in the next century S/N of the previous row, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N in Arch, 2 St. c/N in the following Arch 2 art. S/N of the previous row; (Skip 2 c/N of the previous row, 2 St. c/N in the next 2 St. S/N of the previous row, 2 St. S/N, 3 VP, 2 St. c/N in the Arch, 2 St. c/N in the following Arch 2 art. S/N of the previous row) *. Repeat () * 4 times. There should be 5 shells.

7 row: Turn knitting. Knit 3 VP Lifting, skip 1st. S/N of the previous row, 2 St. c/N in the next 2 St. S/N of the previous row, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N in Arch, 3 St. c/N in following arch 3 c/N of the previous row; (Skip 2 c/N of the previous row, 3 St. c/N in the next 3 St. c/N of the previous row, 2 St. S/N, 3 VP, 2 St. c/N in the Arch, 3 St. c/N in the following Arch 3 St. C/N of the previous row) *. Repeat () * 4 times. There should be 5 shells. Cut the thread.

8 row: Turn knitting. Let's skip one "shell". Attach the thread to the second St. C/N of the next "shell". Knit 3 VP Lifting, 3 St. S/N in the next 3 St. S/N of the previous row, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N in Arch, 4 St. c/N in the following Arch 4 art. S/N of the previous row; (Skip 2 c/N of the previous row, 4 St. c/N in the next 4 c/N of the previous row, 2 St. S/N, 3 VP, 2 St. c/N in the Arch, 4 St. c/N in the following Arch 4 art. S/N of the previous row) *. Repeat () * 2 times. There should be 3 shells.

9th row: Turn knitting. Knit 3 VP Lifting, skip 1st. S/N of the previous row, 4 St. c/N in the next 4 St. S/N of the previous row, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N In the arch, 5 c/N in the following Arch 5 art. S/N of the previous row; (Skip 2 c/N of the previous row, 5 St. c/N in the next 5 c/N of the previous row, 2 St. S/N, 3 VP, 2 St. c/N in the Arch, 5 St. c/N in the following Arch 5 art. S/N of the previous row) *. Repeat () * 2 times. There should be 3 shells. Cut the thread.

10th row: Turn knitting. Let's skip one "shell". Attach the thread to the second St. C/N of the next "shell". Knit 3 VP Lifting, 5 St. S/N in the next 5 St. S/N of the previous row, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N in Arch, 6 St. c/N in the following arch 6 St. C/N of the previous row. 

11th row: Turn knitting. Knit 3 VP Lifting, skip 1st. S/N of the previous row, 6 St. c/N in the next 6 St. S/N of the previous row, 2 art. c/N, 3 v. P., 2 art. c/N in Arch, 7 St. C/N in the following Arch 7 art. S/N of the previous row. Cut the thread.

12 row: Attach a thread to that place of a leaf where there will be a twig and tie on Perimetre St. b/N, making in tops of leaves Picko. In this case, hide the tails or left at the knitting stretch. Having knitted a sheet in a circle, knit a twig. For this knit chain of 7 VP, then 6 PP, starting with the second VP of the Hook. We connect a twig with a leaf of S.P. to the first C/-T. b/N Obvoki.

Hide the tails on the reverse side of the leaf.

Iron the leaf from the wrong side with the steam without the pressure of the irons.

At this point, you can stop now. But I decided to give the leaf a more plausible appearance, slightly podpodobku it. To do this, we need any paint for textiles and spray. I had only acrylic paint on silk "batik" from Decola. We're moving into the bath. Spray and remove to dry. My bath).
Again we admire)))

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