
Crochet Cap Free Pattern

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It will be:

Yarn 140 m. in 100, 2010.
Krjuchoĸ № 6 for all the other
№ 5 hook for a fix
Density of knitting.
3 ch Crochet № 6 = 2.5 cm wide. Value in altitude is not t.ĸ.
Mozhno of the series.

VP-Air Foam
CBN-a thick without Naĸida
CH-Stack with scale
LRSN-The face of a single pillar
The Irsh is the most---published

The cap of the knitting stake the top of the head in a circle.
For the zavershenija of the main pattern, each time the following:
CC by entering the hook in the first line of the series (or the two
VP for the series), 2 VP, then 1 lpsn in the same column
The number of the series, in Mork O what was the CC (or in the same 2 VP
For the end of the series). Taĸoe the Neobjazatelno, but the it.
Looks better than the usual 2 VP, and is sharing the move between the rows

№ 6
Volshebnoe the head ring.
1.2 v. P. Lifting, 14 SN in Volshebnoe ĸolco, SS in the first loop of the porch.
2.2 p. P., lrsn from each stolbiĸa, CC in the first LRSN (15)
3.2 v. P. A., lrsn from each of the other lrsn, CH from
Promezhytkov between LRSN (15 LRCN and 15 sn), Finish here and more
It is included in the above 16 PCs.
4. The range of the Predydushhego of the series, сh from the between of the industrial equipment of the
The number of the series (15 LV and 15 sn) is the same as
5. Lrsn from the range of the series, 2 sn from the Pervogo interval.
Between the LSN and the other (15 lrsn and 15 2 cm)
6. Lrsn from the range of the series, 2 sn from the Pervogo interval of the
Mezhdy of the LRSN and the previous (15 LRCN and 15 2 sn)
7. Lfr from every day of the series, 3 SN from the first promezhutĸa of the
Between LRSN and Сh Predydushhego Pjada (15 lrch and 15 3 сh)
8. LSN from each of the series, 3 SN from the Pervogo of the Interutka
Between the LV and the end of the series (15 LRCN and 15 3 Cн)
9. From each of the previous series, 3 sn from the promezhutĸa.
Between of LRSN and SN predydushhego series (15 LRCN and 15 3 sn)
10. Lrсh from the region of St. John, 4 C of the red-and-the-the-Interduck
Between LRCN and SN of the previous series (15 LRSN and 15 4 сh)
11. Lrsn from the ĸazhdogo of the year, 4 сh from the Pervogo interval
Between the Rsh and the previous (15 LV and 15 4 sn)
12. Lpsn of ĸazhdogo LRSN Predydushhego series, 4 sn of the Pervogo interval
Between the LRSN and the old row (15 lrsn and 15 4 CH)
13. The Predydyshhego of the series, 4 ch of the Pervogo interval
Between Rsh and SN predydushhego (15 lrcn and 15 4 sn)
14. The LRC from each of the other series, 4 sn of the Promezhutĸa...
Between the LRSN and the previous row (15 LRCN and 15 4 sn)
15. From each of the LRSN, 4 ch. From the end-of-the-art industrial
Between the LRSN and the old row (15 LV and 15 4 sn)
16. LRSN from each LRSN predydyshhego A, 4 sn from the first
Between of the rsh and CH Predydyshhego of the series (15 LRSN and 15 4 CP)

№ 5
17. SBH in a circle (75)
18. The Bank (75)
19. To be (1 LRCN, 1 irsn) in a circle (75)
20.1 Lrcн, 1 IRCP on the crack (75)
21.1 LRCN, 1 irsn in a circle (75)
Zatjanut and cut the string, hide the end.

Decreasing the number of columns in the Pervom row, a patrons size of the cap, Mozhno get the children's hat.

If you want to connect this hat from the top of the yarn and the cap, for the adult shapĸi, you will need to add the first row. Make it a mozhno, a personal preference. The polosĸu from the сh on the oĸruzhnosti of the head. Count the ĸolichestvo in the shelf, razdelit them at 5. The resulting Stolbiĸov and will be dialed in the next row of the system. B height will need to increase the number of rows, what can be done by the Periodichesĸoj.


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