
Bolero for baby free pattern

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this. This bolero knits without separate shelves - they are tied on the back and sleeves during assembly of the product. 

92/98 (104/110) 

Yarn (100% wool; 150 m / 50 g; gentle washing up to 30 °) - 250 (200) 300 g red; circular needles number 3.5; hook number 3.5. 


Facial rows - purl loops, purl rows - facial loops. 

Facial rows - facial hinges, purl rows - purl loops. 

At the beginning of the row: edge, 1 person. and 2 p. knit together the front; 
at the end of the row: knit until the last 4 loops, then 2 sec. knit with a slant to the left (= 1 sec. remove, as a face, 1 person. and stretch the removed loop through it), 1 person. and edging. 

Alternately 1 facial, 1 purl. 

Alternately 3 facial, 1 purl. 

22 p. X 34 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the front surface; 
25 p. X 31 circle. rows = 10 x 10 cm, tied with an elastic band B. 


For a temporary initial row with a thread of a contrasting color, hook up a chain of 70 (74) 82 incl. 

From the bottom of the chain with the thread of the main color, dial 68 (72) 80 p. And knit with the front satin stitch, starting with 1 purl row with purl loops. 

At the same time for raglan bevels on both sides in each 2nd p. underscore subtract 22 (24) 26 x 1 p. 

After 14 cm = 47 p. (15 cm = 51 p.) 16 cm = 55 p. from the initial row all 24 (24) 28 s. postpone. 

Dial 40 (44) 48 p. And knit for a strap 3 cm = 10 p. gum A.

Continue to knit the front satin, while in the 1st p. on both sides, reduce 1 p. = 38 (42) 46 p. 

At the same time, for bevels from the strip on both sides, add 6 x in each of the 8th p. (6 x in each 10th p.) 7 x alternately in each 10th and 12th p. 1 p. = 50 (54) 60 p. 

for raglan bevels after 16.5 cm = 56 p. (19.5 cm = 66 p.) 24 cm = 82 p. from the strap on both sides in each 2nd p. underscore subtract 22 (24) 26 x 1 p. 

After 29.5 cm = 100 p. (33.5 cm = 114 p.) 39 cm = 134 p. from the strip the remaining 6 (6) 8 p. defer. 

Sleeves sew to the back.

Delayed loops: 6 (6) 8 p. Of the right sleeve, 24 (24) 28 p. Of the back and 6 (6) 8 p. Of the left sleeve translate into circular needles, from the next edge of the raglan of the left sleeve type 44 (48) 52 p. (= 1 loop on 1 row), on the back of the chain of air loops, remove and open 68 (72) 80 sections. Lift up the needles, from the next edge of the raglan of the right sleeve, dial 44 (48) 52 section (= 1 loop on 1 row ) and close the work in the ring = 192 (204) 228 p. 

Continue to knit with an elastic band B in circular rows, while expanding into the 6th circle. to knit out 1 front and 1 purl = 240 (255) 285 p. from each purl loop. 

Continue work, knitting alternately 3 persons., 2 sides. In the 16th circle. row between every 2 int. knit out broach loops by 1 s. purl crossed = 288 (306) 342 p.

Continue work, knitting alternately 3 persons., 3 out. In the 26th circle. number of 3rd izn. loops of each "edge" of an elastic band with purl loops to knit 1 person. and 1 out. = 336 (357) 399 p. 

Continue work, knitting alternately 3 persons., 4 out. In 40 (46) 46th circle. a row of the first purl loop of each "edge" of the gum with purl loops to knit 1 person. and 1 out. = 384 (408) 456 p. 

Continue work, knitting alternately 3 persons., 5 external lines, and after 16 cm = 50 circle. (18 cm = 56 krug.r.) 19 cm = 60 krug.r. all loops close on the picture. 

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