
Cat amigurumi crochet toy

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Size of the finished toy 25 cm 


Thin yarn of beige and green colors 
Hook for knitting 2.5 mm 
Filler for toys (holofiber, sintepuh) 
Safe eyes 12 mm (you can use beads, buttons or embroidery thread for embroidery) 
Small button ~ 12 mm (for decoration) 
Dark brown floss 
Knitting markers 


sbN - single crochet nak - crochet 
column approx 
. - increase the 
kill -slicking 
(...) - the number of loops 
[...] - repeat - semi-column with crochet - semi-column without nakida (fixing loop) 

Head (beige threads) 

1 row: 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2 row: [app.] 6 times (12) 
3 row: [sbn, app.] 6 times (18) 
4th row: [approx., 2 sbn] 6 times (24) 
5th row: [3 sbn, approx.] 6 times (30) 
6th row: sbn, app., [4 sbn, approx.] 5 times, 3 UBN (36) 
7 row: [5 UBN, approx.] 6 times (42) 
8 row: 2 UBN, approx., [6 Ubn, approx.] 5 times, 4 UBN (48) 
9 row: [7 sbn, app.] 6 times (54) 
10-14 row: 54 sbn (54) 

When knitting, 15 is happy to mark them with markers 27 and 28 loops. 

15 row: 54 Sat (54) 
16 row: 17 Sat, approx. 18 Sat, approx. 17 Sat (56) 
17 row: 56 Sat (56)
18 row: 20 Sat, approx., 7 Sat, approx. 27 Sat (58) 
19-20 row: 58 Sat (58) 
21 row: 12 Sat, ass., [9 Sat, ass] 2 times, 13 UBN, UB, 7 UBN (54) 
22 Row: [7 UBN, UB] 6 times (48) 
23 row: 2 UBN, UB, [6 UBN, UB] 5 times, 4 UBN (42) 

Attach safety eyes in place of markers between 15 and 16 rows at a distance of 10 loops. 

We fill the head 

24 row: [5 SbN, kill.] 6 times (36) 
25 row: Sbn, kill., [4 sbn, kill.] 5 times, 3 sbn (30) 
26 row: [3 sbn, kill.] 6 times (24) 
27 row: [sbn, sb.] 8 times (16) We 

fasten the thread, leaving a long tip. 
Embroider nose and mustache. 

Legs, shorts and torso knit in one piece. 

Begin to Knit with Beige Threads

7 vp, knit from 2 sides 

1 row: we start from the 2nd loop from the hook, approx. 4 sbn, 4 sbn into the last loop. We continue on the 
other side. 4 sat, 4 sat, approx. (16) 
2nd row: approx., 5 UBN, 3 UBN to the next loop, 2 UBN, 3 UBN to the next loop, 5 UBN, approx. (22) 
3 row: 3 sbn to the next loop, 7 sbn, 3 sbn to the next loop, 4 sbn, 3 sbn to the next loop, 8 
sbn (28) 
4 row: We knit for the back arch loops 28 sbn (28) 
5 row : 28 UB (28) 
6 row: UBN, UB., 25 UBN (27) 
7 row: 8 UBN, 6 UB., 7 UBN (21) 
8 row: 7 UBN, 4 UB, 2 UBN, UB, 2 sbn (16) 
9th row: 6 sbn, 3 sb., 4 sbn (13) 
10 row: 5 sbn, sbn, sbn, sb., 3 sbn (11) 

This part of the legs is tightly packed, we embroider claws.

11th row: 11 UbN (11) 
12th row: 6 UbN, con., 3 UbN (10) 
13-23 row: 10 UbN (10) 

Right leg 

24 row: 5 UbN (5) 

Change the threads for the green 

25 row: [ sbn, 4th ap.] 2 times (18) 
26 row: We knit hinges on the back of the loop 18 sbn (18) 
27 row: 8 sbn, sb., 8 sbn (17) 
28 row: 17 sbn (17) We 

fasten the thread 

Left leg 

We change the threads for the green 

24 row: 10 sbn (10) 
25 row: [sbn, 4 arriv.] 2 times (18) 
26 row: We knit the back sides of the loops 18 sbn (18) 
27 row: 8 sbn, killed, 8 UBN (17) 
28 row: 17 UBN (17) 

Pants (2 parts) 

Turn the leg and start to knit from 26 rows 

1-2 row: 18 UBN (18)

We fix the thread. 

crochet a toy cat 

knitting a cat amigurumi 


Starting to knit with green threads 

The next row will connect the legs together. 

Take the left leg 

1 row: sbn, vp. We take the right leg and connect it with the right one with the help of p-stn, 16 sbn, into the 
next loop from w (2 sbn in the loop), also on the left leg, 16 sbn (38) 
2-3 row: 38 sbn (38 ) 
4th row: approx. 2 sat, approx., 12 sat, ass., 6 sat, ass, 12 sat (38) 
5 row: 21 sat, kill, 15 sat (37) 
6-8 row: 37 UBN (37) 
9 row: 35 UBN, UB (36) 
10th row: [3 sbn, sb.] 2 times, 7 sbn, sb., 6 sbn, sb., 9 sbn (32) 

Change the thread to beige 

11 row: 32 sbn (32)
12 row: [sbn, sb.] 2 times, 12 sbn, sb., 12 sbn (29) 

Stuff the torso in the course of knitting. 

13th row: 29 UBN (29) 
14 row: 9 UBN, UB., 12 UBN, UB., 4 UBN (27) 
15 Row: 27 UbN (27) 
16 Row: 2 UbN, Ub., 9 UBN, Ub. , 3 sbn, sb., 7 sbn (24) 
17 row: 22 sbn, sb. (23) 
18 row: 5 UbN, [ass., 7 Ub] 2 times (21) 
19 row: 21 ub (21) 
20 row: [2 ub, slab] 5 times, Ub (16) 
21 row: 14 UBN (14) Do not finish this row. 

Sew on the head. 

Right hand 

1 row: 6 bundles amigurumi (6) 
2nd row: [3 bundles in the next 2 loops, bundles] 2 times (14) 
3-5 row: 14 bundles (14 ) 
6 row: sbn, 2 ass., 4 sbn, approx., 4 sbn (13)
7 row: 2 sbn, ass., 5 sbn, approx., 3 sbn (13) 
8 row: 2 sbn, sb., 9 sbn (12) 
9 row: sbn, sb., 9 sbn (11) 

We tamper go knitting, about 2/3 

10 row: sbn, ass., 9 sbn (10) 
11-13 row: 10 sbn (10) 
14 row: sbn, slab., 7 sbn (9) 
15 -19 row: 9 sbn (9) 
20 row: 7 sbn, ub. (8) 

We flatten the hand and connect the 2 halves together using UBN. We fix the thread, leave the 
tip for sewing. 

Left hand 

1 row: 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2 row: [3 sbn in the next 2 loops, sbn] 2 times (14) 
3-5 row: 14 sbn (14) 
6 row: 3 sbn, approx. 4 UBN, 2 UB, 2 UBN (13) 
7 row: 3 UBN, Approx., 5 UBN, Ubd, 2 UbN (13)
8 row: 10 sbn, ass., Sbn (12) 
9 row: 10 sbn, sb. (11) 

We put our hand in the course of knitting approximately to 2/3 

10 row: 9 sbn, sb. (10) 
11-13 series: 10 sbn (10) 

We knit 1 sbn and consider it to be the end of the previous row 

14 series: 8 sbn, sb. (9) 
15 -19 row: 9 sbn (9) 
20 row: 2 sbn, sb., 5 sbn (8) 

We flatten the hand and join the 2 halves together with the help of sbn. We fix the thread, leave the 
tip for sewing. 

Embroider claws on the legs. We sew them to the body on the same level from two sides. 

cat crocheted scheme 

Tail (beige thread) 

1 row: 7 sbn in amigurumi ring (7) 
2-32 row: 7 sbn (7)

We fix the thread, leave the tip for sewing. The tail is not stuffed. We sew to the body at the 
level of the 3rd row. 

Ears (2 parts, beige threads) 

1 row: 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi (6) 
2 row: [approx., Cbl] 3 times (9) 
3 row: [2 sbn, approx.] 3 times (12) 
4 row : crib, ap., [3 cbn, prib.] 2 times, 2 cbn (15) 
5 row: [4 cbn, ap.] 3 times (18) 

Attach the thread, leave the tip for sewing. Ears are not stuffed. We flatten and sew to the 
head between the 4th and 11th rows. 

Tightening (green threads) 

. We pick up the chain from the right length, knit it in each way, starting from the second. 
We fix the thread. Sew on the trunk diagonally, then sew a button. 

Catamigurumi ready.


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