
Amigurumi Piggy Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

CA-Amaguumi Ring
VP-Air Loop
-No-scale column
SS-Connecting Column
D-2 in one.
UB-2 to get together

Legs (2 parts)
1.6 in CA
2. D x 6 times (12)
3-7 12
8. The 12th
Thread fasten and cut.
Linking the second leg, do not break the thread, and continue to knit

9.2 VP, SS in the first leg, 11 SBN, 1 D, 2 D on the air loops, 1 D, 10 SBN, 1 D, 2 d by air loops, 1 D (last increment in 1 loop of the previous row) (36)
10. Put the marker (5 SBN, D) x 6 times (42)
12.3 SBN, 2 PR, 6 PCs, D, (2SBN, D) x 3 times, 6 SBN, 2 Ave, 13 PCs (50)
13 – 15. 50 SBN
16.40 SBN (2 UB, SBN) x 2 times (46)
17.41, 1, B, tail (6-8 of the VP, back to the chain, starting with 2 loops from the hook, 3 in each VP), UB, 1st (44)
18. We twist to the tail 40 SBN, do 1 ubavku to the tail, 1 ubavku-After (42)
19. (5 SBN, UB) x 6 times (36)
20-21 36 PM
22. (UB, 4 SBN) x 6 times (30)
23-24 30
25. (3 SBN, UB) x 6 times (24)
26-28 24
29. (UB, 2 SBN) x 6 times (18)
30.18 SBN
31. (1 SBN, UB) x 6 times (12)

Hands (2 details)
1.6 in CA
2. D x 6 times (12)
3-5 12
6.1 UB, 10 SBN (11)
7.1 UB, 9 SBN (10)
8.1 UB, 8 SBN (9)
9.1 UB, 7 SBN (8)

1.6 in CA
2. D x 6 times (12)
3. (1 SBN, D) x 6 times (18)
4. (2 SBN, D) x 6 times (24)
5. (3 SBN, D) x 6 times (30)
6.30 SBN
7.2 SBN, D (4 SBN, D) x 5 times, 2 SBN (36)
8. (5 SBN, D) x 6 times (42 in)
9-10 42 PM
11.5 SBN, D (6 SBN, D) x 5 times, 1 SBN (48)
12.3 SBN, D, (7 SBN, D) x 5 times, 4 SBN (54)
13-15 54 pm
16. (7 SBN, UB) x 6 times (48 in)
17. (UB, 6 SBN) x 6 times (42)
18.3 SBN, UB (5 SBN, UB) x 5 times, 2 SBN (36 in)
19. (UB, 4 SBN) x 6 times (30)
20. (3 SBN, UB) x 6 times (24)
21. (UB, 2 SBN) x 6 times (18)
22. (1 SBN, UB) x 6 times (12)
Fasten the thread, leave the tip for the stitching.

1.6 in CA
2. D x 6 times (12)
3. (1 SBN, D) x 6 times (18)
4. (d, 2 SBN) x 6 times (24)
5.24 per rear half-loop
6. (2 SBN, UB) x 6 times (18)
Fasten the thread and leave a little bit for stitching.

Ears (2 parts)
1.6 in CA
2. (1 SBN, D) x 3 times (9)
3. (d, 2 SBN) x 3 times (12)
4. (3 days, D) x 3 times (15)
5.2 SBN, D (4 SBN, D) x 2 times, 2 SBN (18)
6. (5 SBN, D) x 3 times (21)
7. (d, 6 SBN) x 3 times (24)
8.4 SBN, D (7 SBN, D) x 2 times, 3 SBN (27)
9.1 SBN, 6 UB, 1 SBN, fold in half and hang together ~ 10 SBN.
To fold it is necessary so that ubavki in the middle of a lug, having formed deepenings.

Slippers (2 parts)
1.6 in CA
2. D x 6 times (12)
3-4 12
5.4 SBN, Usko (4-5 VP, back through the chain, starting with 2 loops from the hook), SS, 2 SBN, repeat Ushko, SS, 4 SBN (12)
Embroider eyes and sew to the legs.

We recruit 4 EAP and knit rotary rows of the desired length. We make a temple.

Source : https://vk.com/wall-62890751_73655

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