
Amigurumi boy in a suit of the devil free pattern

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We need: 
- The yarn is red, solid, slightly brown, black and gray, as well as orange and green for the 
- hook; 
- filler; 
- a pair of peepholes; 
- a little cardboard or plastic for the sole (for the toy to stand on its feet); 
- needle and scissors. 
- single crotch P - increment 
PSSN - double crochet 
VP - air loop 
CC - connecting bar 
Y - decreasing 
W - nub (5 double crochets with common vertex) 
Let's start! 
LEGS - 2 parts. 
Red yarn. 
1: 8СБН in the ring of amigurumi (8) 
2: 8П (16) 
3: (1СБН, 1П) - 8 times, 1CC for the back wall of the next loop to connect with the beginning (24)
Make a sole - take a piece of cardboard or plastic, attach the circle that 
you just tied up and circle it. Then take a pair of scissors and cut a circle a little smaller 
than what you drew. Attach the cut circle to the bound one and make sure that the cardboard 
(plastic) is no larger than the knitted sole. Make 2 holes inside the cut out circle 
using a large needle (it should look like a button) (Fig. 1). Then make the same 
sole for the second leg. Put the soles to the side. 
4: 2VP, then to the back wall of the 24PSN loop. 1CC to the next loop (mark this as the end of the 
row) (24) 
5: 24BCN (24) 
Attach the sole. Insert a plastic or cardboard circle inside the shoe and sew
“Button” to the knitted bottom (Fig. 2-4) 
6-7: 24СБН (24) 
8: (1СБН, 1У) - 8 times (16) 
9-13: 16СБН (16) 
14: (1СБН, 1П) - 8 times (24) 
15-17: 24СБН (24) 
Finish knitting. 
Tie the second leg, but do not finish knitting. 
Red yarn. 
1: connect the two legs together. Keep your feet close, in your 
right hand a leg with unfinished knitting. Enter the hook into the second leg and knit the sc (Figure 
5). Continue this way knitting through both legs. It should turn out 48СБН (48) 
2: 2П, 20СБН, 4П, 20СБН, 2П (56) 
3-4: 56 СБН (56) 
5: (5СБН, 1У) - 8 times (48) 
6: 48 СБН (48) 
7: (( 4SBN, 1U) - 8 times (40) 
8: 40SBN (40)
9: (3СБН, 1У) - 8 times (32) 
10-14: 32СБН (32) 
15: (2СБН, 1У) - 8 times (24) 
16: (1СБН, 1У) - 8 times (16) 
17-18 : 16СБН (16) 
Finish knitting. Fill the legs and torso. 
HANDS - 2 parts. 
Red yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurum (6) 
2: 6П (12) 
3: (1СБН, 1П) - 6 times (18) 
4: 18СБН (18) 
5: (1СБН, 1У) - 3 times, 1Ш, 1У, (( 1СБН, 1У) - 2 times (12) 
6: 12СБН (12) 
7: (2СБН, 1У) - 3 times (9) 
Fill the hand. 
8-19: 9СБН (9) 
Fill your hand with filler, leaving the last 2 rows not filled. Fold the upper hand 
in half and sew the last row.
Put your hands on both sides of the body to the 2-3 row from the top and sew. 
Body yarn. 
1: 8СБН in the Amigurumi ring (8) 
2: 8П (16) 
3: (1СБН. 1П) - 8 times (24) 
4: (2СБН. 1П) - 8 times (32) 
5: (3СБН. 1П) - 8 times (40) 
6: (4СБН. 1П) - 8 times (48) 
7: (5СБН. 1П) - 8 times (56) 
8-16: 56СБН (56) 
If you use safety eyes, attach them between 14 and 15 rows, 8 loops between the 
17: (5СБН, 1У) - 8 times (48) 
18: (4СБН, 1У) - 8 times (40) 
19: (3СБН, 1У) - 8 times (32) 
20: (2СБН, 1У) - 8 times ( 24) 
21: (1SBN, 1U) - 8 times (16)
Finish knitting, leaving a long thread for sewing, fill the part. 
Red yarn. 
1: 8СБН in the ring of amigurumi (8) 
2: 8П (16) 
3: (1СБН. 1П) - 8 times (24) 
4: (2СБН. 1П) - 8 times (32) 
5: (3СБН. 1П) - 8 times (40) 
6: (4СБН. 1П) - 8 times (48) 
7: (5СБН. 1П) - 8 times (56) 
8-16: 56СБН (56) 
17: 1СС, 2ВП, 56ПССН, 1СС to connect with the beginning (56) 
Finish knitting, leaving a long thread. 
Attach the cap to the head and mark with pins where the cap will be on the forehead (Fig. 6). 
Take a brown thread, insert into the needle, insert the needle with the thread into the open hole of the head,
output in the place where the hair will be and embroider the hair so that it goes beyond the marked 
line of the cap (Fig. 7-15). 
Then pull the needle back into the open hole of the head, tie the threads and hide them. 
HORNS - 2 parts. 
Red yarn. 
1: 4СБН in the ring of amigurumi (4) 
2: (1СБН, 1П) - 2 times (6) 
3: (2СБН, 1П) - 2 times (8) 
4: (3СБН, 1П) - 2 times (10) 
5- 7: 10SBN ​​(10) 
8: 4P, 6SBN (14) 
9: (1SBN, 1P) - 4 times. (1СБН, 1У) - 2 times (16) 
10: 16СБН (16) 
Finish knitting, leaving a long thread for 
sewing. Lightly fill the horns and sew to the cap between the 7th and 13th rows, leaving 8SBN 
between them.
Embroider the eyes on the cap (Fig. 16) 
. TAIL. 
Red yarn. 
1: 3СБН in the ring of amigurumi (3) 
2: 3П (6) 
3: (1СБН, 1П) - 3 times (9) 
4: (2СБН, 1П) - 3 times (12) 
5: (3СБН, 1П) - 3 times (15) 
6: 3СБН, skip the next 5 loops, 2СБН. Skip the next 5 loops, attach to the 
beginning of the row with SS (5) 
7-17: 5СБН (5) 
Finish knitting, leaving the thread for sewing. Sew to the body. 
Black yarn 
1: 5VP, starting with the second loop from the hook 3СБН, 3СБН in the last loop of the chain. To continue 
knitting on the other side of the chain - 2СБН, 1П (10) 
2: 1П, 2СБН, 3П, 2СБН, 2П (16)
3: 1П, 4СБН, 4П, 4СБН, 3П (24) 
4: 2П, 7СБН, 4П, 8СБН, 3П (33) 
Finish knitting, leaving a long thread. Sew on the front of the body. 
Gray yarn. 
Chain of 61 VP. Starting from the third loop from the hook - 58ПССН (58) 
Finish knitting, hide the thread. 
Tie a scarf around your neck. 
Orange yarn. 
1: 8СБН in the ring of amigurumi (8) 
2: 8П (16) 
3: (1СБН. 1П) - 8 times (24) 
4: (2СБН. 1П) - 8 times (32) 
5: (3СБН. 1П) - 8 times (40) 
6: (4СБН. 1П) - 8 times (48) 
7-13: 48СБН (48) 
14: (4СБН, 1У) - 8 times (40) 
15: (3СБН, 1У) - 8 times (32 ) 
16: (2SBN, 1U) - 8 times (24)
17: (1СБН, 1У) - 8 times (16) 
Fill not much, so that you can do the fittings. 
18: 8U (8) 
Finish knitting, leave a very long thread, we will make it with an utyazhki - to form a 
pumpkin. Insert the thread into the needle, pull off the last 8 loops, close the hole. 
Insert the thread needle into the tapped hole and thread through the center to the other side of the pumpkin (at the 
beginning of the knitting). Then re-insert the needle at the end of the knitting and pass through the center of the pumpkin to the beginning of the 
knitting. So make 6 segments. 

Green yarn. 
1: 6СБН in the ring of amigurumi (6) 
2: 6СБН for the back wall of the loop (6) 
3-4: 6СБН (6)
Finish knitting, leaving the thread for sewing. Sew the stem on the pumpkin


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