
Amigurumi Keychain Frog Pattern

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Difficulty: Low
Working time: 3 hours
Materials: Iris threads, Thread, hook, synth, beads


VP-Air Loop.

St. B. N.-a column without a scale.

The UBAV. The two loops together.

Arr. Is the increase, we have two times in one loop.

Ring Amaguuumi: We recruit 2 VP, and in the first loop of the 6 St. B., we get a circle or ring.

To track the end of a series, use a contrasting thread.

At formation of a toy-on a person purls ranks:)

Frog-Refrigerator Magnet

For frog use a thread of type "iris" of green color, for eyes two small white beads, a pupil paint with acrylic paint or a black marker on glass, a filler of a synth, a hook № 1.25.


1 p. Amaguumi Ring-6 p.;

2 p. prib. In each loop = 12 p.;

3 p. 3 St. B. N., Prib, 5 St. B. N., Prib, 2 art. B. N. = 14 p.;

4 p. 3 St. B. N, Prib., 6 St. B. N., Prib., 3 St. B. N. = 16 p.;

5 p. 3 art. B., Prib, 8 art. B., Prib., 3 art. B. N. + 1 P.  Forward for leveling;

6 p. 4 St. B. N., Prib, 8 St. B. N., Prib, 4 art. B. N. = 20 p.;

7 p. 5 art. B., 2 Prib, 8 St. B. N., 2 prib., 3 St. B. N. + 1 P. Forward to align the series. = 24 p.;

8 p. 5 art. B., 2 Prib, 9 St. B., 2 prib., 5 art. B. N. = 28 P.;

9 p. 6 St. B. N., Prib, 1st. B. N. Prib, 11 St. B. N., Prib, 1st. B. N., Prib, 5 art. B. N. + 1 P. Forward for leveling;

10 p. 7 St. B. N., Prib, 1st. B. N., Prib, 13 St. B. N., Prib, 1st. B. N., Prib, 6 St. B. N. (36 p.);

11 p. 9 art. B., Prib., 1st. B. N., Prib., 14 St. B. N., Prib., 1st. B. N., Prib., 7 art. B. N. + 1 P. for leveling;

12 p. 9 art. B., Prib, 1st. B. N., Prib, 17 St. B. N., Prib., 1st. B. N., Prib... 8 art. B. N. = 44 P.

At this stage we do the tuck of the upper lip, try to put it in the next row. In the photo I have a frog with a stick, because for the future you can make a frog in a condition on the stick (and not on the magnet for the refrigerator), get a frog-traveler (as it, however, and conceived in the beginning). Put the thread from the upper lip into the inside.

13 p. Start with the failure of 1 St. B. N. Together with the peak of the upper lip, thus "gluing" it to the body of the frog, then 8 St. B. N., Prib, 1st. B. N., Prib., 9 St. B. N., Prib.  3 art. B. N. In 1 loop, 9 St. B. N., Prib., 1st. B. N., Prib., 10 art. B. N. = 50 p.

14 p. 20 St. B. N., 3 Prib, 4 St. B. N., 3 Prib, 20 St. B. N. = 56 P.;

15 p. 23 St. B. N., 3 Prib, 4 St. B. N., 3 Prib, 23 St. B. N. = 62 p.;

16 p. 1:1 + 1 P.  Forward to align the series;

17 p. 23 St. B. N., 3 Ubav, 4 St. B. N., 3 Ubav, 23 St. B. N = 56 p.;

18 р. 20 St. B. N., 3 Ubav, 4 St. B. N., 3 Ubaev.. 20 art. B. N. = 50 p.;

19-26 R. 1:1;

27 p. 20 art. B., (UBAV, 1st. B. N.) x 3 times, 19 art. B. N. = 47 p.;

28 р. 19 P. B. N., (Ubav., 1 art. b. N.) x 3 times, 19 art. B. N. = 44 p.;

29 p. 16 St. B. N., (UBAV, 1st. B. N.) x 4 times, 16 art. B. N.

It is not very dense to fill a synth, we will interrupt on eyes.

Making Eyes

For eyes to take usual, it is possible colored beads, suitable size. If the beads are white, well. If colored, you can paint on 2-3 layer of white acrylic paint.  For convenience I used skewers, wore them on beads, painted and made them to dry. Draw the pupil with black acrylic in the form of a point, after drying to cover with colorless nail polish or special acrylic varnish. Try on the beads on the spot.

Tying beads:

1 p. dial Amaguuumi ring-6 p.;

2 p. prib in each loop = 12 p.;

3-4 R. 1:1;

5 p. Half of the Projazit-6 St. B. N.

Drip inside a little glue, insert a bead, at the end of the thread and needle fasten the tip of the thread. So to make both eyes-the sight should be oblique.

Head-Body (continued)

30 p. 15 art. B., (1st. B. N., ubav) x 4 times, 14 art. B. N. = 36 P.;

31 p. 13 art. B., (1st. B. N., ubav) x 4 times, 12 art. B. N. + 1 P. Forward for leveling = 32 p.;

32 p. 11, (1st. B. N., Ubaev) x 4 times, 10 art. B. N.  = 28 P.;

33. Each 3 and 4 loops;

34. Each 2 and 3 loops;

35 the R. Ubavki through a loop up to a small aperture.

The eyes are sewn. Insert the needle into the hole, we deduce in the area of the eye, sew the eye, so that the pupils are positioned as we need, the threads are deduced from behind in the hole, insure a drop of glue, eyes for the ends of the threads to duck, tie the knot and hide the ends of the threads in the hole.

Put into the aperture of the synth, to get the body by means of a loop until it closes completely.

Cut the thread, hide the end with the help of a needle, cut off the excess.

Thigh back legs (2 details)

1 p. Amaguumi ring = 6 p.;

2 p. prib. In each loop = 12 p.;

3 R. Prib through a loop = 18 p.;

4 – 7 p. 1:1;

8 p. (Ubav., 7 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

9 p. (Ubav., 6 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

10 p. (Ubav., 5 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

Fill the synth.

11 P (UBAV, 4 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

12 p. (UBAV, 3 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

13 p. ubav. Through the loop to the end, leave the thread is not long.

Shin (2 parts)

Pre-leave the end of the thread more (later for stitching).

1 p. Amaguumi ring = 6 p.;

2 p. prib.  In each loop = 12 p.;

3 -4 R. 1:1;

5 p. (Ubav., 4 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

6 p. (Ubav., 3 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

It's not hard to fill the synth.

7 p.  (Ubav., 2 St. B. N.) x 2 times.

Further down to the end. Then knitting fingers-without coming off Dial 5 V.P., we bring them back 4 St. B. N. + 1st. B. N at the base (for fastening). We recruit another 5 VP and do the same, then another 5 VP and make the third finger.

Thread cut, with the help of a needle fasten fingers stitch.  Cut the thread into the inside, cut the excess. Then by means of the thread which has remained at first, we sew together both details, with the help of one seam-a ring, we make it free that the shin at us as though dangled freely.

Then the same thread prishivayem legs to the body, that would be a little bit like dangling, that is tighten not tightly.

Front foot (2 parts)

1 p. Amaguumi ring = 6 p.;

2 p. prib.  In each loop = 12 p.;

3-6 R. 1:1;

7 p. (Ubav., 4 art. B. N.) x 2 times;

8 p. (UBAV, 3 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

9 p. 1:1;

10 p. (Ubav., 2 St. B. N.) x 2 times;

11 p. Ubawka through the loop to the end of the series.

Then knit 3 fingers, as on the hind legs.

Sew to the body legs so that a little dangling. Glue the magnet.

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