
Crochet Clock Free Pattern

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Complexity: Medium
Working time: 1 day
Materials: Cotton threads, cardboard, needle with wide ear, scissors, pins, foam rubber

I do not know how you, and before us a very long spring could not reach this year. It was 47-th day of February, and I wanted for some reason sun, reflected in puddles, the first mother-and-stepmother, green grass, the flow of spring energy and anticipation of summer.

And I decided to do something to help spring. And I tied myself to the kitchen clock "summer Time":)

Do you want your life to be switched to daylight saving time?:) Then make yourself a new watch!

I needed:

-clock mechanism, I bought it in the same store, where I usually buy a thread. It cost 100 rubles. He bought a finger battery separately.

-very dense cardboard, it was in my bins, still Soviet times-a dense huge sheet. Cardboard should keep the shape well

-Thread for the "dial". I took cotton melange threads of medium thickness. Choose those for which you look nice, because the day how many times you will look at your watch! (This I have already checked on myself)

-Thread for flowers. I knitted with Turkish thread "Iris" Firm "Vita", also melange. I like this firm nitochki:) flowers were the same as I wanted.

-Hook suitable size (I knitted № 1.5 dial and № 1 flowers and leaves)

-A thick needle-it I and holes in a dense cardboard did, and nailed immediately knitted dial

-Pin Pins

-Foam rubber (you can without it, but I was comfortable with it)

We make a cardboard basis.
The first thing we need to do is decide what size you want to watch. Take the compass and on the cardboard draw a circle of the desired diameter, be sure to mark the center! Cut the circle and in the center make a hole for the mechanism of the clock. In a dense cardboard to make it proved difficult. I dug scissors, and then they "scrolled" the circle. The good thing is that it will not be seen: we hide it under the knitted dial.

Immediately divide our circle into 12 parts-make the markup. It is necessary that our watch showed not "approximate" time, but rather accurate.

This is what our cardboard base looks like.

Knit dial.

Now we take the selected threads for the dial, and knit a normal circle of the same size as our cardboard billet.

The only "chip"-we leave in the middle hole for the mechanism of the clock. To do this, we start knitting with the ring Amaguumi, but do not tighten it, and leave the "hole" as in the photo. At the end of knitting the thread is trimmed, leaving a long tip: With this thread we will sewing the dial to the cardboard.

Since my idea was to tie the "spring-Summer" clock, then without flowers I could not do:)

I knitted 12 flowers of melange threads of different colors: These flowers on my dial not only for beauty, they are also a function of numbers perform.

I'll post a description of my flowers separately a little later. These are the usual small, neat flowers, nothing superfluous-it's the first flowers!

Naturally, what is the spring without leaves?! I also tied them. I have 8 grand.

We connect the cardboard and knitted parts.

Put the knitted dial on the cardboard and pins attach knitting to cardboard. I was more comfortable to put under the cardboard circle foam: So the pins are held tightly, and I do not fall:) Pins attach so: Several pins-fix the center. And we attach 12 pins in places where we have lines on cardboard. So we will mark those places where we shall make our flowers. If we attach them in arbitrary places, it will be difficult for us to determine the time, you understand:)

In the places we set-attach flowers. It is not necessary to embroider flowers too close to a mechanism: arrows will touch them. My flowers I placed on the edge, where the usual numbers.

Time of Leaves. Attach them wherever you want.

We stick the flowers and leaves, gently bending upwards knitting. We're not cleaning the pin!

We make holes on the edge of the cardboard circle with a thick needle. The knitted circle is pressed over the edge to the cardboard.

To hang the clock, I made a loop from the chain of air loops. The remainder of the thread hid under the edge strapping.

Attach the mechanism of the clock, tightly fasten the wrench to our knitted base. Attach arrows. I first put all the arrows on the position of "12 o'clock" so that they looked exactly up on the flower, which I mapped.

Insert the battery, and hang on the wall! Now we switched to daylight saving time!:))

Source : https://www.livemaster.ru/topic/282901-vyazanye-kryuchkom-chasy-letnee-vremya?msec=24

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