
Amigurumi New Year Funny Puppies

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Complexity: Medium
Working time: 1 day
Materials: spokes, plastic eyes, plastic spout, holfayber, acrylic yarn

Knit Funny puppies:)

Getting ready for the New Year!

We will need: Yarn forge Klubokin, yarn softi Baby and slightly colored yarn for hats and scarves.

Spokes № 2.5-4 pcs., filler (holfayber), a pair of eyes (size 12 mm), cilia (you can use ordinary women's bills), plastic spout.

Knitting on three spokes, the fourth in work.

Kuza Klubokin

We collect 12 loops, distribute on three spokes (on each spoke it is possible on 4 loops), knitting on a circle obverse.

1 Row-12 loops

2 Row-24 (one-loop increment)

3 Series-36 (2-loop increment) (12 loops on each spoke)

4-20 Series-36 loops

21 Series-We do Ubavki (this is our neck) two loops together-18 loops

22 Series-18 loops

23 Series-Make a raise, should be again 36 loops (head starts)

23-40 Series-36 loops

Then close the two loops until the end.

That's what we did with the calf. It is stuffed and sewn at the bottom.

Legs, ears, tail and muzzle knit from SOFTI.

Ears knit on two spokes: we collect 10 loops and we get 17 rows and we close (two details).

Legs (also knitting on two spokes), we collect 7 loops and we get 11 rows, close and sew (4 details).

Tail — We collect 15 loops, we get 5 rows, and then in each face row on each side we do ubavki, and so to the end.

Muzzle: 10 loops in 10 rows and close.

Next, we take our body (filled with filler) and where the head, do a duckling for the eyes.

Prishivayem face (It also has a little to fill), and then make a duck in the middle.

The ears, legs, tail are nailed.

Then we make face (eyes, eyelashes, nose).

Cap. Knitting on two spokes.

We recruit 48 loops and knit elastic band (1persons, 1 izn) — 6 rows

Then knit the front surface:

7-27 Series-Facial

Then we reduce two loops-24 and bind loops thread and make a seam.

The pompom is pressed.

Scarf. Crochet (80 loops and then back), but you can and spokes.

The puppy is ready!

Source : https://www.livemaster.ru/topic/2650651-vyazhem-k-novomu-godu-zabavnyh-schenyat?msec=24

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