
Amigurumi Little Blue Bunny

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Materials for crocheted: 

- Yarn for a large Crochet “Camomile” (factory named after Kirov) knit in blue color in two threads. 
- some white, black, bright pink (you can red) and blue threads. 
It is rather uneconomical to buy yarn of all these colors, so I buy hanks of ordinary floss. 
- Hooks for a large Crochet: hook No. 4 (for a little body, legs, ears, legs), No. 2 (for peepholes). 
- Fleeting eyes for toys, if you do not knit them, and glue ready. 
- a little soft wire 
- synthetic winterizer or other lightweight filler, as well as conventional cotton wool. 

Taurus knitted Krosha 

1ryad: 2vozdushnyh loop (. Ce), then the first loop provyazyvaem 6 columns beznakida (st.b.n.). Mark a thread of another color end
row, and focus on it, and then knit in a circle. 
2nd row: in each Art. previous row 2.B.N. = 12.B.B. 
Row 3: * 1st Bd, 2d B6 *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 18th 
B6 4th row: * 2 Stein 2d, 2st bn *, repeat from * up * 6 times = 24st.B. 
5th row: * 3rd b.n., 2nd st.b. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 30th square b.n. 
6th row: * 4th st.b., 2th st.b. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 36 st.b. 
7th row: * 5th.b.n., 2st.b.n. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 42st.b.n. 
8th row: * 6th.b.n., 2st.b.n. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 48.b.d. 
9th row: * 7th.b.n., 2st.b.n. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 
10-18 lines: knit in a circle without increments st.b. 
Row 19: * 7th cb.n., skip to 1st cb.n. of the previous row, Art. B. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 48 st.B.
Row 20: * 6th.b.n., skip to 1st.b.n., st.b.n. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 42st.b.n. 
21st row: * 5th cb.n., skip 1st ct.n., *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 36th cb.n. 
22nd row: * 4th stage of biological history, skipping of 1st stage of biological history, art. Of biological history *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 30th of biological history. 
23rd row: * 3st.b.n., skip 1stst.b.n.,, repeat from * to * 6 times = 
24th row: * 2nd bi., Skip 1st bi., Senior bi *, repeat from * to * 6 times = eighth bi. 
Row 25: * 1st.B.N., skip 1st.B.N., Art.NB *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 12ST.B. 
26th row: * skip 1st ver. Bn, *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 6 stead. 
Taurus is ready! Check whether it is sufficiently filled with filler, if necessary, dissolve a couple of rows and add. 

Knitted Crochet Ears

1 row: 2 air loops (i.p.), then in the first loop we knit 6 columns with no single crochet (Art. N.). Mark the thread of a different color with the end of the 
row, and focus on it, and then knit in a circle. 
2nd row: in every art. previous row 2.B.N. = 12.B.B. 
3rd row: * 1st.B.N., 2ndST.B.N. *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 18th ST.B. 
4-15ryad: knit in a circle without increments st.b. We insert a wire (you can wrap it in a soft fleece for safety) and fill it with filler. 
16th row: * 1st.B.N., skip 1st.B.N., Art.NB *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 12ST.B. 
17-18 lines: we knit in a circle without increments st.b. 
Row 19: * 1st.B.N., skip 1st.B.N., senior B.N. *, repeat from * to * 4th time = 8ST.B. 
20-21radyad: knit in a circle without increments st.b. 
Ears are ready!

Handles of the Knitted Krosh 

1 row: 2 air loops (ip), then in the first loop we knit 
6 columns without single crochet (st.b.n.). Mark the thread of a different color with the end of the row, and focus on it, and then knit in a circle. 
2nd row: in each Art. previous row 2.B.N. = 12.B.B. 
3-6 ranks: knit in a circle without increments st.b.n.Nabivaem filler. 
7th row: * 1st.B.N., skip 1st.B.N., senior B.N. *, repeat from * to * 4th time = 8ST.B. 
8-9 ranks: knit in a circle without increments st.b. 
Handles are ready! If you wish, you can also insert pieces of wire into the handles, if you want them to bend too. 

Knitted Crochet Feet

1st row: 6 air loops, st.b.n. in the second loop of the hook, 3st.b.n., 5st.b.n.n. at last loop, 3rd biology., fourth biology. in the air loop into which we on the other side have already knitted 1st. = 16st.B. 
Row 2: 2.B.N. in one article. previous row, 3rd biology., 2 st.b.n. in the next five articles. previous 
row, 3rd bi., 2 st.b.n. in the next 4 articles. previous row. = 26th 
cb.n. 3 row: we knit in a circle without increments st.b.n. 
4th row: we knit in a circle without increments st.b.n., but behind the back loop of the eyelet (usually we insert a hook for both shackles, and here only for one-back) 
5-7 row: we knit on a circle without increments st.b. . 
8th row: we skip one column of the previous row and knit it in the, 3rd, * skip 1st st.b.n., st.b. * = = repeat from * to * 5 times, 3 st.b .n., * skip 1st ver. bn, senior bi * * repeat 4 times. 
Row 9: 4th century biography, subtract 5 items at once, i.e. Introduce a hook into each column of the previous row and pull out a loop from each, and then knit everything all at once, 4st.B.N. The 
legs are ready! Stuff with filler. 

Eyes for Knitted Crumbling 

You can use the running eyes or knit floss threads. 

1st Row: 4e.p., Art. in the second air loop from the hook, 1st cb., 5th c.b. in the last loop, 1st. n. n., 4. n. n. n. 
2nd row: 2nd ed. in st.b.n. previous row, art. n., 2 art. in the next 
5 Ph.D., 1, 2 st.b.n. in the next 4 articles.
3rd row: we knit in a circle without increments st.b. 
In Krosh, one eye is smaller than the other, so bind one eye according to this description, and the second one as well, but in the third row instead of crochets, 
knit it with semi-columns. 


1 row: 2 air loops (ip), then in the first loop we knit 
8 columns without a nakida (st. Bi.), We close in a circle with a semi-column. 
Next, sew the pupils to the squirrel. 
The eye is ready! 


1 row: 2 air loops (i.p.), then in the first loop we knit 
6 columns without single crochet (st.b.n.). 
2nd row: in each Art. previous row 2.B.N. = 12.B.B. 
3-4 row: knit in a circle without increments st.b.
5th row: * skip 1st ver. Bn, *, repeat from * to * 6 times = 6 stead. 
Spout ready! 

Assembling Crochet Crochet We 

sew the ears to the calf, then the legs and handles. Focus on the photo. 
Then sew eyes and nose. We make embroidery of the mouth and eyebrows and each handle with 2 stripes (claws). Embroider can be chain stitch. But embroidery does not always turn out to be neat, because I sometimes knit a strip of air loops (8 for a mouth, 2 for eyebrows), and then I sew each neatly. 

Source - 

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