
Knitting Doll Free Pattern

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Use the spokes 3mm, start knitting the details of the toy from the face row, unless indicated otherwise.

Body 1 Detail
The Body color dial 20 loops and knit facial smoothness of 2 rows.
Cl. Number: (Increment, 1 persons.) To the end-30 loops.
The third row, starting with the Iznanochnogo.
SL. Number of:(1 persons, increase of 1persons) to the end-40 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo.
Number: (1 persons, increase, 2 persons,) to the end-50 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo.
Cl. Number: (2 persons, increment, 2 persons) to the end-60 loops.
Change the thread to white and touch 11 rows.
We form a narrowing:
Cl. Series: (2persons, 2faces, 2 persons) to the end-50 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo. 
Number of: (2 persons, 2 together persons, 1 persons) to the end-40 loops.
One seamy a row.
SL Series: (1persons, 2persons together, 1 persons) to the end-30 loops.
One seamy a row.
CL Series: (1faces, 2 together front) to the end-20 loops.
One seamy a row.
SL Series: (2 together front) to the end-10 loops.
Leave the long end of the thread, tighten the loops, fasten. Do not break the thread, because it is useful for stitching the part.

Head and Neck 1 detail.
The body color to dial 13 loops for the main edge and the 12 rows of facial smoothness for the neck.
Forming the base of the head
The increment in each loop-26 loops.
One seamy a row.
Series: (increment, 1 front) to the end of the series-39 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo. 
Number: (1 persons, raise, 1 persons) to the end of the series-52 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo. 
Number: (1 persons, increment, 1 persons) to the end-65 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo. 
Number: (2 persons, increase, 2 persons) to the end-78 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo. 
SL Series: (2 persons, raise, 3 persons) to the end-91 loop.
One seamy a row.
SL Series: (3 Persons, raise, 3 persons) to the end-104 loops.
One seamy a row.
Forming the lower jaw
SL Number: 39 persons, (increase, 3 persons) 7 times, 37 persons.-111 loops.
One seamy a row.
Number: 40 persons, (raise, 4 persons) 7 times, 36 persons.-118 loops.
One seamy a row.
Shaping the corners of the mouth
Number: 74 persons., thread before work, remove the loop, thread at work, turn knitting.
A series: To remove a loop, 30 purl, a thread at work, to remove a loop not Provyazanna, a thread before work, to turn knitting.
SL Series: Remove the loop, 18 facial, thread before work, remove the loop, thread at work, turn knitting.
A series: To remove a loop, 6 purl, a thread at work, to remove a loop, a thread before work, to turn.
SL Series: Remove the loop, 12 facial, thread before work to remove the loop, thread at work turn.
A series: To remove a loop, 18 purl, a thread at work, to remove a loop, a thread before work, to turn.
Number: 30 Facial, thread before work, remove the loop, thread at work, turn.
A series: To remove a loop, 42 purl, a thread at work, to remove a loop, a thread before work, to turn.
A series: To remove a loop, obverse loops to touch all loops to the end of a row.
Range: All loops purl.
form the upper jaw.
SL Series: 40 Facial, (2persons together, 4 persons) 7 times, 36 facial-111 loops.
3 rows, starting with Iznanochnogo. 
SL Series: 40 Facial, (2persons together, 3 persons) 7 times, 36 facial-104 loops.
One row purl loops. 
SL Series: 39 Facial, (2persons together, 2 persons) 7 times, 37 facial-97 loops.
One row purl loops. 
SL Series: 39 Facial, (2 together persons, 1 persons) 7 times, 37 facial-90 loops.
7 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series. 
We form a narrowing of the head and crown.
SL Series: (2 persons, 2 persons together, 2 persons) to the end-75 loops.
5 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (2 persons, 2 persons together, 1 persons) to the end-60 loops.
There are three rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (1 persons, 2 persons together, 1 persons) to the end-45 loops.
1 Seamy row.
SL Series: (1 persons, 2 persons together) to the end-30 loops.
1 Seamy row.
SL Series: (2 persons together) to the end-15 loops.
Cut off the long end of the thread, tighten the loops and fasten.
That in the subsequent process of work it was easier to fill a doll's head,
I would advise loops not pull tightly, and leave on threads freely. Then the filler can be stuffed on top, not through a thin neck.
After the doll's head is stuffed tightly and worked out all the jaws, the thread can be tightened from above and fasten.

RUKI2 Details
Flesh Color dial 6 loops for the top edge and knit 2 rows.
Add 1 loop at the beginning of the next 6 rows = 12 loops.
Dial 2 loops at the beginning of the next 2 rows for armholes = 16 loops.
Knit 10 rows of front smooth.
SL Series: 1 Persons, (2 persons, 2face together, 1 persons) to the end of the series = 13 loops.
Knit 7 rows of front smooth.
SL Series: 1 persons, (1 persons, 2 together obverse, 1 persons) to the end of the series = 10 loops.
Knit 7 rows of front smooth.
Shaping the Palms
CL Series: (Increase, 2 persons, increase) 2 times 2 facial = 14 loops.
Dial 6 loops at the beginning of the trail. 2 rows for thumb = 26 loops.
Knit 2 rows.
Close by 4 loops at the beginning of the trail. 2 rows = 18 loops.
Knit 1 row.
Share Knitting for fingers 
Number: 2 persons, increase, (1 persons, increase) 2 times, 3 persons, increase, turn knitting and work only on these 15 loops.
Range: 6 purl, turn and knit only on these six loops.
* Knit 4 rows.
Loops to pull and fasten. *
Next finger:
Take 9 loops with the right spokes, attach the yarn, 1 person, raise, with the left spokes and knit only on these 12 loops.
Knit from * to *
Middle finger:
Take the 6 loops with the right spokes, attach the yarn, 1 faces, add the left spokes and knit only on these 9 loops.
Knit from * to *
Take 3 loops with the right spokes, attach the thread to the work, and touch the 3 remaining loops with the Left spokes = 6 loops.
5 rows of front smooth. Leave the long end of the thread, tighten the loops and fasten.
Legs 2 Details 
Flesh-colored yarn to collect 20 loops and knit 14 rows of facial smoothness.
Forming a leg
Close by 3 loops at the beginning of the trail. 2 rows = 14 loops.
Lower the 1 loop at the beginning and end of the trail. 4 rows = 6 loops.
Loops close.

Boot Top 
The yarn of white color dial 44 loops for the main (bottom) edge and knit 1 row of facial loops. 
Change the thread to red and, starting with the Iznanochnogo of the series Knit 5 Radov.
We form a narrowing:
SL row: 1 persons, (3 persons together) 2 times, 2 persons together, 26 persons, 2 persons together, (3 persons together) 2 times, 1 persons = 34 loops.
Range: 15 Purl, (2 out together) 2 times, 15 purl = 32 loops.
Close 6 loops at the beginning of the next 2 rows = 20 loops.
Loops close for top edge.

Shoe Sole 2 Details 
White yarn Dial 8 loops for the rear edge and knit 2 rows.
Add 1 loop at the beginning and the end of the track series.
Knitting 1 row of purl.
Repeat the last 2 rows 1 more times = 12 loops.
Get 10 rows of facial smoothness.
Lower the 1 loop at the beginning and end of the track series 
Get 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows 1 more times = 8 loops.
Loops close.

Socks 2 Details 
Yarn Yellow color Dial 22 loops and knit 6 rows.
Loops close.

2 piece shoe rim (lapel) 
Red yarn to dial 24 loops and to touch 6 rows of front smooth.
Loops close.

Sweater (front and back)
Blue Yarn to dial 28 loops for the bottom edge and knit 2 rows of facial smoothness.
SL Series: (3 Persons, raise, 3 persons) to the end = 32 loops.
13 rows of facial smoothness, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: 2 persons, (1 persons, 2 persons together, two persons) to the end = 26 loops.
Seamy row.
Close by 2 loops at the beginning of the trail of 2 rows for armholes = 22 loops.
Reduce to 1 loop at the beginning of the trail of 4 rows = 18 loops.
Knit 2 rows.
Share the hinges for the neck 
SL row: 6 faces, rotate, and knit only on these six loops.
SL row: 2 purl together, purl to end = 5 loops.
Knit 2 rows 
Close shoulder loops.
Attach the thread to the remaining 12 loops, close the first 6 loops, and knit the obverse to the end = 6 loops.
Range: 4 Purls, 2 together, = 5 loops.
Knit 2 rows.
Close the hinges for the second shoulder.
The backrest is knit similarly.

Sleeves 2 Parts 
Blue Yarn Dial 8 loops for top edge and knit 2 rows.
Add 1 loop at the beginning and the end of the track 6 rows. = 20 loops.
Dial 2 loops at the beginning of the trail of 2 rows = 24 loops.
Knit 4 rows of facial smoothness.
Number: (1 persons, increment, one persons) to the end = 32 loops.
Knit 7 rows of front smooth.
Change the color to red for the cuff.
SL Series: (2loops together faces) to the end = 16 loops.
Knit 1 row.
Close the loops with the rubber band.
Note: It is possible to use 2 rows of rubber before closing the hinges. This is not by the author, but from the experience of knitting this toy.

Gum (obwheelbarrow) of the neck 
Red Yarn Dial 26 loops 
Number: 2 persons, (1IZN, 1 persons) to the end of the series.
SL Series: 2, (1persons, 1n) to the end of the series.
Repeat the last two rows three more times.
Loops close.

Right leg:
In green color dial 50 loops for the bottom edge of the leg and knit 4 rows.
Dial 2 loops at the beginning of the track 2 series = 54 loops. *
Thread to cut, loops to transfer to an additional spoke.
The left leg is knit as the right
SL Series: 52 face, 2 loops together the front left leg, two loops together faces, 52 faces of the right leg (all loops on one spoke) = 106 loops.
Knitting 1 row of purl.
Shaping the Trousers 
CL Series: 1persons, (2 faces together front, 48 persons, 1 pellet to remove, trace of the people, and stretch the removed loop) 2 times, one person = 102 loops.
Seamy row.
Number: 1persons, (2 persons together obverse, 46 persons, 1 pellet to take off, a trace to projazit persons, and to stretch a removed loop) 2 times, one persons = 98 loops.
Seamy row.
Number: 1persons, (2 persons together obverse, 44 persons, 1 pellet to take off, a trace to projazit persons, and to stretch a removed loop) 2 times, one persons = 94 loops.
Seamy row.
SL Series: 4 Persons, (2 persons, 2persons together, 6 persons) to the end of the series = 85 loops.
Seamy row.
CL Series: 4 Persons, (2 persons, 2persons together, 5 persons) to the end of the series = 76 loops..
Seamy row.
Shaping the waist narrowing 
SL Series: 4 persons, (1 persons, 2 together persons, 1 persons) to the end of the series = 57 loops..
Seamy Series
Close loops for belt.


Red orange color Dial 104 loops for the main edge and knit 8 rows.
SL Series: (3 persons, 2 persons together, 3 persons) to the end of the series = 91 loop.
Knit 5 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (3 persons, 2 persons together, 2 persons) to the end of the series = 78 loops.
Knit 5 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (2 persons, 2 persons together, 2 persons) to the end of the series = 65 loops.
Knit 3 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (2 persons, 2 persons together, 1 persons) to the end of the series = 52 loops.
Knit 3 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (1 persons, 2 persons together, 1 persons) to the end of series = 39 loops.
Knit 3 rows, starting with the Iznanochnogo series.
SL Series: (1 persons, 2 persons together,) to the end of the series = 26 loops.
Knit 1 seamy row.
SL Series: (2 together persons,) to the end of the series = 13 loops.
Leave the long end of the sewing thread. Loops to pull and fasten.

Long Hair bundles (9 pieces)
Red-orange dial 20 loops. Loops close.
Medium bunches of hair (40 pieces)
Red Orange Dial 14 loops. Loops close.

Short hair bundles (24 pieces)
Red Orange dial 6 loops. Loops close.

Ears (2 parts)

The body color to collect 16 loops and knit 4 rows of facial smoothness.
A row: A raise in the first loop on the spoke, then having hooked 1-St Loop the first knitting together with the first to the end for formation of a bend.
SL series: 12IZNANOCHNYH, Thread at work, 1 loop to remove, thread before work, turn knitting.
SL Series: 1 loop to remove, 8 facial, thread before work, 1 loop to remove, thread at work, turn.
Range: 1 loop to remove, purl loops to reach the end of the range.
CL Series: 2 together persons to the end = 8 loops.
Tear off the long end of the thread, tighten the loops and fasten.

Nose (1 children)

In the Flesh color dial 4 loops and knit 5 rows of stocking viscous.
Loops close.

Eyeglasses rim

Blue-lilac color of 13 loops and knit 3 rows.

* After each color change, thread crossed that there were no holes-2iznan blue, 9 Izn white, 2 izn blue.
Number: 2 persons in blue, 9 persons white, 2 persons in blue.
Repeat the last 2 rows 4 more times. *
Change the thread only to blue-lilac and knit 6 rows for the front edge of the lens. The second part of the lens is knit from * to *
Then only blue-lilac knit 3 rows.
Close the hinges for the rear edge.

Nose for glasses 1 piece
Blue Lilac Dial 3 loops and knit 6 rows. Loops close.

Points for glasses 2 details 
Blue Lilac Dial 15 loops and knit 6 rows. Loops close.

Assembling the toy.
In this description I will give the assembly of the toy, taking into account all the nuances that I encountered during the manufacture. A kind of Mk.
The toy in the performance and assembly is quite difficult.
The author does not indicate, but I propose to make a wire frame in the body, arms and legs. According to the description of knitting the head turns out rather big in comparison with a trunk, hands and legs. It will be bad to hold without a skeleton. It is possible to use a tube from balloons, having cut it to the necessary length. The cocktail tubes are not suitable because they are bent quickly.
Well, let's begin to gather our beautiful boy. First we'll sew all the details of the toy. The back seam of a head, a trunk, lateral seams of hands, legs, a boot (to shoes to sew soles), shorts. The details of the sweater sew together, sew sleeves. I seams at large and middle details suggest to sew not a mattress seam on the right side, and usual through the edge on the left side. In my opinion the toy looks neater. In the shoes I put the cardboard tracks on the size of the soles. It is better to stick the tracks to clearly fix the shape of the shoe. So the toy is better worth it. On the handles carefully sew all the fingers. Then densely all fill with a filler. Fingers stuffed with thin tweezers. Watch carefully that the toy was tightly packed, but at the same time did not stretch and did not distort the shape. Then we attach the boots to the legs and then we wear socks and lapel shoes. The legs are nailed to the torso. At this stage I inserted a wire frame into my legs. Now stuffed hands sewn to the torso, Prevorno outlined their pins, and also frame. Now dress up our boy, otherwise we will not wear a sweater through the head. Sweater and shorts I recommend a little steaming. Now the prepared head is pressed. It is possible to form jaws on a picture at once. I had a face when my head was sewn into place. In the neck will insert a skeleton so that it passed with the big reserve in a trunk. At this point I will dwell on-more. This is a key point in assembling the toy and depends on it how the boy will keep his head. I took a tube from the balloon, cut two identical lines, wrapped them with scotch, slightly wrapped in a synth, buttered the top end of the tube with glue, inserted into the head so that the head glued to the pipes and did not swirl. The same thing I did with the bottom end, which was inserted into the torso. When the glue dries the head to the torso. We look at a place and if it is necessary to add a filler, straighten a neck and all align. The head at such fastening keeps firmly. So, our handsome man is already standing. Now the ears are nailed.
The next time-consuming stage-is to do the hairstyle. First try and attach the wig, focusing on the picture. Then we have a strict one and we have hair, alternating between long, medium and thin. Now it is possible to sew a spout, preliminary having collected it in a ball and having filled in filler.
It remains to make points. First sew each lens, leaving the side seam open. There we will insert a piece of cardboard to the lens was the right square shape. After the cardboard is inserted sew stitch. We got two squares. We stick between our square bridge. Now on the sides of the tie the glasses. On the lenses embroider eyes, focusing on the picture. Try the glasses on our boy and fix the stitches. All!!!!!! Our Boy is ready! A huge thank you to the Genius designer Alan Dartu for the opportunity to link such a miracle. His toys are unique and unique. I wish you, Dear Masters, to have fun with the work of the genius master of toys from the UK!


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