

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

As far as knitting we stuff a toy with filler. 

Legs (2 parts), torso, head (knit together) 
1.6 sbn in a ring amigurumi 
2. (increase) x 6 (12 sbn) 
3. (1 sbn, prib) x 6 (18 sbn) 
4. (prib, 8 sbn ) x 2 (20 sbn) 
5-13. 20 sbn (the second leg is knitted in the same way, connected with the first, after connecting everything it turns out 40 sbn) 
We start the body 
14. 40 sbn 
15. 12 sbn, kill, 15 sbn, kill, 9 sbn (38 mix) 
16. 11 sbn, kill, 15 UBU, UB, 8 UBN (36 UBN) 
17. 8 UBN, UB, 15 UBN, UB, 9 UBN (34 UBN) 
18. 8 UBN, UB, 14 UBN, UB, 8 UBN (32 UBN) 
19. 8 UBN, UB, 13 UBN, UB, 7 UBN, (30 UBN) 
20. 8 UBN, UB, 13 UBN, UB, 5 UBN (28 UBN) 
21. 7 UBN, UB, 11 UBN, UB, 6Bs (26 UHF)
22. 7 UBN, UB, 10 UBN, UB, 5 UBN (24 UBN) 
23. 6 UBN, Ub, 9 UbN, Ub, 5 UbN (22 UB) 
24. 6 UbN, Ub, 8 UbH, Ub, 4 UbN (20 UBN) 
25. 5 UBN, UB, 7 UBN, UB, 4 UBN (18 UBN) 
Getting the head 
26. (2 UBN, Prib) x 6 (24 UBN) 
27. (3 Ubn, prib) x 6 (30 UHF) 
28. (4 UBN, Prib) x 6 (36 UBN) 
29. (5 UBN, Prib) x 6 (42 UBN) 
30. (6 Ubn, Prib) x 6 (48 UBN) 
31. (7 UBN, prib) x 6 (54 sbn) 
32. (8 sbn, prib) x 6 (60 sbn) 
33. (9 sbn, prib) x 6 (66 sbn) 
34-44. 66 UBN 
45. (9 UBN, UB) x 6 (60 UBN) 
46. ​​(8 UBN, UB) x 6 (54 UBN) 
47. (7 UbN, UB) x 6 (48 UBN) 
48. (6 UBN, ass) 6 (42 sbn) 
49. (5 sbn, sb) x 6 (36 sbn) 
50. (4 sbn, ub) x 6 (30 sbn)
51. (3 Ubn, Ub) x 6 (24 Ubn) 
52. (2 Ubn, ub) x 6 (18 Ubn) 
53. (1 ub, ub) x 6 (12 Ubn) 
54. (killed) x 6 ( 6 sbn) Tighten the 
hole, fasten and cut the thread. 

Hands (2 parts) 
1.6 kn in a ring 
2. Pin x 6 (12) 
3. (1 bund, appr) x 6 (18) 
4-7. 18 sat 
8. (1 sat, ub) x 6 (12) 
9-14. 12 sat 
15. ( killed ) x 6 (6 sat) 
Close the loop, sew handles. 

It turned out naked little body. Knit for baby doll cap, pants or dress. (knitting or crocheting). You can take a description of any children's hats, blouses. Once put on a hat, sew eyes.

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