
Knitting Red Beanie Free Pattern

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Complexity: Medium
Working time: 1 day
Materials: yarn, circular spokes, hosiery spokes, markers, additional spokes

1. Dial the circular spokes № 3 112, 128 or 144 loops (for caps on og = 56-58 cm). You can change the number of loops in increments of 16 pet. It depends on your knitting density and the size of your future hat!

What is it related to? If you look at the top of the head, you will see 4 decorative tracks, next to which are made. One track consists of [2 persons., 2 persons.] = 6 loops. That is to 4 tracks we need 24 loops. For symmetry of the picture it is necessary that the number of rapports in each of 4 sectors was "half-hearted". For example 5.5 or 7.5... Then the sector between the tracks in 6 loops will start and end with 2 purl. We will count: 6.5 rapports on 4 loops (for a gum 2 * 2) = 26 loops. Such sectors 4 means only 26 * 4 = 104 loops. Add to them loops of tracks (24) and will turn 128 loops.

2. Tie the cap of the desired length to the top of the crown:

3. Divide the loops into 4 parts with the help of the spoke spokes:

Do not forget to mark the beginning of the circular series, and take an extra spoke!

Knit the first circular row, reach the central track of 6 loops [2 persons., 2 persons.], 2 loops in front of the track shoot on the additional spokes and start to work.

Now we need to close these two loops with two front tracks with a tilt to the right. For this purpose it is necessary to pass in pairs loops with the basic spokes and with the additional spokes.

As a result, two loops facing to the right of the track are reduced for one reception. The track as though overlaps with the right obverse loops the previous two loops.

Then 2 Purls-the central loops of the track, according to the figure.

And now two left obverse loops of a track overlap following it loops. To do this, remove the extra spoke 2 facial and place them before work. Bring in pairs loops with additional spokes and basic. You got rid of two more loops! If you don't understand what I'm talking about, look at the photo of the crown again.

Such manipulations repeat before and after each track (we have 4 pieces, each with 6 loops).

The next circular row is knit on the drawing, i.e. over each front-face, over each reverse-wrong.

Repeat the loop by looping through the series. Watch the slope of the loop tracks!

When the spokes will only track 6 loops + tracks of 2 purl, between them shorten the loops like this:

1 row: Bring all Purls loops to 2 together (28 loops will remain on the spokes)

2nd row: On the figure

3 row: All combinations of loops [1 persons., 1., 1 person.] Stick together the front (on the spokes will remain 12 loops)

4 row: by drawing.

Push all loops on 2 together, and the remaining stretch a strong cotton thread.

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