
Crochet Placemat Free Pattern

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The set consists of napkins "Popolche" and "Pomen- Dimensions of the first: indiameter-20 cm, their diameter Dense Midway-12 cm, the dimensions of the second relevant- 16 and 8 cm. 
Difficulty Level: Mould 
Materials :
Yarn ann1b from Sesame (10096 Egyptian Merserizo- Cotton, 100 g 530 m, color pink #1072). 
Yarn for Bourdon: Thick thread for Midway (i Used white wool mixture 100, 120 m) and Sports yarn for leaves (white cotton). 
Consumption: approx. 28 g of basic yarn per one SAL- Fetku of a larger size. 
Tools and other Hook 1.0 mm, needle. English pins-7 pieces. 
All elements are knit separately, And then joined. 
Be affected 
Knit on thick Burdon (thread is not 
And do not tear away from the Hank), all 
Loops for both half loops: 
1 row: B Groan, roll in ring, tast in 
O, ' n, pull the ring so that the hole 
In the center has become minimal. 
2 row: Mark the beginning of the series. Spiral-knit (not 
Connect the beginning and end of the series): in each 
At the same time, add 5 p. 
The additional groan in the same loop. If the 
You other number of loops of the 1st row: in the 2nd row 
The number, slightly less than twice 60- 
The number of hinges of the initial row, with the 
The increase in the further will begin to appear 
Next row: Move the start marker of the series 
Evenly add the same number of loops that 
And in the 2nd row. 
Repeat the last row until the diameter of the work is 
Be 12 cm for larger wipes or 8 cm for 
Less. Make sure that the result is: if the 
are still there, it is necessary to reduce the 
Of the added loops if the edges are bent 
Increase. In these cases, do not be lazy 
Several rows. 
Blocking and testing would solve the problem of 
edges, but with the waves may not be able to 
So when the detail has reached the final size, the 
Knit to the marker of the beginning of the row, set aside the Burdon for 
Work and lay 34 a groan, then 2-3 p/st_ 
Zhte and fasten the thread. 
Guided by the enclosed master classes, the 
7 Roses and 7 leaves of rose for more napkins 
or 5 "K" for less.

Approximate temporary Costs: 
Big be affected-H, 
1 Rose-25-40 min, 
1 Leaf Rose-20-30 min, 
Assembly-2.5 hours 
Bottom line: Maximum 14 h on a large napkin, 
10 h for a small. 
Count the number of loops of the last row 
Your Midway. Divide this number by 7 or 5 
Depending on the size of the napkin. When specified- 
In master classes The final dimensions of the 
One combination rose + sheet will occupy 
24-26 loops along the circumference of the Midway. El 
The cops must stand up to each other, 
So more than 28 p. I definitely don't 
Recommend. Mark the pins of the Sector.

Step 1: Attach all the elements. 
Attach the thread to the middle immediately behind 
Pin. • 2 v-P., St. O,/n at the Rose, 
2 v., art. From the 3rd loop midway from 
Place of accession. Check the 
With the Rozoe-it should not be twisted 
Changeover! 2 V_p_, moan in the next at the Rose, 
2 v. P_ in the 3rd loop from the previous one 
4 arches to 5 v. P_ (if the distance of the Memu- 
Not equal to 24, you need to cook the 
Distance between the arches); 2, in 
The last third of the stalk of the rose leaf with the east. Laws 
Thread ard; 2 p., p! St in the base of the stalk, groan 
In the ARD following Rose, finish at the loop with 
Next time Marker repeat 
From the following of the Rose arch until the 
All the elements. Trim the thread. 
2 Step: Needle Sew bottom right leaf-to 
Following from the edge of the left attached arch 
Roses, the top of a leaf-to a following arch, 
Bottom of the leaf-through one from the Crainei 
The right attached arch of the next rose. When 
So that the fastening can be moved. 

W Step: • Attach the thread to the extreme left attachment 
Rose Arch (behind the Middle loop), 2 v_p_, groan 
To the next arch of the Midway, still C arch to 5 v_p_, 
2 in., rotation, St_b/N in the first third of the skull of the fox- 
The first pair of foxes, the gist of the 
2 v. From the nearest arch earlier- 
The second row, 2 V_p_, gist in the lower right leaf, 
End of Hell ", 2 V_p_, p/s of the same leaflet, law- 
To the arch, 2v_p_, groan in the ARD roses with fastening 
This leaf. Clip and trim the thread. • 
Repeat for each rose. 
Hide and trim the ends. 

Bonus Picture Here :

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