

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Author Bormotina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, teacher of additional education, Central Children's Hospital # 4, Ivanovo.

I am engaged in crochet with children for 8 years
For knitting you will need:
White “Iris” 
Hook 1.25 mm 
Satin ribbon 
Wand of tree 
Beads black 
Nozzles from foam 

1 row: dial 2 in and knit 6 knobs into the second loop from the hook [6]. 
2 row: (increase) x 6 times [12]. 
3 row: (1 sbn, increase) x 6 times [18]. 
4 row: (2 sbn, increase) x 6 times [24]. 
5 row: (11 sbn, increase) x 2 times [26]. 
6-10 rows: Bib in a circle [26]. 
11th row: 7 sat, (1 sat, increment) x 6 times, 7 sat [32]. 
12 row: Bis in a circle [32]. 
13 row: 7 UbN, (2 Ubn, increase) x 6 times, 7 Ub [38]. 
14-19 rows: circle by circle [38].
20 row: 7 UFN, (4 UBN, Slow) x 4 times, 7 Ub [34]. 
21-22 rows: circle by loop [34]. 
23 row: 13 sbn, sly, 4 sbn, sly, 13 sbn [32]. 
24 row: Bis in a circle [32]. 
25 row: 7 UFN, (1 UBN, subtraction) x 6 times, 7 Ubns [26]. 
26 row: 7 sbn, (2 sbn, decrease) x 3 times, 6 sbn, decrease (we capture the first loop of the next row, but it is no longer taken into account) [22]. 
27 row: 1 sbn, (3 sbn, decrease) x 4 times, 1 sbn [18]. To fill with filler, to form the body. Keep your head well filled. The breast should bulge forward. 
28 row: (1 sbn, decrease) x 6 times [12]. Add filler. 
29-34 rows: circle by circle [12]. 
35 row: (3 sbn, increase) x 3 times [15]. 
36-37 rows: cbc in a circle [15].
38 row: (4 sbn, increase) x 3 times [18]. 
39-41 Rows: Sbn in a circle [18]. 

Stuff a little tail (if desired). Fold the tip in half (as you like) and knit both halves together with the help of UBN. Fasten the thread and hide it in the middle of the pigeon with a needle.

Dove fit in the same pattern, but the hook is 0.1-0.2 less than the one with which you knit a dove. You can also knit with one crochet, but the little dove - a little more dense. 

Wing (2 parts)
Dial a chain of 6 VP. 

1 row: 4 sbn, starting with the second from the hook loop, 5 sbn to the last (5 in 1!). Turn knitting clockwise and knit on the back of the chain - 4 sbn, and another 1 sbn knit not in a loop, but on a thread that is the beginning of knitting so that the tip of the wing is sharp. If you can not find it - then 2 sbn in the last loop of the first row [14]. 

2 row: 2 sbn, 1 psn, 2 ssn, 3 increases ssn, 2 ssn, 1 psn, 2 ssn. 

3 row:we make a pattern - 2 sbn, 3 vp, 2 sbn, 3 vp ... and to the end of the row. For the wings of the dove, I used pico - 2 sbn, pico (3 wp and ss in the first loop of this chain), 2 sbn, pico, etc. In the last loop of the row, which is the tip of the wing we knit - 1 sbn, 1 psn, 2 ssn, 1 sv, 2 ssn, 1 pns, ss in the first loop of the next row. Fasten, hide the thread, cut. It is possible to tie up simply sbn, and glue white lace on the top of the wing.
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