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Booties in pink colors - for girls, and in blue can be for a boy. 
Foot length:  9 (10) cm
 To knit booties, sneakers, you will need: 

25 g of dark pink and cream yarn or 25 g of light blue and white Schachenmayr Original Baby Wool yarn (100% wool, 25 g / 85 m); Spokes No 3;
stocking needles No 3;
hook No 2,5;
pink braid 25 cm long and 1 cm wide
Shawl : persons. and izn. R. - persons. P.; in circular rows knit alternately in 1 circle. R. individuals. and izn. 
Persons smooth surface:  individuals. R. - persons. n., izn. R. - izn. P.; in circular rows knit only persons. p.

Intarsia technique:  knit persons. satin stitch. When changing colors cross threads on the inside. side so that there are no holes. 

The density of knitting:  Pers. smooth surface: 28 p. and 36 p. = 10 x 10 cm

How to knit booties-shoes with knitting needles

Start knitting from the top. Dark pink or light blue thread dial 38 (42) p. And knit persons. stitch, starting from the 1st of. p., 13 (15) p., then in persons. R. knit for the right side on the first 6-7 points of the upper part, the next 26-28 points for the heel and the last 6-7 points for the left side to postpone. 
After 8 (10) p. these 6 (7) n. postpone. 

Tie up individuals. Satin 8 (10) p. on the last 6 (7) left sides, then convert 6 (7) paragraphs of both upper parts to 1 knitting needle and knit faces. Satin 8 (10) p. on these 12 (14) points for the toe, starting with the 1st persons. R. 
Then tie another 2 p. cream or white thread. 

Then knit 12 (14) n. Toe with a cream or white thread, then a dark pink or light blue thread dial 14 (15) n. On the side of the left side of the top, knit faces. deferred 26 (28) n. heels, dial 14 (15) n. on the side of the right edge = 66 (72) n. Dark pink or light blue thread to knit persons. Sat 3 more p. in the technique of intarsia on 54 (56) n. and cream or white thread on 12 (14) n. toe. 

Then mark 12-14 p. Toe and knit 4 more circle. R. individuals. stitch cream or white thread in all 66 (72) p. 

For the sole, knit on the 12 (14) marked paras., Postpone the remaining 27 (29) subsections of the other side. At the end of each persons. R. to knit the last n. of the foot with the next delayed n. together of the faces., turn, remove 1 n. as izn., in each izn. R. knit last paragraph. soles deferred n. together persons., turn, remove 1 n. as the PHI., to continue until such time until there are 12 (14) Deferred p. 

knit stitch  to stitch n. soles. 

For uvula last r. under the open center of the front from the inside with a dark pink or light blue thread, dial 10 points and knit persons. Satin 24 p., then perform the decrease: at the beginning of the river. remove the chrome. as individuals., 1 persons. and stretch it through the filmed p .; last 2 n. knit together persons. Close the last 6 p.  

Run a short  seam in the center of the front. 

A second knit knit as well. Tie 

pink booties in “ stride step ” ( st. B / n  from left to right) along the top edge, make a 1.5 cm long loop from the webbing and sew in the center from the back to the top edge. 

Crochet a 30 cm long string for each bootie and complete the lacing.

Knitting booties sneakers ready!

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