
Amigurumi Lazy Cat Free Pattern

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This master class is divided into two parts-the scheme of the cat and the creation of a suit for her.

Materials and tools:

Yarn Acrylic Grey and white
Eyes with safe fastening
Floss for muzzle Embroidery
Beads of different colors
Fishing line and needle for beads
Scissors, needles, hook № 1.7


1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 6 loops (6)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (24)

5th row: (3 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (30)

6th row: (4 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (36)

7-th row: (5 prs, 1p) * 6 times (42)

8th – 12th series: (42 PRS) (42)

13th row: (5 prs, 1u) * 6 times (36)

14th row: (4 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (30)

15-th row: (3 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (24)

16-th row: (2 prs, 1u) * 6 times (18)

17th row: (1 prs, 1u) * 6 times (12)


1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 6 loops (6)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (24)

5th row: (3 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (30)

6th row: (4 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (36)

7-th row: (5 prs, 1p) * 6 times (42)

8th – 10th Series: (42 PRS) (42)

11th row: (5 prs, 1u) * 6 times (36)

12th – 13th Series: (36 PRS) (36)

14th row: (4 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (30)

15th – 16th Series: (30 PRS) (30)

17th row: (3 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (24)

18th – 19th series: (24 PRS) (24)

20-th row: (2 prs, 1u) * 6 times (18)

21st – 22nd Series: (18 PRS) (18)

23rd row: (1 prs, 1u) * 6 times (12)

Due to alternation of rows with ubavkami and rows without decreases the body of the cat is elongated, teardrop.


1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 6 loops (6)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th – 7th Series: (18 PRS) (18)

8-th row: (4 PRS, 1u) * 3 times (15)

9th – 11th Series: (15 PRS) (15)

12th row: (3 PRS, 1u) * 3 times (12)

13th – 18th Series: (12 PRS) (12)

Lower Paws:

1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 6 loops (6)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th – 9th Series: (18 PRS) (18)

10th row: (1 prs, 1u) * 6 times (12)

Upper Paws:

1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 5 loops (5)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (10)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 5 times (15)

4th – 7th Series: (15 PRS) (15)

8-th row: (1 prs, 1u) * 5 times (10)

9th – 13th Series: (10 prs) (10)


1st row: Ring Amigurumi, Dial 4 loops (4)

2nd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 2 times (6)

3-nd row: (2 PRS, 1p) * 2 times (8)

4-th row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 4 times (12)

5th row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

6th row: (18 PRS) (18)

All parts are connected, it's time to start assembling. We fasten the eyes (if they have a safe fastening), beat all the details and sew, embroider threads floss muzzle and paws.


For weaving of a collar and a belt of a skirt I used identical principles of weaving, I will show them on a picture from a book on beadwork:

In the figure, the beads through which the chain is connected are shown in blue. That is, first we dial one connecting bead (it is better, if it will be with a wide aperture), one usual bead, one more connecting, two usual, one connecting, one usual, and all it is closed in a loop as it is shown in the picture. Then we dial on a line two usual beads, one connecting and one usual, and we put a needle in the third connecting bead, and tighten a loop. The difference between a collar and a belt of a skirt is that in a collar the more usual beads is used, on edges of a chain not on two, and on three beads, and in the middle on two instead of one. By adding and subtracting the number of ordinary beads, you can adjust the overall width of the chain.

I bldg the collar right on the toy, it's not removable. After the collar was finished, the suspension came.

Belt skirt on the bottom edge strapped sequence 2 prs in one beaded loop, 4 PRSs in the next, and so on.

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